The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 971: Welfare Box

Faced with the denser black beasts in the encirclement, the pressure on the players began to increase. The summoned beasts were squeezed by the monsters and retreated again and again, and they were already leaning against the shield wall, relying on the strength of the shield soldiers , To maintain the integrity of the encirclement.

"I'm going, there are too many monsters transmitted by this teleportation array. What wave is this?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked.

"It seems to be the first wave, without any hint." Mo Xiaolang replied.

"Strengthen the attack and eliminate some as soon as possible." Mo Xiaoyuan proposed.

"Then let all melee professions go in and attack, encircle and expand a little." Mo Xiaolang thought.

"Only in this way can we give full play to our attack power. If we are later, our attack efficiency will not keep up with the number of teleportation arrays." Moxie said.

"Understand." Mo Xiaolang waved his hand to give an order to let the shield warriors retreat collectively, and let the warrior knights and assassins enter the ambush circle...

Accompanied by the sound of dense footsteps, the surrounding group spread out instantly, and a large group of figures rushed into the circle and began to rush towards the monsters madly...

The rain of arrows and magic kept falling, coupled with the close combat of the berserkers, knights, and assassins, the blood volume of the monster group dropped rapidly again!


From the start of the battle to the death of the first batch of monsters, exactly four or five minutes passed.

Facing such a long killing efficiency, Mo Xie and a group of commanders frowned.

"These monsters' attack power is not too strong, but the blood volume and defense are really a headache." Zhou Jianing said silently.

"This is probably the insidious part of the system. It is said that it is to kill monsters to get benefits for the players. In fact, they have no plan to give many benefits." God Realm Dragon Soul said angrily. He just joined the core command not long ago. The fresh blood of the regiment.

With him a group of players who joined the core commander team, there are a dozen people in total, all of them are commanding talents carefully selected by Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang.

"No matter how the system is set, we have to kill the monster as much as possible," Moxie said.

At the moment when the first batch of monsters died, a wave of experience hits quickly, and a large amount of loot was scattered beside the monster's body.

Ding Ding Ding!

A series of beams of light gleamed behind Mo Xie, and the stupid little fleshy ball continuously enlarged in the beam of light, and thick feathers appeared on his body.

As the beam of light dissipated, a majestic rooster-like bird stood behind Mo Xie with its claws, tilting its head and looking at everyone in front of him.

Xiao Fei Dian has upgraded four levels in a row, and his body has grown several times more than before.

A pet that is half a meter tall and looks like a big red rooster, except that it has no comb on its head, it is almost like a rooster. The red feathers are completely different from the silver eagle.

How did it grow like this?

Mo Xie looked back and then looked at the side of Sister Hong in the distance, feeling speechless.

Sister Hong held a head full of silver light in her arms, the size and appearance were the same as Mo Xie's Xiao Fei Dian, but the colors were very different.

"Look, Xiao Mo has grown like that, and A Hong is beautiful." Ouyang Jiaojiao laughed.

"Yeah, the same pet egg, how come the hatched color is different?" Lianna and a group of teammates looked at the two pets strangely. This was the first time players saw high-level flying pets. Follow the growth of these two pets.

"Are there different types of pet eggs?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"No, I really didn't pay attention. Sister Hong, show me the attributes of your pet." Mo Xie shook his head. Not long ago, I felt that the two pets were somewhat different. Now the difference is even greater.

"Okay." Li Hong replied and immediately sent a screenshot...

Peter Pan perfect comprehensive pet

Level: 4

Riding status: Level 20 riding

Combat attributes:

Physical Attack: 22-25

Magic Attack: 27-33

Lightning attribute: 25

Physical defense: 23

Magic defense: 31


Magic Attack +60

Abnormal state resistance rate +30

Magic attack range +3

Lightning attack with paralysis for 1 second

Mana regeneration speed +6 per second


A long howl of lightning: With a long howl of lightning, it can attack all enemies within 10 meters in a straight line, causing 130 magic attack damage, with a fixed body state for 3 seconds, and a skill cooldown of 30 seconds. Consumes 50 mana.

Two: Ten levels are open.

3: Twenty level is open.

4: Thirty levels open.

Five: Level 50 opens.

Six: Level sixty is open.

Note: Born to have a special bloodline, the sky king, the invincible lightning eagle in the sky under the beast.

How could it happen!

Mo Xie looked at the pet attributes sent by Sister Hong in surprise, and his eyes widened in a daze...

The attributes of these two pets are completely different!

His scarlet eagle pet is surprisingly dominated by physical attacks and comes with lightning magic.

Sister Hong, the lightning silver eagle, is a pet of the magic attack category, with lightning magic damage, and the defense is mainly magic defense.

Although his pets are also magic attacks, they are mainly physical attacks. By comparing the attributes of these two pets, you can already see clearly...

It is also a Level 4 Xiaofeidian, but the attributes are very different.

Xiaofeidian perfect comprehensive pet

Level: 4

Riding status: Level 20 riding

Combat attributes:

Physical Attack: 27-33

Magic Attack: 22-25

Lightning attributes: 25

Physical defense: 31

Magic defense: 23


Attack damage +50

Magic resistance +50

Absorb 30 health points when the attack hits

Each attack has a 10 chance to cause double damage

Ranged attacks add 50 lightning damage

After careful comparison, the attributes of the two pets are indeed opposite in many ways, one is mainly physical and the other is magic.

There is such a setting in the system?

The same pet eggs, are there different attributes after randomly hatched...

Mo Xie shook his head, wondering who the two pets are stronger and weaker in the future, or whether each has its own merits.

"No matter what, continue killing monsters." Mo Xie walked toward the front of the enclosure with the pet swaying behind him.

The commanders also moved forward, preparing to join the battlefield and killing monsters as quickly as possible...

At this time, the monsters were falling continuously, and a large amount of loot fell to the ground. After being quickly picked up by the front row players, they were all handed over to the Alliance Warehouse for centralized processing.

These trophies are all level 50 green and blue equipment, as well as a large number of other various props.

Most of them are living materials, including animal skins, animal horns and sharp teeth, as well as beast meat of various qualities.

I have also picked up a lot of life production maps for various occupations, and they are all intermediate and high-level production maps above level 50.

This kind of event rewards originally disappointed the players. It seems that they can only hope to get experience points from monsters.

However, while a large number of monsters died, occasionally some strange red props could be seen falling to the ground. Although the number was small, they were still picked up by fast-handed players.

Welfare Treasure Box: System reward items, after opening, you will randomly get merit cards or experience pill.

The little red treasure box immediately surprised the players, and quickly reported the findings to the commanders.

Mo Xie took a treasure box handed in by the players and opened it with both hands under the curious eyes of his teammates.

With a flash of red light, the treasure box disappeared, and a small bronze token appeared with the words Merit written on it.

Meritorious card: After opening, get 1-10 meritorious value randomly.

"This is a token of merit, this is a good thing." Lianna said in surprise.

"Hurry up and order. These merit cards cannot be wasted. They must be used together and let the brothers turn in all the welfare treasure boxes. One treasure box rewards 5 guild points."

Mo Xie said.

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