The Demonic King Chases His Wife

Chapter 2218: Exultation (6)

It was till this moment that everyone's gaze towards Su Luo really changed!

What a difficult question!

The Eighth Elder had to explain it three times, but there were some people who still couldn't understand it. Yet, Su Luo, a person who had only been in the Upstream Mountain for more than a month, was able to write such a complete answer, with not the slightest mistake being made.

How far was this girl's understanding of the fire element!!!

At the beginning, everyone was still guessing whether she would be sent to the Eighth Elder to do bitter labor if she couldn't answer the question. Now, thinking back about that, they realized how ridiculous the idea was! How, utterly naïve!

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Fairy Wu You.

No one was blind. They could see that Fairy Wu You had tried her best to recommend Su Luo to answer this question just now. Now that she answered it so well, was she actually trying to harm or help Su Luo here?

Those people who already disliked Fairy Wu You didn’t bother to conceal the gloating smile shown from the corners of their mouth, with some of them even bursting into laughter.

Fairy Wu You was so angry that steam was about to spew out from the top of her head, as she turned around and glared viciously at Su Luo. She had never suffered from such a terrible loss, as she was always held up and protected since young.

Su Luo smiled brightly at Fairy Wu You. Her smile made the latter even more furious that blue veins popped out on her forehead.

Su Luo then sat straight up, diverting all of her attention again as she started to chat sweetly and happily with Nangong Liuyun.

Seeing Su Luo in a daze, Fairy Wu You wanted to make her answer questions several times, but when she thought of Su Luo’s understanding of the fire element… She huffed and puffed, forcing that urge down!

Regarding Su Luo's performance, the classmates secretly gave their thumbs up. Newborn calves were not afraid of tigers. This little girl was too strong. After being caught in a daze in the class of the Eighth Elder, she still dared to do it again?

However, this time the Eighth Elder and Fairy Wu You had both waved the white flag and did not deliberately make things difficult for Su Luo.

No one knew what Eighth Elder‘s thoughts were. As for Fairy Wu You, she had already begun to think about how to take Su Luo down and make her suffer a crushing humiliation.

A short time after, the Eighth Elder on the podium finished speaking, leaving with a sentence: "The lecture ends here, we will have a practical class next."

It was the Elder who had the final say on how long or short a class would be, or if it would be divided into several subsections or not. There was even an Elder who came up with seven days and seven nights class sections, driving crazy the students in that class.

"Tell me, how many sub classes will the Eighth Elder be splitting this class into this time?" someone asked in a low voice.

"Isn’t the Eighth Elder not happy with Su Luo? Maybe he will let us go back after the afternoon practical class."

"That's a big loss. We've paid 100,000 points each, it's not easy to save so many points.”

"Who made you unlucky enough to meet Su Luo in the class? That girl is also very beautiful, but she is not popular and makes enemies everywhere."

"Isn't it because she is so good-looking that she was regarded as an enemy by others? She might be feeling helpless about it, right?" Someone was finally willing to say something fair for Su Luo.

"Anyway, this girl is not forbearing enough to hold herself back under the ostentatious behaviour of Fairy Wu You. Look at it. There will definitely be a good show in this afternoon's practical class."

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