The Demon's Angelic Love


There were times when he was so scared of that one sacred word. He had been living as a demon for two hundred years, and not even once did he hear something about a demon falling in love with other demons or even with humans.

And what was the reason for that? It was because demons were naturally born with hatred inside their hearts, and there was no room for something cliche like 'love.'

Demons didn't need 'love' to stay alive, and they only needed a bunch of hatred and humans' sin to remain alive.

Love wasn't something common in the demon world, and when Gizach suddenly mentioned the word 'love,' Azren's body got tense.

"You're not that stupid, are you? You won't try to offend our king by falling in love with a human, right?"

Two other questions came out of Gizach's lips, but the blonde continued to form a line with his thin lips. There was no reaction on his face, and no words were coming out of his lips either.

His memory wandered...

["Don't you ever fall in love with a human, Azren!"]

Lucifer's warning was not something he could ignore, and Lucifer's wrath was not something he could counter.

That warning kept ringing in his head, but he still dared to go closer to the border of the warning.

There must be a reason behind that warning, and the reason was that Lucifer hated 'love' the most. If he dared to break the rule, then the punishment he would get probably would be worse than the usual blackhole.

That warning was uttered by the demon king after the king announced two other rules, but Azren had the feeling that the third rule was the most important among the three rules.

He had the feeling that the third rule would cause big trouble for him. If not that, then the third rule probably would end his life for real.

Perhaps the king would slice his body into pieces in front of other demons, then they would eat the pieces together until there was no remaining trace of him.

Azren got goosebumps when the image of him being eaten by other humans flashed in his mind. Something like that probably would happen for real because Lucifer wouldn't let a 'sinner' live in Hell.

"It's not love, and it can't be love," the blonde demon muttered as his pupils shook, and the red-haired demon noticed the terrified expression on the blonde's face.

Another smirked formed on Gizach's cunning face, and he suddenly bent forward to eliminate the distance between the two demons. "Yes, that's not love, and that can't be love either," he whispered in front of Azren's face. "It's only your lust, Azren. And it's good that you have lust in your heart. How about I help you to satisfy your lust?"

The whisper came like a slap for his reverie, and Azren immediately regained his composure again. He immediately stepped back as to add the distance between them.

"I won't let you trick me again, Gizach. I know that it's lust in my heart, but I don't need your help to satisfy my lust."

Azren surprised him with his bravery once again, and Gizach was stunned for a few seconds before laughing loudly.

"You are so interesting, Azren. Just a week ago you were so timid in front of me, but now you look so confident," he stated in amusement. "Now I'm curious about someone who had changed you drastically like this. I'm sure that the person is the one who touched you, right?"

The green eyes gazed at the red ones in the alert. "I won't let you know who the person is."

He wanted to act tough and strong in front of Gizach, trying to look and sound intimidating to the other demon, but to his surprise, the redhead laughed upon hearing his response.

"Do you think I won't know the person without you letting me know?" Gizach asked in a mocking tone. "Let me tell you, dummy. I always know that the person is your target, so don't you ever dare to act like you are superior in front of me."

Gizach was still a prideful demon, and he hated it when Azren tried to act secretive in front of him.

Meanwhile, the surprised look was obvious on the blonde's face. "You... you know about it? But how come? You only met me once after I started disguising myself as a human, and you also only met Michy once. How could you find out about it?"

Was it too obvious? Could someone see his lust over Michy too? Azren started panicking inside, and he couldn't help but feel insecure.

"I indeed only met you and Michy once, but I've always guessed that there would be something between you and him."

The hands on the sides of his body clenched into fists. Even an outsider like Gizach could guess it from the beginning, and Azren realized that he was too naive for a demon.

'But wait. What if our king knows about it too?' Azren's body shivered at the sudden realization.

"You... you better not tell anyone about it, Gizach. Most importantly, don't tell our king about it!" Azren suddenly looked beyond panicked as his eyes gawked at the other demon.

He expected Gizach to laugh at his panicked expression again, but to his surprise, he could see the redhead furrowing his brows instead. "Why are you so scared of our king knowing about it? You said that it's just your lust, right? So why do you need to feel so insecure?"

The redhead's question hit his realization.

'Gizach is right. It's just my lust, so why did I feel so scared of our king? It's not like I'm violating any rules, right?' Azren wanted to slap his forehead for his stupid thought.

It was only lust, and Lucifer wouldn't punish him for a feeling like lust.

On the other hand, Gizach felt like he was watching an interesting drama. Azren's expression was so interesting, and he looked like an actor in a soap opera in the human world.

"I don't know why you are panicked all of a sudden, but I'm serious about what I said earlier," the red-eyed demon spoke again. "You want to prove whether it's just your lust or not, right? If so, then you need to satisfy your lust. Go touch the human, Azren. Let him satisfy your desire, and if it's indeed just your lust, you'll stop lusting over him once you're satisfied."

Gizach was not joking this time, and that was why Azren seriously contemplated the idea.

"Michy is still a minor. I won't do anything bad to him."

Azren finally decided after pondering for a while, but the look on Gizach's face was full of disapproval.

"Do you even realize what you just said, dummy? You are a demon, and demons are supposed to ruin humans' life. If you can harass a minor, then it's good for you."

Harass? Did he need to do that kind of thing just to satisfy his desire and also to answer his question?

He even stopped that perverted radio DJ from assaulting Michy some time ago, so how could he do that nasty thing to a boy like Michy? Even if it was the evil Michy, Azren was not sure he would be able to do that kind of thing.

"I won't do that, and I don't need to do that kind of thing."

Once again, Azren went against his idea, and Gizach seemed not to be satisfied with the rejection.

"Are you sure you can even hold yourself back? You have lust in your heart, Azren. Even if your mind tells you not to do that, but can you control your desire?"

Gizach was indeed a demon, and he even persuaded the innocent demon to do bad things.

Even so, Azren had made up his mind.

"Michy will fire me if I ever do a bad thing to him. If I can't stay by his side, then I won't be able to complete my mission. I won't take any risk."

Gizach looked amused once again. It was only more than a week that the blonde started his journey in the human world, but the blonde had changed quite a lot.

A week ago Azren could only agree with whatever Gizach told him, but now the green-eyed demon could think clearly and wasn't easily get persuaded by others. Gizach felt that things got more interesting now.

"You better try to do your job well, dummy. For your information, I've been keeping my eyes on Michy all these times."

Gizach's voice broke the silence again, and Azren scowled at the red-haired demon. "What do you mean? What are you planning for Michy?"

A dangerous smirk decorated Gizach's face again, and he leaned forward once again.. "You won't let me touch you, so I will try to touch your dear boss. You know that I also can disguise myself as a human, right?"

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