The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 143 - HE WAS GAY

After getting out of the car and slamming the car door close, the student who was standing in front of the school turned his head to him. It seemed the sound of the door slamming was able to catch the student's attention.

Michy was nervous when the student walked toward him. The student was the biggest bully in the school. Even if the bully had never hurt his body for real, Michy had experienced several bad treatments from the bully. The bully often shoved his shoulders and often disturbed his lunch at the canteen. Not only that, but the bully also continued to harass him verbally.

Michy still remembered how the bully started bullying him a few months ago.

[Michy just received a piece of good news from his uncle. From the text message he just received on his phone, Michy got the news that he would be debuting as an idol soon.

That was such surprising news because Michy had only trained for a short time, but he couldn't deny that he felt happy.

Walking in the school corridor with a phone in his hands, Michy tried to not smile like a fool as he replied to his uncle's text.

He didn't pay attention to where he was going, causing him to bump into someone unexpectedly.

His phone ended up falling to the floor before he couldn't even reply to the text, but before he could grab the phone from the floor, someone had grabbed it first.

"Have a pair of eyes but didn't use it properly! You're seeking for your death, huh?"

The one who grabbed his phone from the floor was the same person who bumped into him, and that person also scolded him harshly while gripping his phone.

Michy never wanted to be the center of attention when he was at school, but he accidentally offended the school's biggest bully because of his carelessness. "I'm sorry," he muttered an apology.

"Hah! Do you think saying sorry is enough?" The bully snapped at him again. "Maybe I will just throw your phone to the floor so you can use your eyes properly next time!"

Michy didn't even flinch when he heard the word. The person who was standing in front of him was the biggest bully at school and could do anything to scare other students.

However, Michy was not really afraid of him if the bully just wanted to break his phone. If that could make the bully leave him alone, then he wouldn't care even if his phone would break into pieces.

Unfortunately, instead of immediately throwing his phone on the floor, the bully fixated his eyes on the phone screen.

"Ah, so you are debuting under Seventius through back door, huh? What a lucky bastard!"]

After that fateful day, Michy constantly became the target of the school's biggest bully.

The bully's name was Bob Josh, and because of his influence, other bullies in the school ended up bullying Michy too. Other bullies indeed bullied him too, but Bob was still the biggest bully. He didn't even let Michy breathe freely even just for one day.

And the reason behind the act was jealousy. Bob wanted to be an idol too, but he failed to debut because he was not good enough. In the end, he could only vent his anger on Michy.

Now that the boy suddenly acted so friendly towards him, even threw his arm to side hug him, Michy couldn't help but feel alerted. He was sure that something was off with the boy today.

"What do you want from me? It was my assistant that scolded you a few days ago, and you can go to him directly if you have a problem with his words," Michy spoke as he tried to free himself from Bob's embrace.

Even if Michy was brave and not timid at all, his build was a lot smaller than Bob. Therefore, he knew that he would lose if the bully wanted to fight him.

When Michy glanced in one direction, he could see that his van was still there in the schoolyard. He assumed that Azren didn't want to leave just like that after seeing Bob waiting for him in front of the school building.

Thinking about Azren made him blush. Every little attention from the man brought a big effect on him, but he never said it out loud.

Even if the man was just dumbly concerned about him because of a boy named Bob, it still gave a big effect on him.

Michy thought that he was crazy. Yes, he went crazy because of a silly man named Azren Theopane.

'Why am I like this when that man can't even see my feelings for him?' He cursed inwardly as he recalled how dumb the man was.

Even if he kept throwing a signal, that man was still clueless like a baby who was lost in the street.

"Huh? The man who scolded me before is your assistant? I thought he was your bodyguard."

Bob's voice broke his reverie, and Michy also stopped glancing in the van's direction. He almost forgot that he was still with the school's biggest bully right now.

The bully had dragged Michy to enter the building, and now they were walking down the corridor together. Michy looked back once again, but he couldn't catch the glimpse of his van again. He felt a little disappointed because of that.

He only separated for a few minutes with Azren, but he felt something was missing in his heart. 'Now I look like a lovesick for sure,' he secretly scolded himself for his crazy thought.

"Hey, Michy! Are you listening to me? Why are you suddenly smiling like you're possessed by some spirits?"

Bob questioned him again, and he looked terrified as he let go of Michy's body. The idol could heave a sigh of relief because he was no longer in Bob's grasp. Even if Bob didn't do something bad to him, he was still alerted around the bully.

"Did you say something?" Michy asked the bully back instead of answering.

The bully rolled his eyes upon hearing the idol's question. "So, you weren't listening to me," he lazily concluded. "I asked you about the man who scolded me a few days ago. He's not your bodyguard?"

Bob was still pestering him about Elias, and Michy decided to stop walking. Bob was forced to stop walking as well, and he even tilted his head while blinking his eyes at Michy.

'Why is this bully suddenly acting cute?' Michy felt like throwing up when he saw the bully's reaction.

"Why do you want to know about that man? Do you know who that man is?" Again, Michy asked another question instead of answering Bob's question.

Bob snorted when he heard another question from the idol. "I don't know that man," he replied nonchalantly. "But I really like that man!"

Bob suddenly exclaimed enthusiastically, and Michy frowned at the boy's sudden exclaim. "You like my assistant?" He asked again.

Bob exclaimed casually before, but now he seemed to realize that Michy misunderstood his statement. "This 'like' is not like that!" He hurriedly tried to clarify. "I just like him because he has such a soft and warm voice that melted my heart. And even his face is so charming. I couldn't say no to whatever he said to me. That sounds crazy, right?"

That was indeed crazy, and Michy didn't even know how to answer the bully's crazy question.

He admitted that Elias was quite charming, and that was the reason why he believed in that man's words many years ago.

And perhaps Bob wasn't overreacting when he said that he couldn't say no to whatever Elias said to him a few days ago. Elias indeed had the magic to make people listen to his words.

Michy just realized that, and he squinted his eyes when he felt suspicious toward the blonde.

"Hey! Why are you squinting at me like that? I swear that I'm not gay, and I'm not falling in love with your assistant!"

Bob was indeed weird. Michy didn't even say anything, but he kept defending himself as if Michy was cornering him.

Deep inside his heart, Michy could understand Bob's feelings. Bob was enchanted by Elias' charm, and even if there was no love in his heart, it was still difficult to elaborate on his feelings.

Perhaps that was the reason why Azren misunderstood his relationship with Elias. He and Elias had never dated each other, but the innocent blonde misunderstood their relationship.

Michy smiled again when he recalled the memory. Now his mind always flew to Azren in any situation. He wouldn't deny his feelings, but it was probably Azren who would reject his feelings.

He was the only one who loved men, after all.

"I don't care even if you're gay, Bob," Michy stated before walking away from the bully.

He wouldn't care about others being gay because he was gay himself.

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