The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 964: Golden pet egg

After a missed attack, the silver charm Thunder Eagle's anger seemed to erupt in an all-out manner, and the quack screams continued to sound, and thunder rays rushed directly in front of Mo Xie.

"Xiao Mo, what are you doing? I'm still on the top of the mountain. Time is running out!" Lianna suddenly found a large piece of blue smoke rising from the top of the mountain, and more clods of soil were falling from the air, asking in surprise.

"What are you doing, pay attention to the time." Ouyang Jiaojiao also urged.

Poor Mo Xie at this time didn't even have the time to answer, only evading the attack of this giant eagle in embarrassment.

What makes him speechless is that this silver giant eagle can not only send out a long-range attack of thunder, once it is approached, it will spread its silver wings, pieces of sharp silver wings, like countless blades, as long as it is struck, then It was enough for him.

And the beak of this silver eagle is like a machete, waiting for the chance to kill with one blow...

I kept avoiding, Mo Xie was also helpless in his heart. Climbing to the top of this peak meant that he could not dodge freely. Once he fell off the cliff, it would be a dead end.

And now, the silver giant eagle is forcing him to retreat, and half a meter behind him is a cliff of ten thousand feet!

Can't retreat anymore, must find a wider place.

Seeing that the online time has passed for a few more minutes, only the last eleven points are left, and the system prompt will appear immediately. He must last until the online time is over, and still have a few seconds of buffer time, otherwise it is not yet When he is completely offline, the characters remaining in the game will still be killed.

In that case, even if it goes online tomorrow, it will have to be resurrected on the Reincarnation Stage.

Loss is still unavoidable.

During the quick dodge, Mo Xie deliberately pretended to dodge to the left, and suddenly moved two steps to the left.

Sure enough, the silver giant eagle was deceived, and his huge body also tilted to the left, trying to maintain a high-pressure attack momentum.

At this moment, Mo Xie exerted his speed advantage to the limit, and suddenly rolled to the right. His body just flew over the silver giant eagle's wings, and suddenly rolled down into the deep grass.


Amid the angry screams, the giant eagle turned around and furiously followed it, as if the direction in which Mo Xie flees made it particularly furious.

At this moment, Mo Xie, ever since he rolled into the grass, he felt the pain from a few raised spires behind his back, so he subconsciously touched a piece of it, and suddenly he was taken aback...

Because he was holding an oval-shaped blue stone egg in both hands, which was very heavy!

And on this blue stone egg, there is actually a line of pale gold fonts, and Mo Xie's eyes are straight...

Silver Charm Eagle Egg Perfect Class Pet Egg!

I'll go and go...

Mo Xie never expected that the system had such a wonderful setting. He unexpectedly broke into a bird's nest and found more than one pet egg!

The most amazing thing is that these are still gold-level pet eggs!

God this is going to make me rich!

Just as he was so pleasantly surprised and ready to continue to explore the existence of the other sharp stones, an angry cry sounded in his ears, and the giant eagle madly pursued.

Mo Xie planned to put this bird egg in the package first, and then find a way to catch all the other bird eggs in the nest.

Ding...System: Sorry! Players should not be sad, the Silver Charm Eagle Egg is temporarily not owned by you, and you cannot pick it up temporarily. Please wait for the item protection time!

How could this be?

Mo Xie was suddenly shocked when he couldn't put the bird eggs in the package.

He understood the system's settings at once, and these eggs are all descendants.

It is immortal, and the ownership of the eggs is still owned.

But the system information also said very clearly that the moment Mo Xie picked up this bird's egg, its ownership was changing.

You must wait until the end of the item protection time before you can justly belong to Moxie.

But the **** thing is, how long is the item protection time?

If it is the player's item protection time, then Moxie knows very well that as long as the player throws the item in the package underground and waits for 5 minutes, then everyone can pick up the item.

However, within five minutes of waiting, it is still item protection time and can only be picked up by the owner.

If it's five minutes, that's fine, just go ahead and fight!

It's just a pity, there are at least a few bird eggs he can't get, because he can only hold one bird egg in both hands to trigger the item protection time.

As long as no one picks them up, those in the bird's nest are still private items.

Damn it, let the two beauties come up together.

But when they came up, I was afraid that they couldn't stop the chase, maybe they had been knocked off the cliff long ago.

Holding the giant egg in both hands, feeling the heavy weight, Mo Xie quickly continued to flee towards the top of the mountain.

After rushing here, the escape space has increased several times, and it will take a while to catch up with him.

But when angrily discovered that the enemy in front of him had its bird egg in his arms, its anger immediately reached its extreme!


In the long and screaming sound, the silver charm Thunder Eagle instantly spread its wings. A single giant wing up to five meters wide, which is more than ten meters long, immediately enveloped the top of the cliff and a large area!

Moreover, the silver gleam on the giant wings, all the wings stood upright, like two giant wings composed of metal blades, constantly approaching Moxie from both sides!

It's over, it still has this trick!

Originally thought that the escape space would be larger and the chances of survival would be greater, but now it seems that the situation has not changed much!

At the foot of the mountain, the two beauties who stood up and looked at the top of the mountain also found that the situation was wrong.

A huge silver bird stood on the edge of the cliff, and the stern roar made the two of them dumbfounded.

"Who did this kid provoke?" Lianna asked in surprise.

"I don't know, it seems he has found a flying pet." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"That's a flying pet, obviously it's one, he seems to be dead now." Lianna shook her head.

"Time is running out, we can't go up, what should we do now?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked in a daze.

"Look at his luck." Lianna had nothing to do.

Under the pressure of the two giant silver wings, Mo Xie now has nowhere to escape.

Holding the giant egg in both hands, he was reluctant to let go, and was forced to the highest point of the mountain as he stepped back.

On the edge of a cliff, one step further back will fall off the cliff, and there will be no place to die!

And if he died like this, the bird's eggs would still not belong to him,

The item time is not up. When you die, what you hold in your hand is not a personal item.

It must be placed in a package to be protected by the system.

"Stop, don't come! Come again, I will throw the bird eggs down, none of us want it!"

Mo Xie was standing there with poor skills, and now he could only play tricks to see if he was fooled.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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