The Demon's Angelic Love


Azren couldn't even grasp Michy's statement completely because his head was spinning around even after Michy had stopped kissing him. The idol's words just now were echoing in his ears vaguely.

He could hear the word 'punishment' coming out from the idol's lips, but was the kiss really a punishment? Why did he think that it was a reward instead?

Michy's warm hand was still on his wrist, but it wasn't for so long because the idol suddenly pulled his hand away as he went back to lie down on the bed. It was still the nice Michy, and the nice Michy was shy once again. He even buried his face in the pillow again.

"Uh! Why did I do something like that?" The idol's scream was muffled by the pillow, and his legs kicked the air randomly.

The shout was muffled, but Azren managed to grasp what the idol said. The pair of green eyes blinked before the owner cleared his throat.

"It's... it's just punishment for me, right? You don't need to feel embarrassed, Mich. You've punished me, so it's all good now," Azren decided to comfort the idol despite feeling weird for playing along with the idol's antics.

It was the nice Michy, and the nice Michy was beyond innocent. He didn't have any option other than to play along with the idol.

Even his lips were still shaking when he uttered the series of words, but he tried to act calm in front of the young idol.

The pair of blue eyes peeped under the pillow again, and they shyly gazed at the blonde demon. "Are you sure that it's all good? You admit that you've stolen my first kiss now, Ren?" Michy asked the questions bashfully, and Azren facepalmed when he heard the question.

'Why did he bring back the topic again?' The blonde demon cried inwardly.

He thought Michy was no longer thinking about the first kiss issue, but he was wrong again. All the boy wanted to hear was his confession that he indeed stole the boy's first kiss, and the boy probably would keep sulking if he didn't hear his confession until the end.

That was such a childish act, but the nice Michy used to be a childish boy. Azren decided to surrender because he was too tired to argue with the innocent boy.

"Alright. I indeed have stolen your first kiss, so can you relax and put aside the pillow now? You've skipped lunch, and you need to eat right now."

Azren guessed it right. After he made a confession despite being reluctant, the idol finally complied with his wish as he put aside the pillow. The idol grinned at him before getting up from his lying position.

"Now I can proudly tell people that you are my first kiss, right, Ren?"

Azren really couldn't guess the nice Michy's way of thinking, and he was stunned upon hearing the boy's question.

"Why do you want to tell people about it, Mich? Your first kiss was stolen by a man, so how come you're proud of that instead of feeling embarrassed?"

Azren wasn't sure whether he would be able to remain sane or not. If he stayed with the idol Michy longer, then he would go crazy for sure. Instead of completing the task from Lucifer, he probably would end up being a patient in a mental hospital.

'That's stupid. I'm not a human, so no one will send me to a mental hospital even if I'm crazy,' Azren secretly corrected his way of thinking.

"Why should I feel embarrassed when a handsome man kissed me?"

Azren was almost going crazy, but now he could feel his face burning upon hearing Michy's question. He turned shy because of the idol's out-of-the-blue praise, but then he noticed something weird about the boy.

The evil Michy seemed to be homophobic, but the nice Michy seemed not to care about gender in a relationship. How could two different characters live in such a small body?

"I think we should stop talking about it and start giving you the nutrition you need. Alright?" Azren decided to change another topic because he knew that the nice Michy would get weirder if they continued talking about that matter.

On the other hand, Michy was pouting and seemed to be wanting to protest, but it looked like the idol chose to give up as he nodded his head to respond to the demon's suggestion.

The dilemma finally came to an end, and Azren could heave a sigh of relief. His shiny blonde hair probably would turn the dull grey in no time if Michy kept stressing him out like this.

The blonde dragged a chair closer to the bed and sat down on top of it. His hands swiftly opened the brown paper bag that he got from the shop earlier. He was so eager as he took out the food from the bag.

The grin plastered on his face when he showed the food to Michy, but the latter frowned in return. Azren started to feel worried. Did Michy turn to his evil self again?

"Why did you buy me a burger, Ren?"

He was able to hear the nickname again, and it was confirmed that the one who was sitting on the bed was still the nice Michy.

"Don't you like burgers? When we were in the city, you often ordered me to buy you a burger. I bought the same burger for you today, and this one is without vegetables too. You will like it, right?" Azren was nervous when he asked the question.

'Did I make another mistake? If it's the evil Michy, he surely would scold me because I buy him fast food instead of expensive food, but the nice Michy wouldn't care about price, right?'

Azren bit his lips as he waited for the idol to give him a response. Michy didn't seem to be angry, but he seemed to be disappointed. And Azren could notice the expression.

"I do like that burger, but I expected you to buy me something else," the silver-haired youth replied. "We're near the beach now, and I expected you to buy me some seafood. But you bought me a beef burger instead, and I'm disappointed."

The young idol was sulking, and Azren finally realized his mistake. It was not because of expensive food issues, but it was because of his choice of food.

He knew that burgers were not the best choice, but there were not many shops near the hospital, and he didn't have much time to go to a farther place for other food. He also knew that Michy usually liked to eat burgers, so he didn't think that it would be a big deal to buy burgers.

That was why he chose fast food instead, but now he regretted his decision.

"I can go outside to buy you another food if you want to."

Hearing the green-eyed man voice out his idea, Michy finally brought his gaze to look at the man again. "No no no! You don't have to! You have worked hard for me to buy the burger, so how come I have the heart to ask you to buy another food?"

'You don't have the heart to ask me to buy another food because you're the nice Michy now. If you were the evil Michy, you surely would kick my ass while shouting at me to buy you another food.'

Azren wanted to voice out his opinion, but he was still able to swallow them without letting a word escape his lips.

"I'm really sorry, Mich. I won't make this kind of mistake again in the future."

"Why did you apologize to me? You've spent a long time buying me this burger, so I appreciate your effort. You don't need to apologize to me."

The blonde smiled sheepishly. He indeed spent more than an hour buying the idol food earlier, but it wasn't because of his work hard. It was because he met Gizach earlier.

He knew that he didn't need to tell the truth to Michy, so he could only smile a little. In addition, Michy probably would get jealous if he found out about the red-haired demon, right?

The thought flashed in his mind, and his green eyes widened. 'Why did I have that kind of thought? It's not like Michy has that kind of feeling toward me, and we are not in a relationship either! Stop having such a stupid thought!' He reprimanded himself upon realizing his mistake.

Azren was frowning while shaking his head, and it caused Michy to crease his forehead.

"Are you okay, Ren? Do you feel dizzy so you shake your head? I wasn't polite at all because I didn't even ask about my savior's condition."

The nice Michy was still the nice Michy, and he had such a sensitive character. Azren smiled while bringing his hand to ruffle the silky silver hair. But then he froze.

'Why do I suddenly act so familiar toward Michy?'

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