The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 922: Elf scum

This cyan leather assassin chasing the old man was tall and thin and quick to move. Although he had a cyan mask on his face, Mo Wei always felt so familiar, but he couldn't think of who he was.

The enraged assassin gave up the old man, turned straight and rushed towards Mo Wei, shaking the afterimage of the left and right, Mo Wei's eyes were a little dizzy.

Moreover, the name and grade font on the opponent's head have been blocked by the system, and there is no way to know the opponent's strength.

But even so, Mo Wei knew that he had to save the old man to learn more clues to the mission.

He also accelerated forward, quickly judging the opponent's attack line in his mind, first defending and then attacking, because the opponent's shot and speed are too fast...


The two rushed towards each other, Mo Only ran, while feeling cold in his heart, the other's shaking speed became faster and faster, and it completely turned into a group of blue shadows not far in front of him, and it was still rapidly approaching.

This Nima is not an opponent at all, how to fight?

Mo Wei was speechless, hard steel was definitely a dead end, and he had to do some tricks.

As the opponent was getting closer, Mo Wei simply exhaled the package, ready to use the props, and at the same time held the life spirit orb in his mouth, so as not to have enough blood to kill others.


The wind sounded, the blue shadow flickered, and two cold lights gleamed. Mo Wei had already felt the cold chill on his face.

It's now!

He stepped laterally to the left, trying to avoid the assassin's attack, and at the same time deliberately attracted the opponent to chase him, followed by a wave of his left hand, and had already recognized a prepared iron net in the package.

Puff puff!

The cold wind hit, and a cold light swept across the left side of Mo Wei's neck, and suddenly a blood spot was brought up. A huge damage number burst on his head, and the blood bar suddenly fell more than half...

At this time, Mo Wei's soul was completely dissipated. I didn't expect that he was evading so fast, but he still couldn't avoid the opponent's attack, and he also hit the most important part of the throat by the opponent, showing how fast this assassin was!

However, Mo Wei never suffers in vain. Although he suffered a stab in the neck, the iron net he threw just blocked the assassin’s forward trajectory, and immediately dropped the opponent’s thin body as a hood...

Mo Wei was stabbed, but half of the assassin's body and the entire head were firmly entangled by the iron net.

The moment he started to replenish the blood with the life spirit orb, he did not idle, waved his left hand again, and another big net was thrown towards the opponent...

Suddenly, the assassin encountered an offensive of the iron net, and was caught off guard by the first iron net. He was hurriedly trying to untie the iron net. Unexpectedly, the opponent was so insidious that the second iron net came again...

In this way, no matter how great it is, it cannot untie the two iron nets in a short time, because its arms are also tightly entangled by the two iron nets.

Seeing this assassin still struggling, Mo Wei would definitely not give it a chance to get out of trouble, you know, at most three or four seconds, this assassin will untie the shackles again, and by then he will be a dead end!

Looking at the scattered rocks on the hill floor, Mo Wei immediately bent over to lift a piece and rushed towards the struggling assassin...


With two muffled noises, the assassin was finally quiet, with Venus spinning around his head, standing there blankly.

Mo Wei looked at the stone in his hand, not only was he very surprised, but the head hit with the stone also had this dizziness effect?

The system is really prank...

Although the assassin was stunned, the state would not last. Mo Wei didn't dare to be careless, so he rushed forward, took out the rope from the package, and tied the opponent into a strong dumpling.

Looking at the immobile assassin, the gold star above his head has dissipated, but now he has no attack power.

He grabbed the assassin's arm and escorted it forward.

In front of him, the old man had been watching the fight between the two in astonishment, and had forgotten to escape.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, may I ask why my benefactor helped me?" the old man asked in surprise.

"It's nothing, I'm here to investigate the spy's matter, and I didn't expect to encounter it by chance." Mo Wei smiled.

"Master En Gong, you should leave here immediately. If you offend them, the Protoss might be against you." The old man reminded worriedly.

"Oh, is this assassin a member of the Protoss?" Mo Wei asked in surprise.

"It's the minions of the Protoss, the scum of the elves!" The old man looked at the tied assassin contemptuously, and said coldly.

"A scum of the elves? Is he an assassin of the elves?" Mo Wei was shocked...

No wonder seeing the assassin's agility just now, and there is always a sense of deja vu. Now he understands that this Tsing Yi assassin is a small group of elves who rebelled against the Elf King and colluded with the Protoss!

But now, they have completely become the accomplices of the Protoss, and even help the Protoss to hunt down a group of old people!

"Yes, Lord Eunice, you should leave as soon as possible. You saved me, but you will get into big trouble." The old man sighed.

"Don't worry, old man, I am not afraid of the Protoss at all. What do you think this is?" Mo Wei took out the general token. This key item is the basic token representing his mission route.

"You come from Sunset City, but you are here to help find your Royal Highness Saint Princess under the order of General Anodize?" the old man asked in surprise.

"Yes, so looking at you being attacked, I knew that you must be related to the whereabouts of your Highness, so I took it rashly." Mo Wei nodded and said.

"It's great, please come with me, Lord Grace, we old guys are actually looking for the whereabouts of the holy princess." The old man said excitedly.

"No, you don't have any news from your Highness?" Mo Wei asked disappointedly.

"His Royal Highness's whereabouts are top secrets. Now the Protoss wants to find His Royal Highness more than we do, so even if we know some clues, we will not take the initiative to look for His Royal Highness. Unless His Highness has a task to hand over to us, we will send someone to contact us." The old man said.

"I understand, you don't have the whereabouts of the princess, but there is a connection." Mo Wei's eyes beamed in excitement.

After tracking for so long, I finally found a valid clue.

"Yes, come with me, take this guy." The old man glanced at the assassin fiercely and turned around to lead the way.

Over the hills, countless spots of light gleamed back and forth, and sorrows continued to be heard from all directions. It can be seen that these scum elves are still chasing and killing these old men...

"Don't worry, Lord En Gong, we old guys are ready to sacrifice at any time, and today, we have an ambush, and we want to kill all these scum! The sacrificed old brothers are willing to act as bait, otherwise neither Will be easily killed by them!"

The old man gritted his teeth and said.

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