The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 974: Pet token reward

Under Mo Xie's reminder, the players in front were extremely careful when launching attacks, and gradually focused their profits on these elite monsters, and killed the strong ones first to avoid harm.

A rain of arrows and magic fell in the flames of mad cows one after another, and the moo and loud sound of cows resounded throughout the grassland.

These blazing mad cows were not given any chance to attack, their blood volume has begun to slowly decline, and even the most powerful monsters can't escape the firepower coverage of the players.

As time passed, it took less than 5 minutes for those blazing mad cows to appear and fall to the ground one by one, turning into black light and disappearing!

As a wave of trophies struck, screams of surprise suddenly sounded continuously in the crowd...

"Ah, these blazing mad cows can actually burst out pet tokens!"

"Yes, it's still an advanced riding pet!"

"It's so cool, I'm worried about not having a mount."

The cheers of the players and screenshots of black pet tokens appeared in the Alliance Channel, which immediately attracted the attention of the commanders.

Unexpectedly, the elite monster also exploded pet tokens, and it was a high-level pet riding pet token, which made Mo Xie very curious.

"Who used the token, send a screenshot of the mount's attributes to see." Lianna couldn't help asking loudly.

"I have used one. This is a screenshot of level 0 attributes." A player hurriedly released the entire screenshot of the riding pet he had just acquired in the Legion Channel.

Red Flame Crazy Bull Outstanding Riding Pet

Use level: 50

Current level: 0

Current experience value: 0110

Riding speed +9

Health: 150

Physical defense: 6

Magic defense: 4

Block Attack: +20


Brute force flames: hitting the opponent will cause 100 attack damage to the opponent, and cause the opponent to tarsus flame state for three seconds, and suffer 100 fire damage every second.

Riding status:

All attributes of the owner +10

Encountered attack dodge +30

Encountered damage reduction +30

Riding pet skills:

Flame Shock: When riding a shock, it can lock the enemy from ten meters away and launch a mad charge, hitting all obstacles in a straight line, causing 110 physical damage to the opponent, while blessing the tarsus flame state, causing 100 fires per second within 5 seconds Department of injury. Skill cooling time: 3 minutes.

Note: The uniquely talented mad bull mount is full of black flames, but it is harmless to the owner and has an abnormal personality. When riding, it will actively hit the surrounding enemies and cause damage to the opponent.

Note: The advanced riding pet has a protection function, which can protect the owner to continue riding within 10 seconds after being attacked. Please make good use of the protection time.

Nice riding pet!

Mo Xie has seen the high-level riding pets captured by two beauties in the Royal Hunting Grounds, but for this elite-level high-level riding pets, the Royal Hunting Grounds pets are much inferior.

Although they are all high-level riding pets, they also have high and low quality. This is already a blue outstanding riding pet, which makes many players crazy...

"The order continues, all these crazy cows are besieged, all the tokens are obtained, and the excess is distributed to the Knight Army." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Yes, if the Knight Legion is fully equipped with this mad bull riding pet, then the combat effectiveness will be even higher!" Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

The commander issued an order, and the players worked hard to output, and the violent sound of cows resounded through the grassland outside the city...

Batches of mad cow monsters appeared from the teleportation array, and the large number surprised all players!

Now everyone understands that this event is indeed a welfare activity. Although the difficulty is a bit big, the welfare rewards have been improving.

Even ordinary players are excited, knowing in their hearts that it was the player named Mo Sad who reached level 50 and helped Sunset City win this welfare event.

And this guy named Mo Sad is the commander of the God Realm League...

The goodwill of all ordinary players towards the God Realm League has improved a lot since the last Orc battle, plus this time.

The battle is fierce. Since the activity started at 8 o'clock, it is now 9:20. More and more monsters appear, and the density of monsters in the encirclement is increasing...

"Preparing to open the third encirclement, the two are almost unsupported." Li Hong said.

"Yes, the pressure on the shield wall is getting stronger and stronger." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded.

"Brother Xiao Yuan, then you choose someone to open the third circle." Mo Xie ordered.

"Yes." After Mo Xiaoyuan accepted the instruction, he immediately issued an instruction in the Alliance Channel, leading a group of players to rush to the other side, and asked a large group of players to greet the ordinary players, and work together to form the third encirclement circle.

On the grassland outside the city, three circles are lined up. With the opening of the second channel, the black ocean seems to have found a dam with a bursting dyke. There is no need to attract strangers, and it is already raging and scattered towards the third. past.

In this way, the pressure on all players is greatly reduced.

"How many encirclements can be formed by the number of people on our side?" Mo Xie asked.

"There can be two more at most, but the area is definitely not as large as it is now." Mo Xiaolang replied thoughtfully.

"Then speed up the attack." Mo Xie said with a frown.

As batches of mad cows were hung up, more and more pet tokens were collected by players. Those players who had extra tokens spontaneously handed these pet tokens to the alliance warehouse to provide Charged to the knight players.

In a short while, I saw a pet that looked like a calf next to each player, and they all began to help the pet level up.

The magnificent beam of light began to shine among the players, all of which were the brilliant light effects when pets were upgraded...

Players have just reached level 50, and it is very difficult to upgrade again, but the newly-appearing pets have been upgraded several levels in a row at once, and their bodies are constantly getting bigger as they blow balloons.


Suddenly the flapping sound of wings sounded in the crowd. After the two beams of light passed, a red light and a silver light flashed above Mo Xie and Li Hong's heads, and two giant eagles rose into the sky...

Xiao Fei Dian and Xiao Fei Xia finally reached level 20, truly becoming a flying pet!

"Look at that, the boss and girlfriend's flying pets have appeared!"

"I'm so handsome, the flying pet is really more powerful!"

Mo Xie and Li Hong's golden flying battle pet was finally upgraded to level 20. Two war eagles soared in the sky with their wings spread, and the two groups of halos gleamed back and forth, which aroused the curiosity of all players.

In the core commander channel, two screenshots of pet attributes also made all core players stunned...

Xiaofeidian perfect comprehensive pet

Level: 20

Riding status: open

Seating position: 02

Movement speed while riding +15

The flying state can continue to ride, unless the state is automatically cancelled or the riding pet dies

When riding, non-knight classes can only perform normal attacks

Combat attributes:

Health: 1740

Mana: 1520

Physical Attack: 123-135

Magic Attack: 101-110

Lightning attributes: 105

Physical defense: 125

Magic Defense: 72


Attack damage +50

Magic resistance +50

Absorb 30 health points when the attack hits

Each attack has a 10 chance to cause double damage

Ranged attacks add 50 lightning damage


One claw crack: When using iron claws to attack an enemy, it will cause 120 physical attack damage and a 10 chance to bleed. It will lose 100 points of blood per second within 5 seconds. The skill cools down for 10 seconds without consumption.

Two Thunder Arrows: Breathing out wild thunder to attack enemies within 10 meters, causing 120 magic damage and 200 points of lightning damage. There is a 10 chance to cause the enemy to freeze for 1 second, cool down for 15 seconds, and consume 80 mana.

Three Thunder and Lightning Wings: Both wings trigger sky thunder, causing 80 magic damage to all enemies within 1010 range of the designated area, and 200 points of lightning damage. There is a 10 chance to paralyze the enemy for 3 seconds, the skill cools down for 3 minutes, and consumes 180 magic points.

4: Thirty levels open.

Five: Level 50 opens.

Six: Level sixty is open.

Note: Born to have a special bloodline, the air king, under the beast, the invincible Thunder Eagle in the sky.

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