The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 920: Weird sneak attack scene

The unexpected experiment resulted in unexpected results, which made Mo Xie feel unusually surprised.

Strictly speaking, this is not an accident. The first time I saw this clearing and the burning brazier, Mo Xie already felt the game weird and even dangerous intuition.

Looking at it now, this intuition is very powerful. If you rush into the coordinate point to observe the situation for the first time, it may be discovered by so many secret agents hidden in the hills, and the situation will be more or less fortunate. If you can stun the snake, this mission can't continue.

Now the situation is better. The second time I explored the coordinate point, avoiding the guard of the spy, the secret here is finally revealed.

And as the distance narrowed, the continuous roar of the black-clad masked leader gradually became clear...

"Hurry up, don't dawdle, watch out for an enemy sneak attack!"

"What are you doing? Let's cheer up, rebuild the altar and complete the task, and everyone will be rewarded!"

"Be careful around you and don't let that group come and attack us again."

Those three roars always turned over and over, which made Mo Xie, who had been listening for a long time, become more curious in his heart.

The current mission scene is a mission story that he accidentally triggered, but the words from this black armor leader always make him feel a little weird.

From these three sentences, Mo Xie seemed to understand some information...

These secret agents of the enemy country hidden in the wild are still building the altar mission, but they have been attacked by others, and more than once!

Due to the enemy's sneak attack, they forced them to abandon the secret development of the abandoned city and instead build underground hidden lairs here, but they are still being watched, and they are constantly undermining their actions, which makes them so nervous.

But, who are the people who attacked them, and what are their identities?

Mo Xie was extremely curious, and it seemed that he had to go deep into the tiger's den today to completely figure out the situation here.

He hid behind the hill and waited quietly. Now he can only find a way to sneak into their lair to investigate the clues of the mission after these people are finished.

Up to the present position, Mo Xie actually still has two questions in his mind. The two mission props, the spy token and the complete ancient mirror he got, have not found a way to use it. As this mission goes deeper, he must be able to know these two. The exact role of each prop.

In the clearing, a long line of black-clothed masked men constantly appeared from one side of the hill, everyone holding a heavy stone, and constantly rushing to the entrance of the nest on the other side of the clearing, as if ants were moving. , It seems particularly lively.

But they were all approaching enemies one by one. They were extremely cautious when they walked, lest they make any noise that would startle the enemies hidden in the dark.

Looking at this scene, Mo Xie was even more suspicious.

What are they afraid of? Is there really an enemy to deal with them...

What's ridiculous is that this group of spy agents did not belong to the Sun Empire. They are now being attacked on the territory of a hostile country. They should be so scared that they should immediately stop their actions and find a way to escape back to the Holy Moon Empire. How can they keep acting?

Mo Xie is full of doubts now, don't know how to explain...

Unknowingly, he also waited for a few minutes behind the hill, but the other party's move was still going on.

Rows of masked men appeared, carrying stones, and the number reached a thousand, and there was no sign of the end.

Could it be that the Holy Moon Empire really used the teleport crystal to send 5000 spies at once?

With such a large team of secret agents, it can be seen that the opponent is always calculating the Sun Empire, and even wants to take some actions secretly...

According to what Mo Xie has now, the other party wants to build a teleportation altar to secretly teleport more legions of the Holy Moon Empire!

Damn, can they start the battle of factions so early?

This should be impossible...

Mo Xie felt that this mission was a bit weird, and the level 50 main mission was really confusing.


Just as Mo Xie was hiding behind the hill, thinking about some of the circumstances of the mission, something unusual suddenly appeared outside.

Arrows burst into the air suddenly, and in the large hills surrounding the clearing, a rain of arrows quickly rushed into the sky and poured down over the heads of a large group of masked people.


There were bursts of exclamation, and the masked man seemed to be so scared that he hugged his head and rushed towards the hole of the lair.

"Retreat quickly, you must protect the ore!" The black armor commander roared loudly, but was the first to turn around and run away, rushing directly to the entrance of the lair.

With such an astonishing change, Mo Xie's eyes widened. At this time, only arrows roared everywhere, but he could not see any trace of the attacking legion.

There were even many arrows flying into the sky from behind him and on both sides, but when he looked around, he couldn't see anyone hiding the ambush.

Where are they and who is this?

Mo Xie didn't care to expose his figure, stood up and turned his neck to look around in surprise.

I saw a rain of arrows falling intensively, constantly hitting the black-clothed masked people. There were already countless arrows in the masked people. The blood volume on their heads was empty, and they fell to the ground with screams, and the black light group slowly lifted into the sky.

Pieces of heavy ore also fell to the ground, making a muffled sound.

The arrow rain offensive was too intensive. In order to save his life, the black-clothed masked man had quickly discarded the ore in his hands, avoiding and rushing towards the entrance of the lair.

Countless black shadows quickly passed by Mo Xie's eyes, and the hills gradually calmed down, leaving only the hundreds of black-clothed men's corpses in the clearing, still waiting for the system to refresh.

Countless ores were discarded there, and the lively scene just now disappeared instantly.

Mo Xie was stunned. He hadn't noticed anyone from the Archer Legion who had just released arrows...

With such a large arrow rain offensive, based on his experience, at least tens of thousands of archers have to shoot volleys before there will be such a large-scale arrow rain coverage.

Thousands of archers are hiding around, but he can't see any of them. Today's things are really weird!

The enemy has escaped, but the arrows are still firing continuously, whizzing across the sky, densely covering the open space...

Mo Xie stood there, open his mouth and watched Arrow Rain fired three more times in a row, and there was no figure in the clearing.

Such a weird plot made him unable to judge what he encountered.

And as the last burst of arrows landed, the hidden archers seemed to have received orders at the same time, and all of them stopped shooting, and the whole hill finally became quiet.

Xixi Suosuo's footsteps sounded from the hills, and Mo Xie squatted down, curiously waiting to see the true identities of these people...

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