The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 899: Welfare activities

Quickly rushing through the vast empty city, countless magnificent buildings were left behind by Mo Xie, his current position is getting closer and closer to the General Zhen Guo's mansion.

You know, this time, he was the first player to reach level 50 to start the official main mission.

However, Mo Xie remembered clearly that he was the first player to start a level 50 mission in the entire region.

The system once promised that as long as he enters the imperial city and officially opens the main mission story, a welfare activity that is officially rewarded to Sunset City will also start immediately.

In terms of time, as long as he has a conversation with the city lord of the imperial city today, the welfare activities will also be announced directly on the official website at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

But the players have no way of knowing what kind of welfare activity it is...

He quickly rushed across a cross street, and in the middle of the street ahead, a large and tall building group appeared in front of him.

General Zhen Guo Mansion is no stranger to all players in the Sun Empire.

After leaving the Novice Village, everyone must come here for a short stay, and then choose the next main city location.

Quickly rushed to the steps at the gate of the General's Mansion, jumped off the mount, and Mo Xie strode into the gate between the two neat and mighty rows of golden armored soldiers.

Entering the door is a huge martial arts square, where it can accommodate tens of thousands of soldiers.

Passing through the wide square, Mo Xie strode towards the general high platform opposite, and saw a tall and heavily armored general standing in the center of the high platform surrounded by two rows of majestic soldiers.

Looking at the dazzling armor on him, the mighty black cloak, and the bright red antelope standing on the heavy helmet above his head, the image of the town general is even more majestic and taller.

Mo Xie stood in front of General Zhen Guo and immediately exhaled the package, took out the letter and the general token from it, and then opened the dialogue plot...

"Dear General Zhenguo, I am under the order of General Yanghui of Sunset City to come to the imperial city to meet the Lord General." Mo Xie handed the token with both hands and said respectfully.


As the props in his hand turned into a light group, the moment he flew into the body of General Zhen Guo, the mission story officially started.

"At the beginning, this general asked you to choose the front-line main city for experience. It seems that the effect is good. You have grown into a qualified imperial warrior. After General Yanghui's identification, you can now formally join the imperial royal legion to defend our empire. The dignity of the royal family, are you ready?" The town general asked with a smile.

"Enlighten General, I am ready to sprinkle my blood for the imperial royal family at any time to defend the majesty of the human royal power!" Mo Xie nodded respectfully.

"Very well, from now on, this general will give you the title of elite soldier of the Imperial Royal Legion. From now on, you can enjoy the glory of the elite soldier of the Empire. As long as you continue to serve the empire and build meritorious services, you can move upwards step by step, and one day become General, it’s not impossible, so work hard."

General Zhen Guo smiled slightly, waved his big hand, and a golden light flew in front of Mo Xie...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you successfully opened the main storyline, activated the Imperial Merit System, and you have become an empire soldier!

As the clear system prompt sounded, Mo Xie's chest flashed with golden light, and an octagonal pure gold medal gleamed...

Looking at the extra golden medal on his chest, he curiously chose to check...

Royal Legion: Elite Soldier

Health: 50

Note: You formally become an empire's elite soldier through the experience of Sunset City. You can receive missions through the Zhen Guo General Mansion Meritorious Monument to improve your official position.

It's not easy. You can only become a good soldier of the empire until you reach level 50.

"Soldiers are not sad, you have officially become a member of the Royal Legion. As the first player to pass the experience, you can help Sunset City choose a welfare activity. Remember, each welfare activity lasts for only one day. Termination." General Zhen Guo said with a smile.


Mo Xie's eyes shined with golden light, and a golden interface popped out again. The four options above represented the content of the four welfare activities.

One: Daguai violence red envelope activity. The difficulty is two stars and the reward is simple.

Two: Capture the assassin. Three-star difficulty, average reward.

Three: Treasure hunt in the wild. Four-star difficulty, medium reward.

Four: Monsters attack the main city. Five-star difficulty, great reward.

Note: As the first player's main city welfare activity to reach level 50, once you choose, other main cities can only choose the other three activities.

The names of the four activity options appeared on Mo Xie's eyeliner, and now he understood that it turned out that this special welfare activity was actually determined by him in the end.

Looking at the introduction of the system, these four activities represent four different levels of difficulty. The more difficult the activity, the higher the reward.

However, the system did not clearly state the content of the activity. If you choose an activity that cannot be completed, it will be miserable...

But no matter what, the system has already said very clearly that the first player to reach level 50 can start a special welfare event in his main city, and all the players in the main city can participate.

Only three days after the activities in this main city are over, other main cities have the opportunity to start welfare activities.

Moreover, for other activities in the main city, Moye chose the remaining three options.

In this case, there is no need to consider it. You must choose the five-star difficulty monster to attack the main city activity, so that the entire Sunset City players can get the highest level of reward.

In this way, players in other main cities cannot choose this event.

Mo Xie immediately pressed his finger on the fourth option and directly selected OK, hoping to see the system description of this activity.

What disappointed him was that the selection was successful and the golden interface disappeared, but no activity instructions appeared.

"Very well, you have selected the event that will start tomorrow at 8:30 am on behalf of your sunset city. The system announcement will start in ten minutes. For the specific event content, you can check the official website news at 8 tomorrow." The general said with a smile.

"Understood, thank you Master General." Mo Xie said.

"Okay, you are now an elite soldier of the empire. Now you can go to Lord Meritorious Changshi to see if there is a suitable mission for you. If you want to continue to upgrade your official position, you can only rely on the faction to fight the enemy bravely The mission on the merit monument obtains the upgraded merit value." The general Zhen Guo waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

But Mo Xie knew that his mission had not been completed. This time he came to the imperial city to find General Zhen Guo, and there are more important mission clues to open.

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