The Demon's Angelic Love


'Has this girl gone mad?' Azren couldn't help but wonder. He peeked at Michy, and it seemed the idol was emitting thick smoke from his head. Should he call the firefighter?

"Just shut up, Carmen!" Michy couldn't take it anymore and snap at the girl. "Aren't you enough with the bullshit earlier? You want a beating from me, huh?"

Michy was being rude to him, but Carmen didn't seem the least bit affected. "Your assistant didn't seem to like it when I told him I'm your girlfriend, so maybe he's interested in you, Mich. I'm offering you to him because I think he's a nice guy."

The pair of green eyes widened again, and he was about to rebuke if Michy wasn't faster than him.

"Of course, you just wanted to offer me to him, right? You thought I was cheap so you offered me to him, right?"

Michy's voice sounded full of grief and sounded even harsher than before, and CM gasped in surprise. "That's not what I meant, Mich! You are not cheap! You are my precious cousin!"

The idol almost fell backward when CM suddenly hugged his neck tightly. His face was flushed, not from embarrassment, but because he was having trouble breathing.

"Let go of me, Carmen! Do you want to kill me?"

Carmen laughed heartily before letting the idol go as instructed. Michy glared at her, but she just smiled at him innocently.

Azren was puzzled to see their interaction. "So, this Carmen is your cousin, Michy?"

"Don't call me by my real name!"

The blonde demon winced a little when he heard the girl reprimand him all of a sudden. He shifted his gaze to the girl and found that the girl was glowering at him. Perhaps CM was indeed Michy's cousin because they were indeed look alike.

"Michy is indeed my cousin, but we are not blood-related," CM was the one who answered his question as if she could read what was on his mind.

"You don't have to explain the details to him," Michy butted in. "He's just my assistant, and he's a stranger to me."

"He's your assistant, Mich. He should know you better so he can understand you better too," the young girl dared to argue with the silver-haired idol.

Azren remained quiet as he observed the cousins' bicker. He had been Michy's assistant for more than a week, and not so many people dared to argue with the arrogant idol.

Apart from Felice having some control over Michy, it seemed that CM also had control over the idol. The girl also dared to argue with the stubborn Michy, and Azren secretly admired the girl in his head. He did it only in his head because he didn't want to make the girl's head grow bigger because of his compliment.

"Whatever," Michy carelessly replied before sitting himself down on the couch. "Do your job and grab me some water," he added as he eyed his assistant.

The assistant wasn't stupid to wait for the second order, so he immediately got up from his seat and rushed toward the fridge. Without a slight hesitation, he grabbed two bottles of water.

"I only need a bottle of water."

He hadn't even closed the fridge door yet, but his ears caught the cold tone coming from behind. He looked back and found Michy staring at him lazily.

"I'm thirsty too, so may I have a bottle of water?" Azren looked so pitiful because he had been thirsty since a few minutes ago, but Michy was unfazed.

"You need to pay for a bottle of water."

A burst of laughter filled the room after Michy finished speaking. The two males turned their heads to the one who laughed and frowned at her.

"Why are you laughing?" The blue-eyed boy asked in a flat tone.

"You are just too cruel, Mich. Are you his stepmother or something? He's not a Cinderella, so stop acting so cruelly to him."

CM was indeed someone who dares to criticize Michy's behavior. Azren still didn't understand their real relationship because previously CM only said that they were not blood-related, but the two youngsters were indeed similar in terms of character. Maybe Azren needed to find out more about their relationship later.

"You are not even his mother, so stop defending him," Michy argued his cousin's statement.

That argument made CM laugh even more. Azren didn't even understand what was funny about Michy's words, but CM looked very amused as she burst out laughing again.

Maybe CM dared to fight Michy's rude behavior because she was out of his mind for real. Crazy people tend to act bolder than normal people, right?

"Just drink your water, corn hair. You don't need to pay for anything you drink or eat in this building."

"Corn hair?"

"Yes, I started calling your assistant corn hair a few minutes ago."

This time, it was Michy's turn to laugh out loud. He even held his stomach as he laughed aloud, and his pair of azure eyes turned into a pair of beautiful crescents.

'Wait. What's so beautiful about his laugh? He's not beautiful at all! Stop thinking something so random!' Azren reprimanded himself as the word "beautiful" suddenly came into his mind.

He immediately closed the fridge door before walking over to the couch again.

"Why do you call him that? Is it because of his hair? But his hair looks like a golden curtain to me. Ren's hair is so beautiful, CM!

Ren? CM? Why did Michy suddenly call them like that―

"Did you just change again?" / "Are you the nice Michy again?"

Azren and CM looked at each other after they simultaneously questioned the male idol. They blinked confusedly at each other as if trying to read what was on each other's minds.

"The nice Michy?" The young girl questioned the blonde. "So, you also know that Michy is not only has a demon side in him but also has an angel side as well?"

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