The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 934: Moonlight Energy Ore

With the ingenious cooperation of archers and wizards, the Shield Warrior Legion rushed forward frantically, and immediately seized a lot of open space in the cave hall.

At this time, more and more players of the God Realm League were pouring out of the hole outside the hall, and they immediately entered the attack sequence after entering the hall, forcing large numbers of spies to retreat one after another.

"The two wings of the shield wall are separated, dividing the enemy." Mo Xiaolang roared loudly.

"Yes." The shield warriors replied in unison, using the central axis of the shield wall as the boundary, and suddenly lined up to the two sides, instantly pushing the dense enemies in the center of the hall to the two sides, and a line was formed in the middle. Wide passage.

"The Berserker Knight Assassin Summoner, all rushed up, occupying the highest point of the altar, and killing everyone on the altar!" Mo Xie shouted loudly.


As soon as the loud answer fell, countless figures rushed forward, and the one rushing to the front was a large group of summoned beasts. They were tall, and their forward momentum was unstoppable, so that the whispers could no longer block the passage to the altar.

The summoned beasts just rushed past, and a large group of berserkers and knights with heavy armour and heavy armor with their arms raised, rushed again, killing wildly a large number of spies who could not resist.

The assassin players rushed directly from the battle scene and followed the summoned beast all the way to the top of the altar.

The entire hall has been divided into three areas by the Allied Forces of the God Realm. The ruthless rain of arrows and magic are constantly falling, and the large damage value and the rapidly appearing black ball of light make the entire scene particularly spectacular.

"It's settled, Xiao Mo hurried to the altar, don't let them complete the construction at the last moment." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"I'll go over immediately." Mo Xie hurried to the front of the altar.

At the altar at this time, fierce battles are taking place on the tall steps. The summoned beasts are entangled with the spies, the assassin players are stepping forward to help, and the two sides are already fighting each other.

Mo Xie strode forward and came to this height of twenty to thirty meters. Just ascending the steps of the altar, it was more than ten meters wide!

Such a magnificent teleportation altar really deserves to be a high-level building for a tens of thousands of troops.

It's a pity that after encountering Mo Xie, the enemy's plan has now completely failed.

Because the spies who were still building around the altar had been torn apart by this battle, they could not get close to the altar and continue to work.

Therefore, the construction of the top of the altar is always locked on the key figure of 98.

Mo Xie quickly rushed through the high stairs, regardless of the enemy and us who were fighting around him, he rushed to the highest point of the altar with all his heart, as long as the transmission function of the altar was completely destroyed, he could be completely relieved.

The more you go up, the fewer the number of enemies, and the players have been attracted to fight.

Mo Xie rushed all the way to the top of the altar, and when he rushed over the last step, his eyes suddenly opened up, and the top of the altar was a wide large square.

Only in the middle of the square, a square depression appeared on the ground, with silver light shining inside, and a large square tripod was located in the center of the depression, filled with countless transmission crystal stones.

And more silver energy ore was piled around Fangding.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xie just understood that if he came one step later, the entire teleportation altar would be completely completed!

Once the construction degree reaches 100, this large square tripod will rise high, and the surrounding energy stones will provide sufficient transmission energy, and the entire transmission array will take effect immediately!

I am afraid that at this time, far away in the eternal night imperial city of the Holy Moon Empire, there are already tens of thousands of soldiers of the Holy Moon Legion waiting at the coordinate point called Star Lake?

But now, they can only wait for nothing.

Walking to the center of the square, looking at the countless teleport crystals shining brightly under your feet, these things are of no use to the players, because even if there is energy to provide, if you want to teleport at will, the system can only decide.

However, the large amount of silver ore around the square aroused Mo Xie's interest.

Crescent ore: 500 500 system materials, ore that can provide special moonlight energy, and have water energy attributes.

Looking at the pure energy ores that had been refined, Mo Xie was immediately surprised.

These energy ores are all very precious materials, and they may not be able to exert their power now, but in the near future, when players' territories continue to increase and energy turret defense structures appear, these energy ores will be able to play a very important role. effect.

You know, the launch of energy turrets requires the supplement of these energy ores. Depending on the properties of the energy ores, the attack attributes of each energy turret are also different.

For example, the red flame ore is also a kind of ore that can provide energy. If it is put into an energy turret, it will emit a huge flame, which can cause damage to a large number of enemies, and also has a flame state. Continue to cause fire damage within seconds!

If the energy turret is replaced with this kind of crescent ore, a ball of water will be launched, which will not only cause area damage, but the enemy will also enter the freezing effect, slowing down by about half in a short time.

The energy turret is only a part of the energy ore. The operation of some large-scale machinery cannot be sustained by manpower. It must be continuously provided with energy from the energy ore to operate.

For example, the Yufeng Shenzhou discovered by Mo Xie not long ago, a large-scale machine capable of flying in the air, requires energy supplementation from energy ore.

However, due to the different energy attributes required for this large machine, it needs the energy ores of the wind system to be driven, and other energy ores cannot be used.

He jumped down the steps and stood on top of the pile of ore, trying to use the pickup function to see if he could put all these precious ore in his bag.

Ding...System: I'm sorry, the player is not sad, you don't have the ownership of the item, so you can't pick it up temporarily!

Don’t have prop ownership?

Mo Xie looked at the system prompt and seemed to understand.

At present, he has not completely eliminated the secret agents, so these ores still belong to the secret agents. Perhaps after they are eliminated, the situation will change.

Mo Xie immediately turned and walked onto the high platform, standing on the edge of the top of the altar, overlooking the large battle scene at his feet.

I saw arrows roaring all over the sky, and the magic light group shining continuously. The God Realm Alliance elite legion has completely controlled the battle in the cave. It is only a matter of time before the enemy is eliminated.

Waiting quietly, time is fast passing, the number of masked spies in the cave is getting less and less, the players have forced the remaining enemies into the corners of the cave on both sides of the altar, surrounded by a violent attack...

And Moxie's information bar, the experience value and merit value are still quickly refreshing, the experience bar unexpectedly increased by 43 without knowing it!

Now he has an experience value of level 50 and 76. This fast leveling speed makes Mo Xie feel surprised and inexplicable.

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