The Demon Shadow

Chapter 1 - A Whole New World

'Sigh this is so boring' said a 16 years old teenager with short black hair and black eyes .he was sitting on his seat watching his classmates talking and laughing.

He was bored watching them having fun while being alone with no one to even spare him a glance.

He had an ugly face that was sore to the eye to watch yet he was smart the smartest of his classmates.His name was Noah.

People despised Noah for his looks even though he was smart he didn't have a single friend .He was alone since his childhood .

When he was 7 years old, he lost his parents in a car accident . He had a rough life after that as he had to live with his grandparents who were devoid of life after their son's death.

Noah was often bullied by his classmates and no matter how much he tried to stand for himself, he would always end up being beaten half-dead .

As ironic as his luck could be, today was his 16th birthday on his way back from school a car suddenly hit him sending him flying 3 meters .

Noah was feeling pain all over his body but still he didn't scream or call for help . On the contrary he was smiling.

'How could fate play on me such a joke twice in my life time? 'Noah said before shutting his eyes and lying on the street breathless .

Noah opened his eyes and found himself in a white room that had no boundaries to it . It seemed like he was floating yet he could still feel the floor below him.

"You woke up quite late , you should change that habit if you want to become a billionaire" the resounded in the white room.

Noah promptly shifted his head to the right to be shocked and dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

He saw an old man with a long white beard in the room staring at him with a gentle smile. Noah was shocked to see the old man floating in the air like some fictional being he read in novels.

"Who are you ?" Noah asked the old man .

"Just a bored god looking for some thrill "the old man replied .

The answer left Noah what an open mouth .

'If this is true and this man is a god , does this mean that I'm about reincarnate to another life ? But if that's right then why the fuck did my luck have to end me up with some weird ugly old man instead of some goddess-like being?'

Noah noticed the old man's brows twitching in anger as if he did hear his thoughts.

Sweat started accumulating on Noah's forehead .

'So much stupidity for a clever guy' he thought inwardly.

"Ahem . I saw your tragic life and the unfairness of the heaven towards you so i came here to help you start a new one and hopefully it will be a good one this time as that will depend on your will and how much you are willing to change your fate" the old man said.

"A new life? a good one ?" Noah asked unconsciously .

"Yes a new life with a new beginning "the old man said to him.

"You said you came here to help me Why? "Noah asked.

"As i said before, he I'm bored and i want to give to you insignificant being a chance to change your fate"the old man said

"Does that mean my next like life will be normal or at least decent ?" Noah asked

"Well , not quite sure about that" the old man said while scratching his head .

"Something's fishy here " said Noah as he squinted his eyes at the old man

"Haha , look you man ,life is never easy and people have to get their asses fucked to live comfortably and in your case more fucking required"the old man said while acting like he was raining wisdom at the young man.

Noah didn't know how to react to the old man's words . He was left speechless but didn't miss the meaning behind the old man's words.

It seems that I'm really getting old, I'm getting sleepy . Look young man your time to reincarnate has come , pondering about it won't do you much so why don't you go there and find out for yourself. I'm really looking out to how you're going to change your fate or rather will you be able to change your fate?" the old man said before snapping his fingers.

Noah suddenly felt everything around him became dark except a little hole that had some light coming from it.

He tried to reach out his hands to the light but couldn't move them as if he was restrained.

He suddenly felt a hand grabbing into his head and pulling him towards the hole .

Noah came out of the dark space he was in through the hole .

He was in a big room decorated like in the middle ages. Before he could look any further a spank sound was heard and then felt .

Spank ! Spank ! Spank !

For some reason, Noah felt his ass aching . Just when he was trying to figure out what's going on, he heard voices coming from around him.

The first person Noah saw was an old lady. She was smirking at him like she was proud of something.

Beside her, three servants were gasping

While staring at him.

" H-He's..He's alive " one of the servants muttered.

"Of course he's alive , who do you think the one who delivered him? Besides he's a fighter that's the least expected of him as one of the Raven family" the old woman said while puffing her chest . She handed the little baby to the the lying woman beside her .

"here you go my lady . You see i told you he's going to be alright" the old woman said to the mother lying on the bed.

" Oh my little baby , you're so beautiful and healthy "the woman said to the baby in a very gentle voice while tears were oozing out of her eyes .

The woman kept shifting her eyes between him and the other baby girl that was sleeping soundly beside her .

The woman was Noah's mother her name was Lana . She was 20 years old with long silky black hair and a jade-like skin that was snow-white .Her pair of eyes were golden in color while her nose was small and hooked . She had a voluptuous body that would drive any man crazy .

The little baby beside her was her daughter and Noah's twin baby sister. Her name was Maya .

She had two shining grayish eyes that sparkled with excitement .

"Go inform sir Edgar of this news" the old woman ordered one of the servants .

After a couple of minutes a 28 year old man came to the room rushing. He halted his steps when he saw his wife perfectly fine and two babies in both of her hands.

He smiled as he proceeded his steps until he got in front of his wife he held Maya between his hands and looked right into her eyes .

"I can sense it ,she's gonna be a great daughter" Sir Edgar said as he put her back in her mother's hand. He then glanced at Noah for a second before standing .

"Take care of the child and make sure she's perfectly fine"Edgar said to the old woman before exiting out of the room.

The room was silent no one uttered a single word . The old woman looked at Noah pitifully 'sigh what a pitiful child' she said with a dejected tone .

Lana held Noah between her arms and kissed him on the forehead .

"No matter whether what they think about you crippled or not I'll give you all the love i can" she said to him with a caring tone in her voice .

What no one expected is that Noah was fully aware of his surroundings.even though he didn't understand their language he could still understand that he reincarnated in another world and these people were his new parents.

'At least I'm sure this is my mother 'he said inwardly.

he watched sir Edgar leaving and wondered

'What's wrong with this psychopath?'

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