The Demon's Angelic Love


Again, Felice gasped on the other end of the phone when Michy suddenly said something harsh about the blonde assistant.

"What? Why did you call Azren a pervert, Mich? He saved you, so how come you call him a pervert?"

The blue eyes remained on the green ones. The green ones enlarged upon hearing his statement earlier, but the owner of the beautiful emeralds remained quiet at the side.

'He even called me pervert in front of Felice?' Azren couldn't help but complain in his heart.

He did that to save the young idol, but all he got was humiliation.

"You said that he saved me, but do you know how did he save me?"

He could hear Michy speak to Felice again, but the idol's azure eyes remained on him all the time. It made him feel uneasy, but strangely, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the idol.

It wasn't like he boldly challenged the young idol, but he just couldn't draw his gaze away from the owner of the blue eyes. Azren didn't understand, but those blue eyes were like magnets to his green ones.

"What did he do to you, Mich?"

Michy could hear Felice question him in a worried tone, and he smirked at Azren as he replied, "My dear assistant took advantage of me by kissing me when I was unconscious."

Michy could hear Felice gasp, and he also could see Azren bulging his eyes again.

"That's not true, Felice! I didn't intend to take advantage of Michy! I just wanted to save him! That's not a kiss!"

Michy was still smirking at him, and he kept his eyes wide at the young idol.

"What do you want from me, Michy? I even risked myself to save you, but you keep slandering me in front of other people. If you don't like me, then you can tell me directly. There's no need to blame me for something I've never done!"

Azren successfully mustered up his courage as he voiced out all the thoughts that he had on his mind. It was true that his 'thing' got hard because of Michy earlier, and he indeed had a plan to take advantage of his lust to lure Michy to sin. However, all he did when Michy almost drowned earlier was merely for the sake of the young idol.

He didn't want to take advantage of the idol, and all he wanted to do was to save the young idol. He was angry because the idol kept discrediting him instead of being grateful to him.

The tension in the room became more apparent, and without saying anything, Michy ended the phone call with Felice. He then silently put Azren's phone on the cabinet while his gaze remained on the assistant.

"I indeed don't like you," the idol broke the tension between them. "You came to my life out of nowhere, and everything you did always made me feel so sick."

Perhaps it was the first time for them to have a heart-to-heart talk after knowing each other for more than a week, and Michy's tone sounded so grief as he confessed his real feeling to his assistant.

"And maybe you think that I will thank you for what you did to save me, but I won't ever thank you for that. Do you know the reason behind my actions toward you?"

The idol kept pestering him, and he answered the last question with a shake of his head.

"It's because you are indeed a pervert, Azren." Azren was about to retort, but the idol continued, "It's not only about what you did to save me, but it's also related to the event before I almost drowned in the sea. Do you think I don't know that you were hard just because of my touch?"

It felt like Azren's face was slapped by an invisible hand, and Michy's words kept ringing on his head.

Do you think I don't know that you were hard just because of my touch?

Do you think I don't know that you were hard just because of my touch?

Do you think I don't know that you were hard just because of my touch?

Do you think I don't know that you were hard just because of my touch?

Do you think I don't know that you were hard just because of my touch?

Azren was sure that Michy was behind him all the time when he was hard today, and he was also sure that he had covered his erection with his hands as he ran toward the restroom.

So, how come Michy noticed the oddity in his body earlier?

"You even got hard because of a man's touch, huh? Are you... gay?"

Azren had never known the term 'gay' when he was still in the demon world, but his human brain informed him about the term. When a man was attracted to another man romantically or sexually, people would call them 'gay.'

His human brain told him that being gay or having a relationship with someone of the same gender was not acceptable in the human world, and that was not something that would happen in the demon world.

No one would care if a male demon is sexually attracted to another male demon, and no one would think of it as something wrong.

But, the condition in the human world was different, and same-sex relationships were still considered taboo in the world.

Now when Michy thought that he was gay, he was supposed to display an offended expression on his face, right?

"You... Why did you call me gay just because of that? I... I'm a straight man, and I don't like you!"

Azren tried to act like a human who was offended and panicked, and he ended up blurting something unnecessary. That something made Michy frown.

"I've never said that you like me, but you might be sexually attracted to me."

Again, the demon gasped in surprise. Michy was so good with words, and he didn't know how to retort upon hearing the idol's words.

The idol might be true, after all. He probably didn't like Michy, but he was sexually attracted to the idol because of his lust.

"If something like that happens again, I have no choice but to fire you. I don't need a pervert as my assistant."

Another attack went directly to him again, and Azren widened his green eyes. He had not achieved his goal yet, but the idol had threatened to fire him this soon.

No! He couldn't let this happen!

"Please don't fire me, Michy! You agreed to give me a chance, so you can't fire me like this!"

He wasn't even close with his goal, so how come Michy would fire him just because of his... lust?

"I indeed agreed to give you a chance, but I didn't expect that you would be a pervert. You look like an innocent man who wouldn't have that kind of thought about me, but I'm wrong. You are gay, and you are nasty!"

It was not only a slap this time, but it was a pierce in his heart. How come Michy kept calling him gay and even nasty?

"I promise you that I won't react like that again, Michy! But please promise me that you won't fire me!"

The blonde dared himself to make a bargain. He thought that he could take advantage of his lust to lure Michy to sin, but the idol gave him a red light even before he started his engine to rush forward.

"I have the right to do what I want to do," the silver-haired male replied. "If I want to fire you, then I'll fire you."

Cold and heartless. Those images remained the same on Michy. Saving Michy's life was not advantageous for him. Instead of being grateful toward him, the idol decided to slander him for the 'perverted' thing he did today.

"But I won't fire you today, so you can go outside to get me some food. I'm hungry."

Michy was still not likable, but he was glad because his job was still safe today. He could heave a sigh of relief before smiling at the youth. "Do you want me to buy meat or fish?" Azren was in high spirit again, and he asked in a joyful tone.

But his happy mood dashed completely upon hearing Michy's answer.

"I want something expensive, but use your money to buy it for me. You've received your payment for today's work from Ramon, right?"

Michy was still not likable at all!

Grumbling inwardly, Azren decided not to prolong the matter as he turned his heels and got ready to leave the room. However, his steps halted when he heard Michy speaking again.

"I still have another reason as to why I don't like you."

He could hear Michy speaking, and he glimpsed at the young idol again.

"I don't like you because you remind me of someone I hate, Azren."

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