The Demon's Angelic Love


How could a person look so enthusiastic about the plan to go to the beach when that person couldn't even swim? How could a person say that he couldn't wait to play in the water when he was actually afraid of seawater?

Michy was indeed someone with high pride that didn't want to reveal his weakness, and he chose to risk his life instead of telling the truth to other people.

Azren was beyond surprised when he heard Felice's explanation.

["What? Michy can't swim and is traumatized by the seawater? But how come? He didn't look scared when we discussed the filming plan yesterday, and he didn't look afraid when we arrived at the beach either. How come he's traumatized by the seawater?"

Azren, who couldn't hold back his curiously, started attacking the female manager with a series of questions. His right hand gripped his phone tightly, and he even bit his lip nervously.

"Michy had never told anyone that he's afraid of seawater, but he's indeed afraid of it. If it's only visiting the beach and playing with the water on the shore, then he will be okay. However, he couldn't go further to the sea because he's afraid of deep water. I don't know the reason, but he's indeed scared of deep seawater."

Azren froze. Michy couldn't swim and had that kind of trauma? The trauma was related to seawater? Azren also had a mysterious memory about someone drowning in the ocean because that someone couldn't swim. Was that only a coincidence?

"It's my fault, Azren," Felice spoke again, breaking Azren's chain of thoughts. "I should have told you about Michy's circumstance. I was supposed to tell you about that earlier when I called you, but then you suddenly hung up. I should have told you about that through text message, but I didn't do that."]

Felice kept apologizing to him earlier, but he thought that it was his mistake for hanging up the phone before the manager finished her speech. If he gave Felice the chance to finish her explanation, this incident shouldn't have happened.

And perhaps he should have contacted the manager again earlier so the manager would have a chance to let him know about the important matter. It was indeed his mistake.

"There's nothing wrong with your physical condition, Sir. But if you feel any pain in your body, you can always visit this hospital again to do throughout check-up on your body."

The pair of green eyes blinked innocently as he realized that he was daydreaming. He was in the hospital, and it seemed the doctor just finished examining his body.

"Thank you, Doctor," he replied to the doctor's words sheepishly.

He indeed almost drowned earlier, but he didn't feel any pain in his body. He then got up from his lying position and straightened his clothes.

He had changed into dry clothes and had gotten rid of his wet clothes, but he still felt cold all over his body. The human body was indeed weak. Thankfully, he still managed to save himself and Michy.

"If you don't have any questions, you may leave."

The doctor had dismissed him, and Azren nodded his head, planning to leave the room to go back to Ramon and Vienna, who were waiting for him in front of the room.

But then he remembered about something and his steps automatically halted.

"I'm sorry, Doctor. Do you know Michy's condition? Is he alright?"

Again, Azren couldn't help but feel worried about the silver-haired idol. Ever since he arrived at the hospital along with Ramon and Vienna, he had not seen Michy at all. Vienna immediately handed the spare clothes to him and asked him to change his clothes in the restroom, and he complied with the order before going to a room for his check-up with a doctor.

He didn't see a glimpse of Michy at all, and he was worried if something bad had happened to the young idol.

He indeed had witnessed how Michy coughed to let out the seawater when they were still on the beach, but he didn't get the chance to witness Michy open his blue eyes again.

The doctor seemed to be able to see his worried look, and he gave him a reassuring smile. "I've checked Michy's condition earlier, and he's alright. He's just shocked by the incident, but he will be alright in no time. I just asked him to rest in one of the rooms."

Azren didn't realize that he had been holding his breath as he was waiting for the doctor's answer, and now he could heave a sigh of relief. He then asked about Michy's room, and he immediately left the room upon getting an answer from the doctor.

Outside the room, Ramon was there waiting for him, but he didn't see Vienna with the director.

"How was the check-up, Azren? You are alright, aren't you?"

Ramon could be irrational and annoying sometimes, but Azren could see that the director was being sincere with him right now.

"I'm alright, Sir," the blonde answered. "But, where's Vienna? I thought she was here with you."

The green eyes scanned his surroundings, but they couldn't find the makeup artist anywhere.

"Vienna is accompanying Michy in his room right now."

Hearing the word 'Michy' suddenly being mentioned by the man, Azren directed his green eyes to the man again. His heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"Can I... can I visit Michy in his room, Sir?"

Even though the doctor had told him that Michy was alright now, he still wanted to see with his own eyes that the idol was unharmed.

"Do you need to ask me that question?" Ramon asked him a question instead of answering his question. "You are Michy's savior, so of course you can visit him. I'm sure he will be so grateful if he knows that you are the one who had saved him."

Azren just realized the possibility, and he hurriedly replied to the man's statement, "Please don't tell Michy that I was the one who saved him, Sir."

His plead caused the director to furrow his brows. "You don't want him to know that you're the one who saved him?" He questioned the blonde again, and the blonde nodded his head. "But why? It's not like you caused harm to him, right? All you did was a kiss—I mean, you only helped him to get his breathing again, and that's not bad."

That was not bad, but it made Azren blush once again. The memory of him kissing—no! The memory of him helping the idol earlier flashed in his mind again, and his face heated up once again.

"That's why you shouldn't let him know about that, Sir. It will only embarrass him, and it might cause him to act awkwardly toward me."

That was not his concern. He was sure that Michy wouldn't feel embarrassed, especially if he was on his evil side. But it was him who would feel embarrassed if the blue-eyed boy learned the truth.

The director was still furrowing his brows at him, but then he replied, "I understand your intention, but Vienna is with Michy now. She's such a big mouth, and she probably has told Michy about that matter by now."

That was a piece of bad news, but that might be true. Vienna was not a quiet girl who would keep everything a secret, and the girl likely would unveil everything to Michy. Moreover, the girl was a tease, and she probably had told everything to Michy by now.

Perhaps he had to harden his heart and ignore his embarrassment. The evil Michy wouldn't be affected by the fact, so he shouldn't be bothered by it either.

In the end, the blonde demon could only nod his head. Ramon seemed to be satisfied by his response, and he immediately signaled to the younger man to follow him. The male director led him to Michy's room, and he could only follow behind the man in silence.

They didn't need to walk for a long time as Ramon suddenly stopped his steps in front of a room with a closed door. It was a VIP room, and he had expected that someone like Michy surely would use a VIP room in the hospital.

Ramon raised his hand to knock on the door before turning the doorknob to open the door. The human entered the room first, and Azren followed closely behind the man.

And finally, he could see Michy lying weakly on the bed. The blue eyes immediately made contact with his green eyes, and it felt like his body melted under the gaze.

Michy was still pale, but he was conscious and vigorous. Yes. The idol was vigorous because he managed to glare at Azren even though he could only lie on the bed.

That kind of glare was not new from Azren, but he could sense something was not right with the glare.

And his hunch was proven true when he heard Michy speaking.

"What are you doing there? Do you want to kiss me again?"

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