The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 892: Preparation before moving

Looking at the repairing medic drawings that General Anode gave him, Mo Xie knew that this time the project was another big project, and there were many materials and funds spent.

But he also understood that this project was indispensable. Although the reward would not be available for a while, it still belonged to him, unless the Protoss won the battle.

"Young man, this general is here waiting for your good news." The anode general led everyone along the way, standing at a gap in the wall on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the mountains and valleys.

"Don't worry, General, my God Realm Town can be established, not to mention a military camp. I will send someone to start repairing the military camp tomorrow. If you have nothing else, let's leave first." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Go and work for you, this general will also start to send people to watch the situation of the orc Tibetan soldiers. Once they are abnormal, you will need your assistance at that time." General Yang said.

"This is necessary. As long as there is any difficulty, Lord General just give instructions. I will leave Bing'er here. If you have any trouble, you can ask her to contact me directly." Mo Xie smiled and called the Dragon Girl and asked her to stay temporarily. Here.

After arranging things, Mo Xie took out the return to the city scroll and directly returned to God Realm Town after using it.

Having just appeared in God Realm Town, he immediately used the private chat function to tell Mo Xiaolang in detail about what happened just now and the new tasks he received.

"Good thing, let's not worry about the money spent, if we help the empire repair the barracks, this is a great achievement! Maybe after the holy princess comes on stage, we can also look at our God Realm League with admiration." Mo Xiaolang was excited. Said.

"I think so too, so I just decided without discussing it with you." Mo Xie smiled.

"This kind of thing does not need to be discussed with us. This is your exclusive task. The biggest backing of our alliance now is the relationship between you and you. If you can maintain this relationship, it will be more effective than any investment. Arrived." Mo Xiaolang nodded with a smile.

"Well, what are you doing now?" Mo Xie asked.

"I'm leading people on alliance missions, and I will go to leveling later tonight." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Then who should give the command to repair the barracks?" Mo Xie asked.

"Xiao Yuan has been busy with the base transformation during this period. The level has fallen a lot. Don't leave it to him. Let him come back and upgrade his level with peace of mind. Now our commanders need to quickly upgrade their level and repair the barracks. Just leave the task to Brother Zhao and the others." Mo Xiaolang said with a deep voice.

"Okay, then I'll say hello to Brother Zhao, and I will start to repair the barracks tomorrow." Mo Xie nodded.

In fact, he just thinks so. Combat commanders must step up their ranks, otherwise, once the battle starts, it will be very troublesome because a certain commander cannot participate because of insufficient rank.

Brother Zhao and the others happened to be life occupations, and they didn't have a strong pursuit of level. Unless they were to follow the skill progress to reach the level requirements, they would follow the level appropriately.

What's more, the unfinished setting is very interesting. In fact, there is no need to fight monsters in life and occupation. In the process of making props and collecting resources, you can also obtain some experience points, but it is not as fast as special leveling and tasking.

In other words, if a player is leveling every day, if he can reach level 30 for ten days, he is also a living player, no need to fight monsters or tasks, just carry a bamboo basket with a **** to mine, and after 10 consecutive days of mining, He can also be upgraded to level 26.

The higher the level, the lower the experience ratio of collection and production.

Ending the conversation with Mo Xiaolang, Mo Xie immediately sent a private chat application to Brother Zhao.

"Mo Da, I heard that you are going to move here tomorrow, what's the order?" Brother Zhao thought it was the move tomorrow, so he asked with a smile.

"It's not about the relocation tomorrow. I have a project to be handed over to you. This project is very critical." Mo Xie said sternly.

"What big project?" Brother Zhao asked in surprise.

"It's like this..." General Moxie told Brother Zhao about the restoration of the barracks...

"No, such a big thing! Great, thank you so much, you trust us so much, I really don't know what to say." Zhao Ge said excitedly.

For them, life professional players, entrusting such a big project to them is equivalent to giving them a chance to level up and spend money...

You must know that leveling in life and profession is very difficult. The higher the proficiency of skills, the greater the level of proficiency, or the higher level of engineering to continue to improve. It is already very difficult to rely on continuous mining.

Of course, the quality of the ore plays a big role. The higher the quality of the ore, the more proficiency you will get.

Then there is this kind of large-scale construction project that needs to be jointly completed by multiple occupations, and this kind of construction project is based on the scale of the building to judge the proficiency. For the living players, it is A task that keeps leveling up.

"I will send you the restoration drawings first, and how much money will be needed at that time, I will also ask sister Yu to transfer it for you. You can gather people with peace of mind and prepare to repair the barracks from tomorrow. One month or the like It is guaranteed to be completed in accordance with the requirements." Moxie said.

"Okay, I will study the drawings first, and discuss it when you move over tomorrow." Zhao Ge said excitedly.

"That's it. When we move in tomorrow, we will be a family from now on." Mo Xie smiled.

After finishing the private chat, he immediately used the mailbox function to send the camp restoration drawings to the other party...

Seeing the sky, it was already dark. Originally, he planned to visit the Imperial City of Evernight. He took some tasks first, but he thought of moving tomorrow, so he temporarily suppressed the idea and waited until after moving. Fully carry on the task.

Calling out the mount, Mo Xie rushed out of the city, planning to level up in the desert palace for the rest of the night.

At this time, all the players of the God Realm League were divided into two parts. Some players continued to level up in the underground palace to improve their strength, and some players went to fight monsters around God Realm Town to help the alliance quickly accumulate and upgrade merits.

The commander team is also divided into three parts, one for leveling, one for tasks, and one for recruiting new members.

Today's God Realm League, by virtue of its reputation after the battle with the Orc Legion, is very attractive among ordinary players. Coupled with the existence of God Realm Town, the current God Realm League is supported by countless players every day. Commanders must choose suitable candidates to join the outlying army from the countless registered players.

Then they have to select some very good players from the outer legions, and add them to the regular legions.

Mo Xiaolang had to select some other guild's eye liners from the regular army to guard against, and he had to choose players with outstanding strength to enter the elite army.

The operation of an alliance is very complicated, and these situations were never thought of by Mo Xie before.

Fortunately, he had the help of Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan, as well as Mo Xiaoyu's position as the chief financial officer, so that the entire army slowly got on track...

But there is better news. As Mo Xiaolang develops more and more prosperous in the God Realm League, some of his old men, that is, some professional management players, have begun to contact him actively, hoping to Continue to develop with the old leader.

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