The Demonic King Chases His Wife

Chapter 2056: Magnificent Counterattack (4)

Although their Eldest Brother Hua was very powerful and they firmly believed that their eldest brother would come save them once he had freed up his hands… Right now, this mad woman was simply going berserk! She was smashing heads like she was hitting watermelons!

The heads of the youngsters split open, and blood went splashing everywhere, including onto her face. She even extended her tongue and licked it like it was very delicious...

The young men were simply terrified. For the sake of their own lives, they glanced at each other and then noisily ran in all directions.

Run, run, run!

If they didn’t run, they’re screwed!

However, Big Sister Wei so happened to raise her head at this time. Was there any chance that she would let them escape?

“You dare to run?! Eat another hit!” The halberd held by Big Sister Wei left her hand and went straight towards the head of the person in front of her.

As the halberd flew over, this person’s neck turned to mush. The large fist of Big Sister Wei, who was chasing them from behind, had come smashing down from the top of his head. Thus, this small fry was officially declared dead.

However, the fact that the small fry had run in all sorts of directions was making it really troublesome for Big Sister Wei who was pursuing them.

While Big Sister Wei was running all over the place to hunt them down, Su Luo was also straining herself somewhat against her opponent.

Although she had ascended quickly, she was still only a Commander Rank. Compared to Eldest Brother Hua, there was a difference of exactly one rank, a difference of exactly seven stars! Even though Su Luo had all sorts of hidden trump cards, it was simply impossible if she wanted to win against him.

Su Luo retreated as she fought.

Eldest Brother Hua pushed closer step by step.

“Wench, I never imagined that after a few days, your skills would actually improve this quickly!” Eldest Brother Hua’s appearance was sinister as he shouted fiercely.

Su Luo was being beaten so badly that she was hiding everywhere she could [1], yet she still managed to laugh coldly again and again. “Don’t tell me you don’t know that the Poisonous Green-Eyed Devil Taotie inner core can be refined into an Advancing pill?”

Eldest Brother Hua’s eyes darkened. “What are you talking about?”

Su Luo was somewhat baffled. “Don’t tell me you don’t know?”

“How can the Poisonous Green-Eyed Devil Taotie inner core be refined into an Advancing pill? Moreover with such a good effect?!” Eldest Brother Hua practically blew his top!

If he had known this earlier, he would have stolen the pill long ago. What chance was there that he would have let Su Luo have it?

Su Luo was suddenly strangely baffled. “You actually don’t know? Then why do you want that inner core for?”

“Wench, you don’t know…? The Poisonous Green-Eyed Devil Taotie inner core can be used to smelt…” Saying up to here, Eldest Brother Hua suddenly realized something was wrong and immediately went silent. Then he sneered, “Wench, you’re trying to fish through my words? Forget it!”

Su Luo’s eyes lit up brightly at this moment.

The Poisonous Green-Eyed Devil Taotie inner core can be used to smelt… smelt what?

Although Eldest Brother Hua didn’t say the rest of the sentence, Su Luo could more or less figure it out somewhat.

Haha! She never imagined that aside from using it to refine into an Advancing pill, the Poisonous Green-Eyed Devil Taotie inner core also had this sort of usage? It truly was a buy one get one free! If Eldest Brother Hua hadn’t mentioned it, she really wouldn’t have known!

When Eldest Brother Hua saw Su Luo’s complacent appearance, he nearly spat out a mouthful of blood. Why did he have to talk so much crap? He should have just let the wench think that it only had the use of becoming an Advancing pill!

Thinking this, Eldest Brother Hua got even angrier with Su Luo and really wanted to tear her into pieces!

Eldest Brother Hua looked around. This one look caused his pulse to speed up immediately.

All of his men had unexpectedly been eliminated. Every one of them laid on the ground badly mangled or mutilated [2]. It was unknown whether they would live or die…

“How vile!” Eldest Brother got so angry that he almost stomped his foot. He pointed at Su Luo and roared furiously, “Wench, your time of death has arrived! Die!”

The moment he had finished talking, he had thrusted his palm toward Su Luo.

Eldest Brother Hua was so angry that it was like he had already died and reincarnated. With an ashen complexion, he put forth 120% of his power!

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