The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 105 - THE REAL YOU

"That's the easiest shortcut you can take," Gizach replied calmly. "You have so many opportunities to provoke your idol to sin, but you are too stupid and too coward to take those opportunities."

Azren could only shut his mouth when he heard Gizach reprimand him again. He always thought that his mission in the human world was difficult, but it was actually not that hard.

He had the opportunity to provoke the idol to sin, but instead of doing what he was supposed to do, he focused on the idol's wellbeing more. His mission was difficult because he was too weak. Gizach was not wrong.

"So, I have to provoke Michy to kill that man?" The blonde finally spoke again after realizing that it was indeed his mistake all along.

"It's up to you," Gizach replied with a shrug. "You are the one who got the mission, so the choice is in your hands. But, if I were you, I definitely had completed my mission by now."

Typical arrogant demon. Gizach was always confident with all he was doing, and it was the total opposite of Azren.

He still remembered how other demons often talked so highly about Gizach, and even Lucifer often rewarded Gizach because of his success rate that was near 100%.

If the task related to Michy was given to Gizach, it could be guaranteed that the red-haired demon had finished it by now. However, tasks related to Michy were a punishment from the king, and a perfect demon like Gizach would never be punished.

Even though Azren had improved ever since he got the task in the human world, he was still way behind the red-haired demon.

Gizach's idea was good, but Azren didn't immediately agree. Instead, he still contemplated the idea.

But, his deep thought was interrupted by a sudden vibration coming from his trouser pocket. Ignoring Gizach's questioning gaze, he immediately fished out the object and read the name on the screen.

Frowning in confusion, he ended up answering the phone call.


Azren was answering the phone call, and the red-eyed demon could only remain silent as he observed the blonde. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed Azren's expression suddenly changed.

"What? How could something like that happen so soon?" Azren suddenly sounded panicked when he questioned the person on the phone.

Gizach didn't even know the one who was talking with Azren on the phone, but he looked puzzled when he saw the latter's expression turned black.

"I understand. I will go back now," the blonde ended the call hastily, and he would have left the alley if only his arm had not been grabbed by the other demon.

Glaring annoyedly, the blonde barked at the other demon, "What do you want now?"

Azren even dared to raise his tone while questioning him, and Gizach blinked innocently before asking, "Can I have your phone number?"

Azren was on the verge of exploding. He was in a hurry, but Gizach still had the time to joke around.

"You are a demon, and I know you don't have a phone! Do you think I'm stupid?" Azren harshly responded to the redhead's joke.

Azren looked very angry, but instead of feeling offended by the rude response, Gizach seemed amused as he leaned forward and aimed for the blond's lips.

However, Azren managed to push the perverted demon and avoid the kiss. He wouldn't let the nasty demon get a taste of his lips once again.

"What's wrong with you, Gizach? Can't you see that I'm in a hurry now? Stop teasing me and just leave me alone!"

Gizach didn't look angry, and he chuckled instead. "You indeed changed a lot, and I'm more interested in you, Azren."

Azren felt goosebumps all over his body, but he chose to ignore the nasty demon and immediately left the dark alley. He had something important to do, and he didn't have time to play around with that demon.

Half-running, Azren hurried back to Michy's apartment. His heart pounded loudly, and he couldn't think straight. He just wanted to arrive at the penthouse soon.

Thankfully, he did not go too far from the apartment building, and he managed to reach the building in no time. Heading to the elevator, he immediately pressed the button to go upstairs. Right after the doors opened, he quickly got into the elevator.

It was quite late at night, and he was alone in the elevator that would bring him to the penthouse where the idol was staying.

The elevator doors opened again, and Azren couldn't be leisure as he hurriedly stepped past the door and rushed to Michy's residence. The idol let him have the spare key, so he could easily get into the house.

As expected, the lights inside the house were still on, but what he didn't expect was the sight of the idol sitting helplessly on the couch. The idol didn't even lift his head even though he noticed Azren's presence, and Azren was sure that the idol was in a bad condition now.

Sighing heavily, Azren then walked over to Michy in baby steps. He didn't even know what he should do to cheer up the idol in this situation, so he only dared to walk slowly towards the gloomy idol.

And the next thing that happened before his eyes shocked him even more. Michy, who had been sitting as still as a statue, suddenly threw his cell phone against the wall, and the expensive object instantly shattered into pieces.

The emerald eyes were fixated on the broken object, and the owner of the eyes felt sorry for the innocent object. The phone didn't even do anything, but it ended up breaking.

Azren tried to be patient as he walked over to the phone. He then bent down to pick up the broken materials. It was the most expensive phone in the market made of high-quality glass, but now it lost its value.

Michy couldn't control his anger, but because it wasn't caused by Azren's provocation, Azren didn't get any energy from the wrath.

He had time to think about it, causing him to lose focus. The sharp glass suddenly pierced his index finger, making him hiss as it hurt quite a bit.

Catching the hissing sound, Michy suddenly looked up and stared at Azren silently. His blue eyes were filled with worries as he got up from his seat.

Azren noticed how the young idol suddenly got up from the seat and left the living room, but he didn't comment on anything and just continued what he was doing.

His forefinger was bleeding, and he had to use his middle finger and his thumb to pick up the remaining pieces.

"Just leave it and sit on the couch."

He suddenly heard the cold order, and when he looked up, he saw Michy standing with the first aid kit in his hands.

The sight caused Azren to widen his emerald eyes. "What are you doing with the first aid kit, Michy?" He asked the idol dumbly.

"You said that you graduated from high school, right? Even if you're dumb, at least you know the function of the first aid kit, right?"

Michy was insulting him, and Azren grumbled in his heart, 'Who graduated from high school? That's all my king's scenario, and I don't even know what school looks like.'

He knew he shouldn't let his lips spill the secret, so he decided to silently comply with the idol's order to get up and head to the couch. Not forgetting, he put the broken phone on the coffee table before sitting down on the couch.

Seeing Azren obediently sat down on the couch as instructed, Michy followed suit and sat next to the blonde. Without a word, the young idol opened the first aid kit and took out some cotton and alcohol.

He then poured the alcohol onto the cotton and looked up at the blonde man. "Give me your hand," he ordered flatly.

Azren didn't want to offend the idol and slowly raised his hand toward Michy. The idol grabbed his hand before dabbing the cotton around the wounded finger. It was the first time he experienced a cut on his finger, and he flinched when he felt the alcohol make contact with his skin.

That was painful! Even if Michy didn't touch the cotton right on the cut, it was still hurt! Humans were indeed physically weak.

The sting sensation was a little unbearable, but he wanted to remain cool in front of the idol. Thus, he held back his scream even if his eyes were teary now.

"Such a baby."

He heard another comment from the idol, and he brought his eyes to look at the young idol. The idol just insulted him, but he smiled at the idol instead.

"I've seen a lot of sides of you, Michy," he whispered without taking his eyes off the young idol.. "But I think the current side of you is the real you. Am I right, Michy?"

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