The Demon's Angelic Love


"Trissa," Michy called out the girl's name as he halted his step. The girl followed suit as she looked up at the taller boy.

Perhaps Tallie had asked Michy about his commitment earlier, but Trissa decided to ask the boy when they were finally alone.

Now they were facing each other, and Trissa was waiting for the boy's next words.

"Do you really love me?" The boy continued after pausing for a few seconds.

Michy was straightforward, and his question caused the girl to blush heavily. Her crush just asked her a question about her heart, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Perhaps it was only Tallie who knew about her feelings, and as a shy girl, she was so embarrassed when her crush wanted to know her feelings.

In the end, the shy girl just nodded her head to answer Michy's question. She was so thankful because she was wearing a mask now. Her rosy cheeks could hide behind the mask, and she didn't embarrass herself even further because of that.

Trissa was too bashful that she could only duck her head lowly, avoiding the pair of blue eyes belonging to the idol.

But then her body froze when he felt a warm sensation on top of her head. It was Autumn, and the air was quite chilly even if she was wearing some layers of clothes.

However, the sudden warmth on top of her head spread all over her body, and it even touched her heart.

For the first time in her life, she felt like her heart was being hugged warmly.

When she looked up again, he could see Michy staring at her intently, as if channeling what was in his heart.

The hand on top of her head was Michy's, and the hand was patting her head lovingly now. Trissa almost failed to feel the ground because she felt like floating in the air.

"If you love me, then I will try to love you," Michy spoke again after getting the nonverbal answer from the girl.

Trissa's eyes sparkled upon hearing Michy's response. She wasn't greedy, and that kind of words coming out of Michy's lips was enough for her.

At least, Michy was being honest with her and didn't try to sugarcoat his words by lying that he had the same feeling in his heart.

Instead of pretending that he was in love with her, the idol chose to say that she would try to love her.

Trissa was actually doubting Michy's intention before, thinking that Michy probably would only use her to clean his image.

However, when she thought about it again, if Michy indeed only wanted to clean his image, then he could choose any girl and didn't need to choose the daughter of his parents' close friend.

With that in mind, Trissa started to feel confident that she would be able to win Michy's heart.

And after seeing the boy's sincerity, she became more confident to face her future with the boy.

Michy wouldn't use her to repair his image only. Michy was willing to give their relationship a try.

Pulling his hand away from the girl's head, Michy then started walking again. The idol didn't say anything again, but Trissa decided to follow suit and catch up to Michy's wide steps.

Her legs were shorter than Michy's, but she managed to walk next to the idol now.

They didn't talk anymore, but the atmosphere around them wasn't stuffy. Trissa couldn't even stop smiling, and she once again felt so grateful for her mask.

She knew that she looked like a lovesick now, but she could care less. Even if Michy had not loved her yet, and the idol didn't even ask her out directly, she knew that she was Michy's girlfriend now. She didn't need confirmation for that.

Trissa was on cloud nine, but she frowned when the idol suddenly stopped walking. She could only follow suit and stand straight next to the idol, who was stopping in front of an accessories stall.

It was just a small stall on the street with an elderly lady as the seller, but something on the stall seemed to catch the idol's attention, causing the idol to suddenly halt his steps.

Trissa couldn't read the idol's mind, and she could only observe how the idol moved his slim fingers to trace some objects on the display.

"You have such a beautiful girlfriend, boy. You should buy her something beautiful as a gift," the stall's owner started babbling with her sweet mouth.

In order to sell her things, she even praised Trissa's look even if the girl was wearing a mask now. Trissa found it ridiculous, but she was still blushing nonetheless. She was embarrassed by the word "girlfriend" mentioned by the lady.

On the other hand, Michy ignored the shop owner's words and focused his blue eyes on an object that stole his attention since the beginning.

It was just a simple phone strap with a flower made of plastic as accessories. The flower was primrose, his favorite flower.

Stretching his hand out, he took the strap and gazed at it longingly, as if the object was made of gold or other expensive material.

He didn't even understand why did he love primrose so much. When most people would like rose or lily, he preferred primrose instead.

What was so special about the flower? Michy didn't know. He only knew that he loved primrose since he was little, and in his eyes, other flowers looked ugly compared to primrose.

Smiling to himself, his blue eyes noticed that there were two phone straps with the flower as decorations. He then reached out to the other strap, and he gazed at the strap again.

"Ah, you want to buy the couple phone straps, huh? That's so romantic. Many young couples bought that kind of thing too. You are indeed a sweet young couple just like them," the seller tried to coax the buyers again. "And I will give you a discount because you are such a sweet boyfriend. Your girlfriend also looks sweet just like candy," she continued, not forgetting to glance at Trissa, who was still standing close to the boy. Making the girl blush once again.

However, Michy just remembered that he wasn't alone right now. Glancing at his side, he could see Trissa peeping at him bashfully. Ah yes, he was on a date with the girl right now. How could he forget about the girl just because of the phone straps?

Perhaps it wasn't a real date because they were only strolling aimlessly on the street, but he knew that he shouldn't ignore the girl.

The girl was his girlfriend now, and he should treat the girl well because he had promised the girl's mother.

"Do you want to buy something? You can choose what you want to buy. I'll pay for it," Michy questioned the girl in a rather sweet tone, and the girl's heart melted right away.

However, the girl was puzzled when she noticed the oddity in the idol's words. "You asked me to choose? But, you have picked the phone straps, right? I will happily accept the thing you chose for me," she replied softly.

Even if she didn't really like the phone strap because it looked cheap, she would gladly accept it if it was from Michy.

But, to her dismay, Michy didn't immediately respond as he once again gazed at the two phone straps in his hands. He had some thoughts in his mind, but then he looked up at other objects on the display again.

Putting the two phone straps in his left palm, he used his right hand to pick another object on the display. It was a plastic hair clip with a red rose as a decoration.

He didn't like rose, but he handed over the hairclip to Trissa without hesitation. "It's for you," he said to the girl.

Trissa was surprised, but she still accepted the gift from the boy she loved so much. It was just a simple and cheap hairclip, but she would treasure it because it was the first gift from Michy.

Michy knew that Trissa liked the gift, so he turned to the stall owner again. "I will pay for the three items. How much are they?"

Hearing Michy's words, Trissa suddenly looked up at the idol again. She shifted her gaze to Michy's palm where the two phone straps lying on top of it, and she furrowed her brows.

Michy bought those straps, but he didn't give the straps to her. Instead, after paying for the three objects, the idol immediately shoved the straps into his jacket pocket.

Trissa was puzzled by the idol's action, but she didn't say anything. When Michy motioned to her to start walking again, she just nodded her head.

However, her mind was bothered by something. 'Who will Michy give the strap to? Does Michy have someone in his heart that's not me?'

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