The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 929: Scoundrel

Since Mo Xie saw the attributes of the weapons assembled by the elders, he had understood that the weapons made by the craftsmen were indeed powerful. With this one thousand-niu crossbow, it was easy to clean up the spies.

Thousand-Niu Iron Crossbow

Use level: 60

Attack range: 1500

Attack damage: 4500-6000 users' attack attributes can increase a certain attack ratio

Attack speed: 3 minutes

Crit rate: 55

Hit rate: 25

Additional damage: +150

100 triggers bleeding effect and penetration effect when attacking

When hitting the opponent within 1000 meters, 100 triggers the knockback effect

When hitting the opponent from 1000 meters away, 100 triggers the hold effect

Trigger triple damage effect after 30 hits

Note: The exquisite mechanical weapons created by advanced craftsmen can only focus on sniping a single enemy remotely, so the damage numbers are extremely powerful.

Just looking at the system attributes of Qian Niu Iron Crossbow, Mo Xie was completely shocked.

This Nima is a mechanical weapon, it's just a normal sniper rifle, and it has a long range of 1500 meters, and the minimum attack damage value exceeds 4500 points!

Players at this stage, even if they are high-level equipment like Mo Xiaolang, after being locked by the Qianniu Iron Crossbow, they cannot escape the fate of being killed in a flash!

What's more, there are many attributes attached to the golden weapon, and the effect is really shocking to see.

This kind of weapon is purely a sniper weapon. If you have such a weapon, it would be too awesome...

But this is not the final attack damage of the Qianniu Iron Crossbow, because the Deadwind Bloodthirsty Arrow also has its own exclusive attributes!

Defiant Bloodthirsty Arrow Perfect Grade Mechanical Weapon

Use level: 60

Weapon used: perfect long-range arrow crossbow

Attack damage: 1000 additional damage bonus based on the fired weapon

Flight speed: 1500

Crit rate: 25

Bloodthirsty: Attack hits cause an additional 1000 points of tearing damage, and has a chance to make the opponent into a bleeding state for 3 seconds, losing 500 points of blood per second.

Headwind: erratic when flying, increase 50 hit rate

Additional critical strike: 15

Additional range: 100

Additional damage: 150 points

Additional status: 3 seconds

Additional hits: 10

Note: The golden mechanical arrows made by famous craftsmen can only exert their maximum attack power when used with long-range crossbow arrows.

The mere attributes of the arrow branch have already made Mo Xie feel incredible. Now I just want to know how much damage the Qianniu Iron Crossbow can do to those spy assassins with the Bloodthirsty Arrow against the wind?

You know, Mo Xie has fought against those spy assassins, and it is clear that the opponent's blood volume has exceeded 6000...

An old man rushed forward and quickly entered the surveillance area of ​​the spy. The sound of footsteps immediately alarmed the assassin hiding at the top of the hill.

The moment he looked up and observed, the old man next to Mo Xie who was in charge of controlling the arrow crossbow quickly locked the assassin's head with the iron crossbow that had already adjusted its attack direction, and pressed the spring...


A crisp bowstring bounce sounded, Mo Xie's eyes flashed, and the headwind bloodthirsty arrows flew out like lightning, but they did not rush forward in a straight line, but swayed in his sight, forming a very large arc. , Whistling and flying towards the front, instantly turned into a small black spot.

Shoo, bang!

The sound of breaking through the air just sounded, and the sound of hitting the opponent immediately came from a distance. Mo Xie was surprised to see that the black spot hit the assassin from the side at an incredible angle, penetrated his head, and burst out. Golden five-digit injury number!


Mo Xie opened his mouth wide in fright. He couldn't see the specific number when he was far away, but the damage value was definitely over 10,000!

The poor assassin spy was thrown down the hill, and the black light ball slowly lifted into the sky...

He has only seen the power of this mechanical weapon next to him, and his heart is about to jump out of his throat.

This damage figure is too amazing. The basic damage plus various bonuses may not only have more than 10,000 damage, but it is really hard to say tens of thousands.

Killing the spies with one hit, the old men quickly raised their arrows and continued to move forward.

At the same time, in other directions, the spy assassin was also killed by a single blow, and a large group of craftsmen rushed out of the hill and continued to march towards the target point.

"Xiao Mo, we have reached the hill map, where are you?" Mo Xiaolang's voice also came.

"Come to the middle coordinate point, we are about to start acting." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Understand." Mo Xiaolang replied and immediately commanded a team of thousands of people to rush towards the designated location...

When Mo Xie followed the craftsmen to the hill near the coordinate point, the sound of footsteps in the other direction suddenly alarmed the craftsmen.

When they saw that all the players were coming, the artisan team was relieved.

"Xiao Mo, so many craftsmen?" Lianna looked at the hundreds of elders opposite with curiosity, and couldn't help being surprised.

"We're here, hurry up and team up for a mission." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

In the entire commander team, only Mo Xiaolang Liana and Ouyang Jiaojiao reached level 50.

As for Li Hong and Zhou Jianing, Mo Xiaoyuan and Mo Xiaoyu, because they had their own tasks during this period that delayed the leveling, it took half a day to keep up with the progress.

The big stars are because they have to contact the company. The online time is not stable these days, so the level has fallen a little.

But it doesn't matter. With the help of the Desert Underground Palace, four people at most can catch up to the 50th level before they go offline today.

Mo Xie opened the package, took out the black token from it, and chose to use it directly...


The black light shone, the token disappeared, and the black light rushed into Mo Xie's body.

Ding...System: Congratulations to Chief Mo Sad! You have successfully formed a combat corps. Please select your subordinates and form a formation. The position of the highest officer cannot be transferred!

The system prompts to jump out, and there is an extra horn icon in the upper right corner of Mo Xie's eye, indicating that the legion has been successfully formed.

He immediately clicked on the icon, and a management interface popped up in front of him...

Ten Thousand Army Formations:

Legion Officer: Don't be sad

Deputy Chief (02):

Commander: (05):

Division leader: (020):

Battle Channel: Opened

Combat command: no setting

Battle map: no setting

Looking at the various settings and map boxes on the interface, it seems very complicated.

Mo Xie hurriedly clicked on the candidate for the deputy commander, and entered Mo Xiaolang and Lianna in the boxes that popped out...

With a ding sound, two messages popped up in the legion channel, new members joined, and official positions were successfully assigned.

In fact, it is also very simple to add people to the 10,000-strong army. Mo Xie only needs to determine the appropriate candidates for official positions, and then the head of the branch will bring all his brothers in by himself.

More than 3,000 elite players from the God Realm League followed behind the core commanders such as Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang, and quickly came to a quiet place on the edge of the hilly area, deployed according to the designated plan, in front of the craftsmen.

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