The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 940: Condensing Thousand Shadows Staff

"This... um, you did a good job, and you were able to quell such a big disaster. This city lord must report to your majesty, and you will have many rewards!"

"It's just that what happened to such a big thing, why did the soldiers of the empire go, let the enemy be so presumptuous under our noses! It seems that the General Zhen Guo has to take a serious look!"

The lord said coldly.

This situation is not good!

Mo Xie immediately heard the voice of the city lord, feeling that he wanted to blame the consequences of this spy incident on the empire. The head of the legion... General Zhen Guo!

You know, there are only two objects that the Protoss is most afraid of. One is the unaccounted holy princess. Her presence directly threatens the throne of the current emperor, so that the puppet emperor cultivated by the Protoss can never sit on the throne. .

The other object of fear is the human army of warriors. Their existence always protects the peace of major cities, so that the gods dare not be too presumptuous.

But now, as soon as the Lord of the City spoke, his goal was directed at the leader of the imperial side, General Zhen Guo. It can be seen that the Protoss now wants to do something against the imperial military!

This is not good news!

"My lord, the spies are very cunning, and it took a lot of effort to find their lair. In the process, many elves were also involved in it. I am afraid that these things are related to the elves. "Mo Xie quickly explained.

He wanted to help the town general to reduce the trouble and clarify the affairs of these elven traitors...

"The elves are also involved? This must be caused by the rebellious rebels of the elves. They helped the princess to seize the throne. After failing, they were torn apart and hidden in the mountains and forests. Now that they have appeared, they might be attacked by the army. Fang or the order of the escaped princess." The city lord said slyly, rolling his eyes.

"The Lord of the City, this task has been completed under the next, can I issue rewards first, and then proceed to the next task?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Since you have completed the task, of course this city lord will not treat you badly." The city lord waved his long sleeves, and a string of halo quickly flew in front of Mo Xie...

Ding Ding Ding!

In the sound of the beating of gold coins, the experience bar quickly slid forward. It has reached level 50, 81, and it seems that the next upgrade is not far away.

A string of merit value numbers floated above his head, although there were only a few hundred points, it also made Mo Xie excited.

A group of golden light flew into his package, and a golden scepter was shining with golden light!

Level 50 golden weapons!

Mo Xie opened the package in surprise, and was immediately shocked by the reward items he saw before his eyes...

Originally, what his profession lacked most was attack power, and he didn't have any decent attack skills. He could only rely on the basic damage of the weapon, coupled with ordinary attacks to deal with the enemy, so Mo Xie's demand for weapons was very high-end.

Now the first 50-level main mission rewards a golden weapon, which is of great significance to him in any future and killing monsters.

Perfect weapon

Use level: 50

Restrictions on use: Mage class

Thousand Shadows: When launching any attack, there is a 10 chance for one puppet light and shadow; 7 chance for two puppet lights and shadows; 5 chance for three puppet lights and shadows; 3 chance for four puppet lights and shadows; 1 chance for five puppet lights and shadows. Each puppet light and shadow has the player's current 100 attributes, but can only defend and cannot participate in the attack, and disappears after the blood is exhausted. Skill cool down for one hour.

Magic attack: 175-190

Condensed light damage +100

Hit rate +10

Additional attributes:

Wisdom: +12

Constitution: +7

Agility: +5

Magic damage +45

Normal attack speed +10

Note: A carefully crafted golden scepter with light attributes has the characteristic of summoning puppets to resist damage.

Good stuff!

The golden staff is indeed not the same as an ordinary weapon. The magical attack power of this short staff is already very impressive, and it also has two additional characteristics and five additional attribute values!

Qianying’s additional characteristics made Mo Xie's heart extremely excited. This characteristic is too powerful. It means that when he launches an attack in the future, one to five puppet afterimages can appear randomly, and each afterimage is related to his body. Same attributes!

It's a pity that these puppets can't attack, they can only help distract the enemy as a sandbag.

This kind of puppet may be effective for monsters and may not have much effect on players, because players should be able to quickly distinguish who is the puppet and who is the main body.

But it is also a good feature, especially the condensed light feature, so that every time Mo Xie launches an attack, it can be accompanied by 100 points of light damage, which is a very, very powerful attribute.

Because this means that when he launches a normal attack in the future, he can not only cause a certain amount of magic damage to the enemy, but also a fixed number of 100 points of light damage each time, according to the opponent’s resistance to light magic. Extra certain attack damage.

This is tantamount to strengthening Mo Xie's ordinary attack strength, allowing him to participate more in combat output in the future.

The five additional attribute values ​​are also very powerful, all of which can bring benefits to Mo Xie, none of them are invalid.

The addition of three attribute points has increased his attack power and blood volume, even defense and evasion, especially the bonus of magic damage and attack speed, which makes him even more powerful.

Without hesitation, Mo Xie immediately replaced the staff in his hand, and with a clang, a new golden short staff appeared in his hand, turning into a golden ruler with a faint golden halo...

While waving it at will, the golden short ruler gleamed, and Mo Xie was dazzled.

"How about it, are you satisfied with the reward of this city lord?" The lord of the city looked fiercely, but he could only ask with a smile.

"Very satisfied, Lord City Lord, what else can I do for you?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Now the situation of the spy has been ascertained. It is not very peaceful outside the imperial city that never sleeps. As the lord of the city, I am very worried about the situation around the imperial city, especially the military camp on the west of the city. Catastrophe! Someone recently reported that in the three military camps in the west of the city, some generals were walking strangely. The lord of the city was worried that they would be unruly in private, so this time he ordered you to go to the west of the city and secretly steal a secret letter from a general. "The lord said coldly.

"What... steal a secret letter from a general? Who is that general?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

He knew that the next task would definitely be more difficult, and the city owner would definitely use himself to deal with the military, or make things difficult again.

But I didn't expect that the city owner's mind was even more sinister, and his goal was directed at a general in the three major barracks!

In other words, the Protoss has already begun to take action against the military, wanting to eradicate the generals who hold the military power one by one, this is only the first step.

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