The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 918: The enemy's plan

Looking at this situation, Mo Xie subconsciously felt that the situation seemed extremely bad.

The enemy quietly sneaked into the Sun Empire and secretly built the altar. What conspiracy is they secretly conducting?

There were countless silver stones stacked in a mess around the altar. After Mo Xie's investigation, they were all ordinary stones, and there was nothing special about them.

And among these stones, Mo Xie suddenly found a piece of yellow paper, a corner of which was exposed from the pile of stones, and it was hard to find without paying attention.

He squatted down quickly and stretched out his hand to pick up the yellow piece of paper from the ground. Unexpectedly, he pulled it, but he couldn't pick it up yet. It seemed that there was more paper, which was firmly held down by the stones.

This discovery immediately surprised Mo Xie. He hurriedly moved his hands to move away the rocks one by one, and a piece of yellowed paper really appeared, and it was still overlapped, a large drawing...

There was such a discovery, which surprised Mo Xie.

He understands that this is a mission clue left deliberately by the system, just like teleporting crystals and damaged energy stones.

However, teleporting crystals are still good. As long as they have energy supplements, they can be used again. This is equivalent to an extra reward for players in this mission. However, this reward seems to be related to players' future major tasks.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don't be sad, you successfully found the altar drawing, the completion of this mission is 50!

As Mo Xie dug out this yellow paper from the pile of rocks in surprise, and then took it in his hand, the system prompt sounded immediately.

No way, such a big discovery, the task completion rate is only 50?

Mo Xie was speechless. Even if he completed 50, he still failed the mission from the system's point of view, and he would still be punished.

Let's take a look at what this altar drawing is.

Mo Xie slowly opened the yellowed paper in his hand, and a construction drawing was displayed before his eyes...

A huge high platform was drawn impressively on the drawing, which looked like a fortress.

The high platform has three steps from the left, the middle and the right. At the top of the steps is a wide square altar with a circle drawn in the middle. The font standard is...transport position!

Let me go, this is a huge teleportation altar!

Looking at the font standard on the drawing, the circle in the middle of the altar is where the teleporting crystal is placed. This altar can expand the function of the teleporting crystal several times...

In other words, as long as the altar is built and the teleport crystal is used to teleport 5000 people at a time, it will be immediately expanded to about 50,000 people!

This is coming to war...

Mo Xie stared blankly. It seemed that the secret agents of the Holy Moon Empire were conducting a very big mission in private.

But why did they stop?

It seems that the construction of this altar has been stopped for a long time, and even the drawings have been randomly discarded.

In such a situation, it was definitely not that they took the initiative to stop work, but someone attacked them, so the place was abandoned, only a few spies were left for protection.

What exactly is going on?

Mo Xie has been completely confused. The level 50 main storyline involved plots that have gone beyond the original mission route. This includes not only the battles within the Sun Empire, but even the conspiracy of hostile camps.

The City Lord of the Imperial City issued this task to himself, originally deliberately making things difficult, presumably he believed that he could not complete it smoothly.

If it is done by myself, the task clues handed in will definitely surprise the city lord...

No matter what, he won't suffer.

After studying the blueprint carefully, the key lies in the transmission of crystals and energy ore. The activation of this altar is not stated in the blueprint.

It seems that this task is not as simple as imagined, and some clues must be found.

Mo Xie put away the drawings and began to carefully search around the altar. The clues for the next mission must be within these three halls.

He carefully searched every inch of the ground, turning over the discarded stones one by one, looking for even the slightest clues.

But almost an hour passed by, and he rummaged through the ground of the guardian hall one by one. He still has no clues.

Sitting on a rock, Mo Xie looked around in a somewhat discouraged manner. Except for the surrounding environment, even the unfinished place at the top of the altar was carefully searched for this hall. It didn't make sense to find nothing?

Seeing that it was not early, Mo Xie took a break and quickly got up and walked around the temple.

Starting from every corner of the wall, he did not let go of any pattern on the wall. Gradually, he once again turned to the middle of the hall, on the high platform where the beast was lying.

There were bumps on the high platform, and Mo Xie walked up. The environment here was clear at a glance, and there was nothing special about it.

But after his careful search, he finally found a strange place...

Here is the wall above the high platform. Originally, it was carved with the appearance of a divine beast, with its teeth and claws majestic, but now the statue of the divine beast has dropped a lot of stones, and its original appearance is no longer visible.

The difference he discovered was a piece of peeling stone on the statue, where there was already a small hole, exposing the stone bricks inside.

Right here, Mo Xie saw a broken piece of cloth embedded in the cracks of the bricks, and there were some traces of cracks around the small pit, as if it was shattered by a huge force.

As he reached out and took out the piece of cloth from the inside, his eyes suddenly brightened...

This black cloth piece is of the same material as the black scarf and black cloth robe on the spies!

How could the things on their bodies get into the cracks in the bricks?

Although Mo Xie was not a detective, he immediately understood that this situation would only happen if the spies were injured by powerful enemies, their bodies were directly hit on the stone wall, and their clothes were damaged.

It was precisely because of the strong enemy that they had to abandon the construction of the altar here. After the enemy left, they only dared to send a few people to guard here, but the large troops had already withdrawn.

Then the question is coming, where are their large forces running now, is it taking out the open area in the center of the hill?

Mo Xie was overjoyed. Not long ago, he was full of curiosity about the terrain there, but his instinct told him that it was dangerous. In addition, to save time, he didn't explore the terrain carefully.

It seems that all the secrets are still hidden there.

Mo Xie dropped the piece of cloth in his hand, and already had an answer vaguely in his heart.

Quickly rushed out of the hall of the beasts, called out the mount and ran wildly all the way, and he continued to return to the original location of the hill coordinate point he had explored...

Now Mo Xie can be sure that the key to this task lies in the open space in the middle of the hill.

However, he had seen the situation there from a distance, except for a brazier that was burning.

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