The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 962: Wan Beast Mountain

This setting is a bit beyond conventional judgment. Is 5500 meritorious in exchange for a chance to enter the advanced map to catch pets, it is very possible to get a golden quality pet!

Mo Xie took the token in surprise and quickly chose to transmit it. He has not much online time today, so he must seize this opportunity.


Once again, returning to the green grass field with blue sky and white clouds, Mo Xie immediately issued a team application to join the two beauties to the team first.

"Xiao Mo, why are you here again? You have a lot of money, and you send a hundred gold coins once." Lianna said puzzledly.

"Yeah, just going out and coming in again, it's purely a problem." Ouyang Jiaojiao shook her head speechless.

"Stop talking, tell me quickly, where is Wan Beast Mountain?" Mo Xie asked.

"What Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, this is called the Royal Hunting Ground." Lianna said puzzledly.

"I mean, there are mountains around the Royal Hunting Ground, which is a map you can't get past." Moxie said.

"Oh, I know that there is a mountain range on the left side of the grassland. Come with us." Ouyang Jiaojiao suddenly realized.

The two beauties immediately led the way. With a wave of their hands, the blue light gleamed in front of them, and two huge horses appeared. They were more than twice as tall as the basic riding pets, and they knew they belonged to the advanced riding pets. Up.

The two beauties quickly jumped on the mounts, sat on the backs of the **** mounts, and quickly rushed to the left side of the grassland, and their speed was also greatly improved.

However, the blue-quality high-level riding pet couldn't exceed Mo Xie's current running speed. As he strode forward, it suddenly turned into a series of afterimages and rushed behind them quickly, getting closer and closer.

"Mo's running speed is so exaggerated, it's so fast!" Lianna looked at the afterimages chasing behind her from a distance, her beautiful eyes were extremely surprised.

"He is all equipped with the best acceleration equipment. At present, in this game world, his moving speed is unmatched." Ouyang Jiaojiao said enviously.

You must know that Mo Xie is also a legal profession. Ouyang Jiaojiao can also use the acceleration outfit on his body. Of course, he is especially jealous.

The two horses rushed forward quickly, and Mo Xie chased after him, slowly approaching the middle of the two horses, and rushed forward side by side.

The vast grassland is like a huge green carpet, and the end cannot be seen from afar, but as the three people rush forward in a straight line, finally on the horizon, a black line gradually appears, followed by more and more black lines. High, large mountains faintly appeared.

But under the clear sky of blue sky and white clouds, I saw a huge blue transparent mask at the end of the grassland, as if a huge pot cover was buckled on top of the head, isolating the boundary between the grassland and the mountains.

"It's mountain terrain, but it's hard to get through." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"It doesn't matter, I have already got the token, I can form a team to take you in and take a look, but after going in, only one effective arrest will be possible." Mo Xie explained the situation again.

"It can still be like this... The tokens exchanged with merit value can only go in to catch pets once and then be driven out. The system is too stingy, right?" Lianna exclaimed.

"If it is such a setting, wouldn't the pets in this map be very powerful?" Ouyang Jiaojiao thought of another layer.

"Yes, so the system allows players to team up to capture pets. Once a team enters, only one pet can be captured. It can be seen that pets here are not so easy to capture." Moxie said.

"Okay, let's go in and have a look, and try to choose a stronger pet." Lianna said excitedly.

Two horses and Mo Xie rushed all the way, and finally approached the edge of the blue light curtain. A green mountain range was clearly visible in front. The mountains were densely packed with trees, and the peaks stretched towards the sky.

And on the hillside not far away, a large group of blue giant wolves watched the three people's arrival closely. There was even a leader-like giant wolf standing high on the hillside, issuing an wailing warning sound, seeming to warn the three, and then go. The former is their place...

"What's arrogant? I'll catch you if I call you the first one!" Lianna shouted fiercely.

Unexpectedly, she was really a little bit aggressive with her sweet drink, and she was frightened to flee the large group of giant wolves. In a daze, Lianna suddenly laughed proudly.

The two jumped off their mounts and followed Mo Xie to the front of the light curtain. They watched him take out a red token. The moment he approached the light curtain, the flashing red token disappeared and the light curtain split into a square hole.

Mo Xie stepped into the gap first, and the two teammates quickly followed.

The three people just passed the light curtain, the blue light was shining, and the gap just now was quickly filled.

They are already in the middle-level hunting ground environment, with large green mountains in front of them, and countless black spots densely around the mountains.

"We only have one chance to catch, don't use it indiscriminately, first look at all the monster types." Mo Xie reminded.

"Understand." The two beautiful women nodded together.

The three of them walked towards the hillside, looking for all the monsters they could see along the way...

In the intermediate hunting grounds, there are almost no small animals. Without walking a distance, Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed and pointed to one side of the dense grass. There was a blue hair, two long ears, and a giant blue eye with shiny black hair. Rabbit, the three of them stared blankly...

This giant blue rabbit is about the size of a horse, with a special appearance, and looks extraordinarily honest and cute.

But the name on the top of its head is not so cute...

Devouring blue rabbits can be caught!

"If this rabbit can be caught, it will definitely sell for a good price." Ouyang Jiaojiao said with a smile.

"Yes, every girl wants one of this type of pet." Lianna reluctantly said.

"Let's take a look first, it's still early." Mo Xie hurriedly took the two of them away from this attractive rabbit, and continued to search the hillside...

On the way, the types of pets that can be caught are really eye-catching for the three of them. There are all kinds of pets, and the two beautiful women exclaim from time to time.

The giant bullfrog that can jump forward, the colorful centipede with a terrifying appearance, and even the giant python with a thick bucket...

Once captured, these pets can be used as riding pets or as battle pets, which is far more powerful than only riding pets in the Royal Hunting Grounds.

But after turning around a large mountain range, Mo Xie never found his favorite pet. Whether he saw the majestic lion king or the tiger in the mountains, such a ferocious catchable pet, he failed to attract his attention.

He doesn't even know what kind of pet he really wants?

Gradually, the three people almost turned the Wan Beast Mountain around, and all the pets that should be watched were observed.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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