The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 58 - KNOW HOW TO DUMP ME

They had arrived at the beach where Michy was going to film the music video for his upcoming song.

Michy woke up even before they arrived at the site, and the first thing he did upon waking up was look for his phone. Azren told him that the phone was inside his backpack, and he received a glare as a 'thank you.'

Michy had noticed how the seat was in a horizontal position, and he should have known that it was Azren's doing because there was only the blonde man in the car aside from him, but he didn't show any gratitude to the blonde.

Such treatment was predictable, and Azren wasn't surprised by it. The demon couldn't help but sigh, but he didn't protest as he was used to the young idol's treatment.

And Azren still remembered when Michy suddenly mumbled a name in his sleep, but he chose to pretend as if he didn't hear anything. He was curious about the Elias guy, but he didn't have a plan to confront Michy about that.

Michy was such a temperamental boy, and if Azren insisted on prying into the idol's private life, the idol might fire him instead of giving him a proper answer.

'Maybe I can ask Felice about that after we go back to the city,' Azren made a firm decision in his heart.

They were already on set, and there were several tents provided by the crew for filming purposes. Azren concluded that the company did not rent out the beach entirely for filming purposes. He could see some visitors on the beach, and he wondered if those visitors would get in the way of the shoot or not.

'They said that Seventius is the biggest company in the country, but they didn't even want to spend money to sterilize this place from visitors. What if those visitors disturb Michy later?' Azren grumbled inwardly again as he sneaked a peek at Michy, who was walking ahead of him.

Michy was wearing his full disguise now, but when the time came for the idol to shoot the music video later, the idol had to take off all his disguises, right? Beachgoers would surely recognize the idol, and Azren must prepare for the worst.

Shaking his head while sighing heavily, Azren could only pray that nothing would happen later. He was just an assistant, and some bodyguards would be ready to protect the idol later, but he was still worried about the idol's safety.

Azren hated his soft heart so much. He was so helpless, but he decided to continue following Michy towards the tents prepared by the filming crew. One of the tents was for Michy, and the idol hurriedly entered the white tent with his assistant walking right behind him.

It was the first time Azren visit a beach. He glanced at the blue water in awe and wanted to dip his feet into the water, but he couldn't do that now because Michy chose to enter the tent right away. He had to remind himself that he went to the beach for work, not for vacation. A demon like him didn't need a vacation, after all.

Several makeup artists had been waiting for the idol in the tent, and they greeted the blue-eyed idol with enthusiasm. The filming crew inside the tent were mostly women, and they were very happy to see the idol's arrival.

"Our cute Michy has finally arrived! Come here, dear. Let this big sister make you even cuter," one of the makeup artists dared to greet Michy while motioning the idol to come closer to her.

Michy gave her a bland smile as a response, but Azren could interpret the smile as: "You dare to call me cute? I'm handsome! Not cute!"

It felt like Michy was screaming inwardly, but his face remained cool. Azren was too used to the fakeness of the young idol, and he knew that the evil Michy didn't like being called cute at all.

Yes, it was still the evil Michy with him since they left the apartment. He wondered if Michy would be on his evil side all day.

Without saying a word, Michy just sat on one of the chairs in the tent. He then took off his mask, hat, and jacket. It was a sunny day today, and the temperature was quite hot. Michy was unlucky to have to disguise himself in this hot weather.

Michy was ready to receive a service from the female makeup artist, and the artist immediately started doing her job on the idol's face.

Azren was waiting at the side like usual, and his eyes fixated on the idol who was sitting calmly on his chair while the artist was doing her job with his face.

Michy didn't only look like a baby when he was sleeping, but his skin resembled a baby's as well. It was fair with a hint of rosy on his cheeks, just like the newborn baby who just saw the world for the first time.

The face was innocent, but it was like a mask that could fool lots of people. If the people just saw Michy from the cover, then they would surely think that Michy was a pure and soft-hearted person.

Azren wondered, 'How can a person becomes like that?'

It seemed it was another complicated life of humans. Demons didn't need to pretend to anyone, and they could show the real them without needing to pretend to be anyone else.

But humans were a different story. They had dreams and obsessions, and to reach their purposes, they weren't hesitant to lie and pretend. That was applicable for Michy as well.

Azren was still observing the idol, but then he could feel his phone vibrating in his pants pocket. He immediately fished out his phone and found Felice's name on the screen.

Glancing at Michy for a moment, the demon then decided to answer the call outside the tent. The sea breeze once again grazed his handsome face, and he almost shut his emerald eyes because of the soothing sensation.

"Hello?" He greeted the caller after pressing the green icon to answer the call.

"Are you on set, Azren? Is everything okay? Sorry, I can't go with you there. Carmen can be more annoying than Michy sometimes."

Azren smiled, and he could feel the wind carry his blonde locks to dance along with the wave. It was the first time he coming to the beach, and he enjoyed the calming atmosphere so much. It was so different from the atmosphere in the city.

"I'm already at the filming site with Michy, and everything is alright. And I think you shouldn't call CM like that, or else she would scold you."

He could hear Felice's laughter afterward.

"You just met Carmen yesterday, right? But it seems you two are getting along so well that you can even understand her strange behavior."

Azren could only smile helplessly. He had warned the manager not to call the female idol by her real name, but Felice was so stubborn. Perhaps the manager was just like the evil Michy who didn't like to call Carmen by her stage name.

"Oh, anyway, Azren." The demon could hear Felice speaking again, and he listened to the girl intently. "Filming will take all day, so you and Michy will have to spend the night at a hotel near the beach. Has Michy told you about that? I'm afraid he didn't tell you because he doesn't care about you."

Azren smiled wistfully. If it was the evil Michy, then the idol surely wouldn't let him know about that information. But, it was the nice Michy yesterday, and the nice Michy cared about him.

"Michy had told me about that, and I've prepared spared clothes for both me and him."

The nice Michy did tell him about it yesterday, and that was why he was able to prepare some spare clothes for the two of them. If it was the evil Michy yesterday, he probably wouldn't have known about the plans and ended up not bringing the idol's spare clothes. The evil idol would surely scold him if that happened.

"Good. I think the two of you finally managed to get along well seeing that Michy was willing to communicate with you now, Azren."

Azren resisted the urge to roll his emerald eyes after hearing the manager's statement. He could only get along with the nice Michy, not the evil one. However, he decided to swallow his protest.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you about one important thing, Azren," Felice spoke again in a hurried tone. "I forgot to tell you that Michy can't―"

"Oh, so now you know how to dump me by calling someone behind my back, Azren?"

Felice couldn't even continue her words because she also could hear the voice that cut her speech. Azren couldn't move his body either.. His heart thumped loudly, and he was beyond frightened right now.

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