The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 951: Ready to take advantage

Mo Xie watched with excitement as a group of generals began to write a letter according to his plan, and his heart was suddenly excited.

This plan was the only way he had just figured out to solve the current dilemma, and it could also help him complete the task of the city lord.

However, whether the Protoss can be fooled and cooperated with his active attack is still unknown.

But no matter what, you must try it first. If it doesn't work, you must protect the security of the guarding general and the Imperial regiment.

"Your Excellency, this is the secret letter you want, and the content in it is also your request." A general handed out a letter with both hands.

"Thank you, generals." Mo Xie quickly opened the letter, and a letter interface popped out in front of him, and all the contents on it were clearly displayed.

He carefully checked word by word until he was sure that the above content was correct with his own thoughts. Then he closed the interface with satisfaction and put the letter into the package.

"How about it, Governor Mo sad, how sure is the plan this time?" the guard general asked.

"To be honest, I still have only 5 points for sure, but you can rest assured that as long as there is a trace of danger, I will guarantee that you, the generals, and the Imperial Army will return to the Golden Crow Barracks safely." Mo Xie promised.

"It's so good, I hope I can give the Protoss a heavy blow." The guard general nodded and laughed.

"Generals, let me say goodbye first and come to visit this time tomorrow." Mo Xie stood up and said.

"Your Excellency, please." The generals have been convinced by his strategy and their attitude is extremely friendly.

Saying goodbye to all the generals, Mo Xie turned and walked towards the entrance of the hall, and under the protection of a group of golden soldiers, quickly walked towards the back door of the barracks.

He entered the barracks from that direction, and of course he had to return from the secret road to the original road...

Ten minutes later, behind the rock in the Sand Valley, with a click of a hole appeared, Mo Xie quickly turned to the ground, closed the hole again, and immediately ran towards the location of the spy.

While rushing, Mo Xie has opened a private chat application.

"What's the situation?" Mo Xiaolang connected to the private chat for the first time.

"This time we have another big action. Let all players rush to the ranks from now on. The core army must all have the qualifications to enter the imperial city before going offline tonight. Anyway, the more people, the better." Moxie said .

"What happened to you again?" Mo Xiaolang was surprised.

"That's it..." Mo Xie hurriedly told the other side the circumstances behind the spy incident, the current experience of the three towns of Jintang, and his own strategies.

"No, with such a big plan, you are sure that you can be fooled by the Protoss, and still ensure the safety of the guarding general? If anything happens, we will be in trouble!" Mo Xiaolang was shocked.

"That's why I need more help from my brothers. Even if there are errors, I have to protect the security of the guarding general and the legion." Moxie said.

"Well, leave this to me. I urge them to step up their upgrades and tasks today." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"That's fine. Tomorrow, you must save enough time for the night to fight. Don't run out of online time." Mo Xie smiled.

"But isn't there a big person coming to visit the studio tomorrow? Have you forgotten it? Also, tomorrow there will be an official event in Sunset City. It is the schedule of your chosen event, which will start at 8 AM." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Ah... how come they all rushed together." Mo Xie touched his head completely speechless.

"No matter what, participate in the activity in the morning, receive the leader in the afternoon, and continue our mission in the evening." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Now I have to lobby the city lord, try my best to complete this task, and make him sure that he is fooled, it is really troublesome." Mo Xie sighed.

"These are all strategies you have come up with yourself. If it succeeds, we can take a big advantage this time." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"I hope so, and I hope I can find the whereabouts of the Elf King tomorrow." Mo Xie nodded, preparing to end the private chat.

"Wait, the beautiful girls and the beautiful girls have gone to the imperial city to find the pet manager, and there will be new news soon." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"It's about the new pets. I hope they can ask for some useful information." Mo Xie smiled and ended the private chat. Not far from the canyon in front of him, the spy was already hidden.

Quickly rushing through a corner of a valley, there is a long and thin figure hidden in the corner, and the golden question mark above his head is shining, and Mo Xie is extremely surprised.

The appearance of the golden question mark indicates that he can complete this task.

Because the system mission only requires him to sneak into the barracks and get the secret letter information of the generals, and this thing happens to be in the Moxie package.

Although this is a deliberate fraud, the mission secret letter is always true.

"My lord, I have successfully obtained the secret letter of rebellion from the generals, please have a look." Mo Xie smiled and handed the letter.

"You did a very good job. The Lord City Lord has been waiting for this sealed letter for a long time. Please take this sealed letter back to the city and return to your life." The agent said excitedly.

"Understand." Mo Xie immediately used the City Return Scroll, a white light rushed into the air, and he had quickly returned to the main city teleportation array.

Taking a quick big step, he rushed straight to the position of the General Zhen Guo's mansion. Such a big mission plan must be explained to the general.

In a short while, he had already rushed into the Zhen Guo General's Mansion and quickly came in front of General General.

Starting a private conversation, Mo Xie immediately reported the events in the Golden Crow barracks to the general.

"The situation is really bad. The appearance of the secret agent in the east of the city is actually a strategy of the Protoss. Even this general is almost fooled!" General Zhen Guo roared angrily.

"Yes, so this time I boldly come up with an idea, ready to do everything possible, and thoroughly understand the power of the gods in the west of the city." Moxie said.

"Although this plan is a bit dangerous, you might as well give it a try. The most important thing is to protect the security of the barracks and legions. Once the situation is found to be wrong, even if the operation is immediately terminated." General Zhen Guo frowned.

"Don't worry, General, I'm here this time, in addition to reporting the situation, I also want your help."

Mo Xie blinked and smiled.

Of course, he knew in his heart how dangerous his plan was. In case it was seen through by the Protoss, it would be a disaster!

"It turns out that this is your plan, but this general tells you clearly that although I serve as the empire's town country general, nominally I am the highest commander of the empire legion."

"But now my subordinates are only in charge of the Imperial City Guard Corps. Even the Palace Guards on Huangcheng Mountain cannot be dispatched. Without your majesty's will, I have no right to move the forces of the three towns of Jintang." General Zhen Guo said, shaking his head.

"How many people are there in the guard army in the imperial city?"

Mo Xie's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

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