The Demon's Angelic Love


He guessed it right when the next thing he saw was Willem widen his eyes as if he just got a sudden realization. Willem looked like he just changed into someone else after Gizach whispered to him.

A demon's whisper was not merely a whisper. It came in a low voice, but a human would be able to catch it. After the human heard it, they would consider whether they should follow the provocation or not.

Yes. A human would still have a chance to choose whether they should do what the demon wanted to do or not. If a human had a good heart, then the probability for them to ignore the provocation was still high.

In contrast, if humans had a seed of bad nature even just so little, then it was still possible if they ended up following the demon's provocation.

That was how demons worked in the human world. It was not an easy job because some humans were still true to their good nature, and the demons would end up failing their mission if that happened.

Azren didn't know what kind of person Willem was, but when he saw the man's reaction, he could tell that Willem indeed had a bad nature within himself. Even if the bad nature was only a tiny part in comparison with the good nature, it would still make the demon's task easier.

Willem's reaction was so obvious after Gizach whispered to him, and Azren knew that the nasty demon managed to persuade the human to do something bad.

Azren couldn't hear Gizach's whisper, and he didn't know the demon plan's either. But it was like a time bomb that kept tickling, and he just had to wait until it exploded.

"You want to help Michy to clean his name, right?" Willem suddenly spoke again, seeming to continue their previous conversation, but Azren could see that the man's tone was different from before. Azren remained silent, and Willem continued, "If you really want to help him, then you have to leave Michy now."

That was such a cunning request from the human, but Azren wasn't surprised by it. Somehow, he had expected that kind of request from Willem.

When Azren glanced at Gizach, he could see how the redhead smirked at him, and Azren knew that what Willem had just said was part of the demon's plan.

"Why should I leave Michy?" Azren asked as he focused on the human again. "I'm Michy's assistant, and Michy was the one who hired me. If he doesn't ask me to leave him, then I won't leave him."

Azren could a be weak and timid demon sometimes, but he wouldn't let someone who was under Gizach's influence to bully him.

Maybe it was true that Azren's power was weaker than Gizach's, but he didn't plan to easily let the other demon have his way.

"You still don't understand?" Willem asked him, and the hint of ridicule was obvious in his tone. "You are the root of Michy's problems. If we only cut the stem and the branch without cutting the root, then the problems will remain. Can't you understand it?"

"Is it because I'm the one who's dating Michy right now? Do you think I'm the one who gave a bad influence to Michy?" The young demon boldly challenged the human's accusation.

"Yes," Willem replied. "Michy is pure and innocent, and he was never interested in anyone before you came to his life. You are the one who gave Michy the bad influence."

Willem kept attacking him, but Azren chose to keep his lips into a thin line now. He no longer responded to the man, and he could only stare at the man without saying anything.

It wasn't like Willem managed to defeat him with his argument, but Azren just thought that it wasn't necessary for him to reply to someone who was under Gizach's control. Even if he tried to bring the human back to the right path, he wouldn't gain anything because the nasty demon was still sitting next to the human.

Gizach was a strong demon, and a strong demon's influence on humans was strong as well. Azren wouldn't be able to break the influence even if he used his demonic power. Not that he could use his power right now, of course.

"If I leave Michy, will you help Michy to clean his name? Can you guarantee that Michy's career can be saved afterward?" Azren finally responded to the human's statement. Instead of going against it, he decided to play along with it.

The docile attitude of the young demon made Willem smile in satisfaction. "Yes," he replied. "I have so many connections in the entertainment industry, and I will be able to help Michy for sure. You don't have to worry about Michy's career anymore."

Willem looked confident, and he had a high hope that Azren would agree with his request. He didn't sense any objections from the young demon, so he was confident that his plan would go smoothly this time.

"You can go to Michy's room now and start doing your best to save Michy's career," sternly, Azren responded to Willem.

Meanwhile, Willem looked like he was not satisfied by the assistant's response, and he frowned as he asked, "Do you agree with my condition?"

"Just go back to Michy's room first," Azren replied firmly once again. "I won't disappoint you, so you better not disappoint me too."

Azren didn't directly say 'yes' or 'no' to answer his question, but Willem took the indirect answer as a 'yes.' The young demon indeed didn't say the word directly, but it was enough to bring back the smile on the human's face.

"I got it," Willem decided as he got up from his seat. "I will go back to Michy's ward and will try to talk to him. If he asks about you later, I know how I should answer him. You don't have to worry, and you don't have to say goodbye to him either.. I will handle this matter."

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