The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 994: Did this succeed?

The situation is just like what players have guessed. The Ten Thousand Beast Mountain map first stipulates that players can only catch pets once and they will be returned by the system. If they want to go in again, they must exchange tokens.

But last time, Mo Xie stole two pet eggs. It can be seen that there are almost similar settings in this map scene, but the situation is not necessarily the same every time.

And this time, they finally found another super pet, three little lions led by a huge golden lion...

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang began to move quietly, and their teammates were also looking for a hiding place at the foot of the mountain, waiting for good news from them.

Mo Xie knew very well that catching pets in this way would definitely disturb the sleeping lion, but this risk must be taken.

The two quietly climbed the hillside and quickly approached under the big tree. In order not to disturb the male lion and the three young lion cubs, they could only hide their figures as much as possible and ensure that they did not make any noise.

Gradually, the two figures continued to advance on the steeper and steeper slope, slowly coming to the bottom of the cliff.

At this time, the cry of milk of the three little lions was clearly audible, and the muffled sound of the lions' snoring continued to be heard.

Mo Xie stretched out a finger to the left and signaled Mo Xiaolang to explore to the left. After a while, he could grab a little lion, and he moved to the right, comparing two fingers.

When climbing the slope, he had already told Mo Xiaolang that this kind of task of stealing bird eggs or cubs has an item protection time in the system. It is impossible to catch the cubs in the package the first time. Their cry, It is unstoppable.

Mo Xiaolang clicked, took out a long rope from the package, tied it to a raised mountain bag nearby on the cliff, and then grabbed the other end of the rope and tied it around his waist, and then slowly wound it to the left.

Mo Xie did the same, first fixed the rope to the cliff, and then slowly climbed to the right.

Unknowingly, both of them climbed to the sides of the raised platform, and the back of that huge mighty lion was close at hand.

The three little lions have been hiding behind their strong stomachs to play, jumping out from time to time, but soon remained vigilant to recapture under the father's stomach.

The two waited for two minutes, but couldn't find a chance to start.

Mo Xiaolang made a neck-grabbing hand on the opposite side, meaning that he was going to forcefully arrest.

Mo Xie shook his head quickly, pointed at the lion, and warned him that if he did this hard, the lion would be awakened in the first place, and it would be more difficult to catch it at that time.

Because the lion in front of them, just like the giant flying eagle that Mo Xie saw last time, is also a fierce identity, and its name is the Golden Shadow Lion King!

It can be seen from the opponent's name that this lion must be extremely fast, otherwise it would not have such a name.

Staying by the cliff, Mo Xie began to think about new methods, but the little lion did not appear, no matter how many methods were useless, the two had to continue to wait quietly...

One minute or three minutes passed quietly, and the players hiding under the hillside were waiting impatiently.

But at this moment, Mo Xie's waiting finally had its effect. Perhaps these little lions couldn't help but play triumphantly. Three small bodies jumped excitedly, got out from under the lion’s belly, and quickly climbed to the male. The side of the lion.

The three little guys jumped to and fro, unknowingly away from the safe harbor, playing directly on the side of the lion, and even jumped onto the platform behind the lion.

"Hands!" Mo Xie initiated a gesture for the first time, and Mo Xiaolang immediately pounced from one side, and rushed to the platform with a roll, hugged one of the little lions directly into his arms.

Mo Xie also rushed forward at the same time, as if an eagle descended from the sky, spreading both hands, squeezing the two little lions at once.


In the angry howl, the giant lion seemed to be awakened immediately, raised his head and looked around inexplicably. When it found that two strangers were nearby, holding three little lions in its arms, its eyes were fierce. The light was bare, his mouth opened to reveal his mouth full of sharp teeth, and an angry roar was heard.

"Quickly go!" Mo Xie couldn't care too much, and while immediately issuing a warning, he jumped off the platform and off the cliff...


The male lion found that this person had captured two little lions, and was immediately furious. When facing two enemies, it did not hesitate to choose Mo Xie, and immediately stretched out its claws and swept it, just passing by Mo Xie's tumbling figure. A handful of blood shot out.


Mo Xie only felt that half of his body was about to be numb, and the blood bar on his head immediately jumped down a lot!

Fortunately, he had already rolled and rushed out of the cliff. Although he had suffered an attack, his body had already fallen quickly to the hillside, pulled by the rope, and rolled all the way down the slope.

The little Mo wolf on the other side was covered by Mo Xie, holding the little lion in a hurry, and also rolled down from the slope.

With the rope straightened, the bodies of the two hovered on the **** of tens of meters under the platform at the same time!

And in mid-air, the lion chasing in anger had already rushed along the **** quickly, his huge body turned into a faint golden afterimage, and the speed was extremely frightening!

You know, these super pets, as mounts, already have a speed of +13, which is faster than Moxie's full-speed running. Of course, catching up with them is no problem.

It's a pity that Mo Xie now took another hit and was already in a fighting state, unable to use his mount.

With a puff, the two cut the rope at the same time, their bodies continued to roll and fall to the ground...

The speed of their tumbling finally distanced from the lion. After all, this was in a special environment. The lion couldn’t even play half of its speed advantage. He had to chase the two tumbling figures and continue to madly down the hillside. Chasing.

"Sister Hong, ride a mount and bring someone to help." Mo Xie was holding two little lions, now very embarrassed. These two little guys were even more dishonest. They waved their four claws in their arms and would be caught if they were not careful. They take a bite!

"I got it." Li Hong understood what he meant, and immediately recruited the flying eagle to ride on. By the way, he also pulled Mo Xiaoyuan onto the back seat and flew straight to the sky and to the hillside...

During the fast roll, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang were already spinning around, and the little guy in their arms was a lot more honest, but the golden lion was still chasing after him, and the distance was quickly getting closer!


At this moment, the eagle flew in the air and pointed at the lion with a lightning halberd, with a blast of electric light flowing. Although it did not hit the lion, the swift electric snake still forced the lion to retreat two steps.

It was this attack that squeezed a few seconds for Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang. The two quickly stood up, strode forward and rushed forward, greeted Li Hong to descend quickly.

When the wind whistling above his head, Mo Xie quickly raised a little lion in his hand.

Mo Xiaoyuan immediately received it in his arms, and took the two little guys in Mo Xie's hands in two swipes. By the way, Mo Xiaolang's prey was also firmly packed into his arms.

The three little lions were all picked up by Mo Xiaoyuan, and Li Hong immediately directed the eagle to fly high.

Mo Xie turned his head and looked into the distance, only to see that the lion had turned his head and rushed towards the cliff, rushed over the ancient tree, and disappeared to the side of the mountain.

"What happened to this lion, did you give up?" Lianna asked in surprise.

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