The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 982: The fallen giant

Seeing the other party raising his left fist, Mo Xie immediately issued a warning, making Mo Xiaoyuan pay special attention.

At this time, the siege trucks on the left and right sides quickly approached, and while the giant's attention was all in the middle, they crushed the black monster group, and gradually approached the giant's two standing big feet.

Fortunately, this giant is controlled by a monster, and it is much easier to deal with. If it is controlled by the player, it will be difficult for the two siege vehicles to approach it.

Mo Xie stared at the ground, seeing the two siege vehicles close to the monster giant's feet, he was immediately surprised.

"Preparing to hit, you must make it stand unstable, it's best to hit the ground." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"Understood." The controllers of the two siege vehicles replied together. While continuing to advance, the extended siege hammer slowly retracted...

As the two siege vehicles were completely close to each other's feet, the siege hammer quickly popped out...


Two loud noises rushed straight into the sky, nearby players covered their ears one after another, the huge metal tapping sound made the nearby monsters sway and almost fell to the ground.

Suddenly suffered a heavy blow, the body of the mechanical giant shook suddenly, and the left arm that had been raised, flashed with a burst of fire, and the huge flying fist directly hit the large group of monsters around Mo Xiaoyuan, and suddenly shook countless monsters. In midair, countless monsters were directly killed by a punch, and screams rang out.

At this time, the two mechanical flying fists were all used up, and the giant only had three flying shoes and energy cannon threats left.

But at this time, after the first impact, the siege hammers of the two siege vehicles immediately contracted, preparing for the next violent impact.

"As long as the giant falls to the ground, immediately find a way to wrap it with a rope so that it cannot stand up." Mo Xie reminded loudly.

"I see, Xiao Mo rest assured." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded and gave the order, and his siege vehicle also rushed toward the giant's feet.

After seeing an impact just now, he knew in his heart that only relying on the impact of two medium-sized siege vehicles, the giant was still a little behind, and only three would have a chance to go up.


Two dull hits resounded through the entire city. After two hits, the giant's feet had shrunk a lot inward, and huge drag traces could be seen on the ground.

"Go on, it's too big, if it can't support its feet, it will definitely fall." Mo Xie roared excitedly.

As the giant's feet contracted, its body obviously swayed slightly, but it was still barely able to support it.

Accompanied by the swish of arrows breaking through the air, the siege vehicle controlled by Mo Xiaoyuan braved the arrows and crossbows to shoot uninterruptedly, and finally rushed to a big foot from behind.

At the same moment, Mo Xie also nervously saw that the opponent's right arm began to move again, as if he was looking for an attack target. The cooling time of the energy cannonball had passed, and a shocking scene would appear again!

"Be careful of the energy cannon, it can attack again." Mo Xie said loudly.

"It's okay, the distance is too close to lock the target." Li Hong can see clearly, because the three siege vehicles are already close to the giant's feet, if you want to attack them, the giant's arms are too long, I am afraid it is difficult bending.

"Strengthen the impact." Mo Xiaoyuan didn't dare to take any chances. With a loud roar, the players around him quickly turned the winch and the siege hammer was quickly retracted.

As the player moved the mechanism, the huge long rod suddenly rushed forward, driving the hammer head to hit the giant's left foot severely...


The loud noise almost made the players in the tortoise shell deaf, and the mechanical giant's left foot was also knocked backwards, the entire huge body slowly tilted forward, all the players watching were extremely excited.

"It's going to fall to the ground, it's better to jump forward."

"This is good, let's see how it gets up."

"If this guy falls, it won't be that easy to get up."

Players were talking about it. Seeing the steel giant making a buzzing sound, because the left foot could not play a supporting role, the huge weight has slowly bent its left foot, and the body has been continuously stretched forward. maintain balance.

"Prepare to escape." Mo Xiaoyuan gave an order, and the three siege vehicles hurried back...

Boom boom boom!

Pieces of metal lenses continued to fall from the air, and its left foot was twisting and deforming, and even the large pieces of smooth metal outside the body began to shatter in pieces, the scene was very spectacular.

The three siege vehicles retreated quickly, away from the danger zone.

"Prepare the rope, you can't give it a chance to get up." Mo Xie said excitedly.

Seeing that the head of the mechanical giant was gradually leveling with the ground, he was about to fall forward, but at this moment, the Jingguang soldier’s right arm was aimed at the ground, and with a bang, a green beam of light spouted toward the ground, a huge green light. The ball hit the open space, and a small hole suddenly appeared on the ground, and the sky was flying.

As the energy cannon was wasted, but the body of the giant was recoiled by the energy, and the body that had fallen to the ground stood tall...

"Damn it, that's okay." Lianna said silently with wide eyes.

"Continue to hit." Mo Xiaoyuan ordered helplessly.

But when the three siege vehicles moved forward again, the metal giant, which had been recoiled by the energy and stood upright, actually began to slowly tilt backward, seemingly too powerful to keep it balanced.

Mo Xie was surprised to see that the giant's body slowly tilted backward, but its right foot was moving fast, trying to maintain a standing posture.

Seeing this, he hurriedly ordered the mount to rush towards the head of the steel giant from the air...

If you don't fall, let me help you!

Mo Xie sneered in his heart, the mount quickly dived in the air, stretched out the giant claws and grabbed the giant's head fiercely...


All the players were stunned. With the power of a pet, can they shake this giant's posture?

But Mo Xiaolang's eyes were shining, as if he saw the hope of victory!


A red light flashed in the air, Xiao Fei Dian quickly rushed down, and his claws suddenly hit the top of the giant's head, and a string of sparks flashed in the air.

In everyone's eyes, the huge steel giant fell backwards magically, and there was no way to maintain an upright posture...

"Xiao Mo is really smart, knowing that the other party needs such a little strength to master balance, as long as he changes this strength, he can make the giant fall again!" Zhou Jianing said in surprise.


A mechanical giant with shining metallic light, its huge body resembling a blasted tall building, slammed straight to the back, amidst the loud sound of the sky, the monster group behind it suffered an innocent disaster, and it was suppressed by its huge body. Blockbuster, black light keeps shining.

"Brother Xiao Yuan, don't give it a chance." Mo Xie shouted.

"Understood." Mo Xiaoyuan replied excitedly and gave the order immediately.


The hatches of the three siege vehicles opened, and a large group of players swarmed up, wrapping all the ropes prepared in their hands on the giant's feet and body, without even letting go of the arms.

Before the monsters rushed up, lying on the body of the struggling steel giant on the ground, countless ropes were already densely wrapped...

"Xiao Yuan, tie up his feet and wrap a few more ropes around the siege vehicle." Mo Xiaolang also gave a loud suggestion.

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