The Demon's Angelic Love


"Okay, Azren. Are you ready for the interview with me today?"

The owner of the name blinked innocently after the mighty author of "The Demon's Angelic Love" threw the first question of the day.

The demon looked clueless before replying, "Michy is the idol here, so why do you want to interview me too? I'm just a useless demon here."

The mighty author tried to hold back her anger after hearing the demon's dumb reply.

"It's just a backstage interview, Azren," the author tried to explain patiently. "I just want to know your opinion about our story so far. You have time for this interview, right?"

"You are the author here, so if I say that I don't have time, you probably will fire me from this book."



The author regretted her decision for making a timid demon the main character of her novel. It was the first time for her to design such a soft-hearted man as the main character of her novels, and she probably wouldn't make that kind of decision again in the future.

"Okay, we better start with the first question," the author decided to ignore the demon's statement and started opening her cue card. "So, Azren. What was your first impression of Michy?"

Talking about Michy was like listening to a horror story to Azren, and the demon automatically widened his green eyes.

"You are the one who's responsible for Michy's character, right? Are you happy now after torturing me with his confusing character?"

The author was slightly taken aback when Azren suddenly attacked her with questions instead of answering her question earlier. 'Even the timid demon could get angry too,' she thought.

"That's part of the story, so you can't be mad at me," the author tried to explain again. "So, what was your first impression of him? I just wanted to know your point of view on Michy, Azren."

The author of the book repeated the question, and Azren seemed to be contemplating how he should answer the question while directing his eyes to scan his surroundings. The strange gesture made the author's forehead frown.

"Is this room soundproof? Is it okay for me to answer the question here? Michy won't be able to hear my answer, will he?"

The author facepalmed because of the demon's questions.

"This room is soundproof, so you don't have to worry about Michy. Just answer the question, please," the author tried to assure the demon again.

Hearing the assurance, the demon looked a little relaxed as he said, "My first impression of Michy was that he looked like a pregnant cat when we first met."




Both the author and Azren fell quiet upon hearing Michy suddenly shout who-knows-from-where. Even the author was speechless because of Azren's answer, but the idol's voice suddenly filled the void and startled the two beings.

"Uh, I think the soundproof is not working properly, Azren. Maybe you can answer my question in a lower voice. Alright?"

Azren glared at the author, but he didn't say anything. He just let the author continue with her question.

"Why did you say Michy looked like a pregnant cat when you first met him?"

Azren looked a little worried as he answered in a low voice. "One time, I met a pregnant cat in the human world, and even if I just walked past in front of her, she suddenly scratched me with her claws. Michy was the same. I didn't do anything when we just met, but he already saw me as an enemy."

Azren couldn't stop himself from reminiscing the moment when he just met Michy, and he grumbled inwardly.

The author saw how Azren displayed a frustrated expression, but she could only smile helplessly.

"But that's your impression of the evil Michy, right? Then how about your impression of the nice Michy?"

Another question from the author, and Azren brought his forefinger to tap his jaw. "The nice Michy is so nice. He often bought me food and clothes, but because of that, I often got scolded by the evil Michy too. For me, the two sides of Michy are dangerous!"

The author chuckled when she saw how Azren got goosebumps when he recounted the story.

"But, you managed to kiss Michy, right?"

"That's not a kiss! I just tried to save him!"

Azren was so quick to retort, and the author laughed again. "I wasn't talking about what happened on the beach, but I was talking about how Michy kissed you for real. You have tasted Michy lips, right?"

Azren's face flushed upon hearing the author's next question. The memory was still fresh in his head, and he was flustered all of a sudden.

"It was the nice Michy who kissed me," the demon finally answered bashfully. "But yeah, I admit that I indeed have tasted Michy's lips."

Azren looked shy, but the author still wanted to tease the innocent demon. "You have kissed Gizach too, right? What's the difference between the two kisses?"

Azren stared at the author lazily after hearing the question. "Can we not talk about that nasty demon? It's also your fault that I ended up losing my first kiss to that nasty demon, dear author."

The blonde demon dared to blame her, and the author smiled sheepishly. "Alright, let's move to the next question," the author decided to skip the previous question. "You have known as the soft-hearted demon, but you are the top in this story. Are you sure you will be able to dominate Michy, Azren?"

The next question from the author seemed to be able to tickle Azren's pride, and the demon scowled at the author before answering, "I'm the top, and I will show you how powerful I am in the next volume of this book. You guys better don't underestimate me!"

And the author admitted defeat by raising her hands to the air. Alright. We better wait for the dominant Azren in this story.. The author secretly asked the readers to prepare themselves.

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