The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 955: Two-wing ambush

Mo Xie now understands the significance of the existence of this ambush lair, and is already very worried. He must inform all the generals in Jintang Three Towns of this matter as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

Since the Protoss has set up a plan specifically for the defense of the three towns of Jintang, then they must have more deployments, and they must make all of them clear.

Otherwise, who knows what killer moves the Protoss has?

"Old man, besides this, do you know other secret bases of the Protoss?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"Your question is good, we old guys weren't originally here, but were building weapons in another cave, perhaps because siege weapons are also needed here. We were imprisoned by them some time ago." The craftsman quickly replied. .

"Then where was the place where you were detained last time?" Mo Xie's eyes lit up.

"The last detention location was on the other side of the Golden Crow Mountain Range, between the Golden Crow Barracks and the Dawn Barracks. There are also large mountains and mountains." The craftsman said.

"Crap! Shuguangling was also secretly occupied by them!" Mo Xie understood it completely when he heard it.

The three towns of Jintang, located to the west of the imperial city, line up from the northern soulbreaker barracks above, to the golden crow barracks in the middle, and then to the dawn barracks in the south. They jointly guard the three dangerous places west of the imperial city. The security of the imperial city has been defended since ancient times.

But now it seems that the three military camps not only fail to protect the imperial city, they themselves have been secretly surrounded by the Protoss, and may be occupied by the Protoss at any time.

Now because the Protoss has other deployments that have not yet been completed, it has not launched an attack directly.

"Old man, you're busy first, I'm going to follow the spy, and when I go out, I will find a way to rescue you." Moxie counted the time, the assassin had already gone far and had to catch up quickly.

Quickly rushed to the depths of the furnace, passing in front of a surprise craftsman, and at the end of the cave in front, a wide passage was revealed.

Mo Xie immediately rushed into this passage and went all the way, the scene was shocking...

In this straight and wide cave, every time it dashed over a distance of more than ten meters, there were openings on both sides of the cave, with dense figures inside, and countless orc soldiers sitting there on standby.

Fortunately, Moxie's speed is extremely fast, just passing by the entrance of the cave, the people inside can only see a bunch of afterimages, and can't see the name above his head, and there is no way to judge the identity of the enemy.

Perhaps it was because of the strict military orders here. The orc soldiers inside were still sitting still after passing through several caves.

It scared Mo Xie to his heart pounding, lest these guys rush out to block the passage.

He has been chasing the slender figure in the cave ahead, the back of the elf assassin is easily recognizable.

Fortunately, there were only two of them in the cave, one after the other, and there was no accident for the time being.

And Mo Xie was also ready to use the mask to change the name on top of his head. Once he was hit by someone, he could resist it for a while.

Just rushing all the way, in this long, huge cave passage with no end in sight, the assassin in front turned and walked into the cave entrance on the left.

Mo Xie took a sigh of relief, and the more he went forward, the more dangerous he became. Fortunately, this guy finally reached his destination.

He hurried to catch up quietly, came near the entrance of the cave, and quietly looked inside against the stone wall...

The fire was shining in the huge cave, and there seemed to be many people gathered inside.

However, the voice speaking inside was clear, which made Mo Xie immediately refreshed.

"Participate in the generals, I am here to warn the generals on the order of the city lord, the human army camp will have an action tomorrow night, intending to attack the imperial city, the lord lord orders you to wait for an ambush nearby, as long as the army of the three towns of Jintang just walks out of the barracks, it will immediately Annihilate, and take advantage of the situation to occupy three barracks." The sharp voice of the spy was heard from afar from the cave.

"Very well, I've been impatient after staying here for so long! Tell your city lord, as long as they walk out of the barracks tomorrow night, Lao Tzu's army will besiege immediately, so that none of them will want to go back alive!" The rough man's voice came from the entrance of the cave, making Mo Xie's eyes numb.

Immediately afterwards, the cave became more noisy, and bursts of excitement rang through the entrance of the cave. The generals of the orc legion seemed to have been suffocated long ago, just thinking of a happy battle.

At this moment, Mo Xie understood the situation even more, and the spy was indeed here to convey the city lord's order to prepare the orc army for attack.

In this way, the city lord must have sent more than one spy, and the ambush army on the other side of the craftsman's mouth must have received the same order!

Now that the fuse of the war has been ignited in advance, Mo Xie now only thinks about tactics, how can we eradicate all the two-wing ambushes of the Protoss tomorrow night...

If it succeeds, it would be equivalent to cutting off more than half of the wings of the Protoss, at least it can guarantee the temporary safety of the imperial city.

As long as the three towns of Jintang are still there, it is really hard to say who will win or lose in the future...

Facing such a good opportunity, Mo Xie definitely didn't want to miss it.

But how can we win more with less and disintegrate the two-winged ambush that the Protoss has painstakingly arranged? This is still waiting for a long time.

"The Lord Lord's orders have been brought here. Both ambush caves will start operations tomorrow night. Please be careful! Also, Lord Lord Lord has repeatedly confessed, don't expose the place where the Elf King is imprisoned." The spy said respectfully.

"Tell you the city lord, this general is not that stupid, I only hope that their promise can be fulfilled." The orc general said with a cold snort.

"Don't worry, Lord General, the city lord said that as long as you can kill the human legion and occupy the imperial city, you can choose one of the three main cities as the orc king city." The elf spy replied.

"That's fine, you should also go back soon and tell the city lord that the three barracks are handed over to us." The Orc General said with a grin.


Hearing that the conversation inside was over, and looking at the long emptiness when the road came, Mo Xie knew that the spies must not be allowed to discover his whereabouts, otherwise all plans will be unexpected!

He rushed forward quickly, while the opponent was still deep in the cave, rushed forward quickly...

If you step back, the spy will definitely find yourself in the long passage, but if you rush forward, it seems that there is a corner of the cave not far away. You can avoid the opponent's sight first, and then you can use it to return to the city.


The figure flashed, and Mo Xie turned into an afterimage and rushed forward.

At the moment when the spy at the entrance of the cave just appeared, he had already hidden in the corner of the cave in the distance, and watched the assassin return on his way.

Finally know the situation of the other party.

Mo Xie was very pleasantly surprised, and now he only needs to leave here and proceed with the next precise deployment.

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