The Demon's Gate.

Chapter 110 - Yang siblings abilities.

After spending a few days resting and cultivating, everyone decided to introduce themselves once more. Yao Jun and the others had already explained their powers to each other before they rescued the Yang siblings, so now they only did it so that the Yang siblings could have a better understanding of their power.

"My name is Yang Long, I am the older brother of Yang Yuhuan. My power is much like Li Quan's, as it does not directly increase my strength. Because of this, I focus mostly on strengthening my body. My power comes in the form of a sixth sense as well as slight precognitive abilities, I call it the All Seeing Eye."

Everyone sat in a circle next to the ancient tree, their legs crossed. Yang Long was the first one to introduce himself, slightly bowing his upper body before he spoke.

"The sixth sense part of it let's me feel when danger is about to befall either me or the area around me, it also let's me slightly sense the intentions as well as the balance of good and evil in others."

Using this sixth sense, Yang Long had managed to survive many situations that could easily lead to his death. Knowing where danger would strike always allowed him to evade ahead of time, coming out safe in the end.

As for his power allowing him to sense the balance of good and evil in others, it only helped him sense whether or not the person he was facing was planning anything heinous against him.

"As for the precognitive part, it is much more straightforward. Twice per day, I can channel all my Qi into my eyes to see the future in a small area around me. Of course, this future is only the future that is most likely to happen, it can still be changed. It also only let's me see at most two seconds into the future. This is how I knew where Li Quan would put his foot."

It was only after Yang Long reached his present cultivation level that he managed to use the precognitive part of his ability twice per day. Before he reached his current cultivation, he could at most use it once every two days.

"My name is Yang Yuhuan, I am the younger sister of Yang Long. My power is currently only a simple increase in my own bodily abilities, I call it the Golden Theater"

After Yang Long finished his introduction, it was obviously her time to introduce herself. The others did not find it strange that they had chosen to give their abilities a name. People who had a certain amount of power always had a name for their ability, it was this name people used when they referred to the person or their power.

Lin Ren for example would be called Ghost God Lin Ren if he ever grew strong enough to become famous. Following this line, The others would become Sword God Yun Yantian, Illusion God Guo Luo, Golden Theater Yang Yuhuan, All Seeing Yang Long, and Demon God Yao Jun.

It was a bit harder for people from the Demon Race to get titles like these, as their powers came from their Soul Beasts. In these cases, people mostly based the titles on either the race or the name of the Soul Beast.

The current ruler of the Demon Race for example was called Golden Crow Feng Huan, with his wife being known as Devouring Empress Gao Bi. Feng Huan's Soul beast was a Golden Crow, a Demonic beast on the same level as the Phoenix.

His wife's Soul Beast was a Demonic beast known as a Taotie, another Demonic beast on the same level as the Phoenix, but it could take any number of shapes. It was famous for it's voracious hunger, being able to devour almost anything.

Wan Yi's two soul beasts were named after a famous legend of two spirits that escorted dead souls to the underworld, so he would not be surprised if she ended up getting the title Shepherd of Souls or maybe even Reaper Queen.

"I call it the Golden Theater because whenever I fully use it, a blurry golden theater will envelop the area. This ability let's me designate an area around me as my theater, greatly increasing my strength, speed, and reactions within this area. As of now, I can only designate an area of about 10 meters as my theater."

While Yang Yuhuan introduced her power, she also activated it, showcasing it to everyone. When she activated her power, a faint golden light covered the area around the group. After the golden light covered the area, something that looked like an ancient coliseum appeared around them.

The coliseum only appeared for a short moment before Yang Yuhuan waved her hand and caused the colosseum to dissipate. The others couldn't help but nod in approval after learning about the powers of the Yang siblings.

Yang Long's ability, while it could easily seem weak as it did not strengthen his body, it allowed him to become aware of many dangerous situations seconds before they happened. These few seconds could easily end up saving lives.

Yang Yuhuan's ability had a rather small range right now, only being able to cover an area of ten meters. But sometimes, one did not need more than ten meters of space during a fight. And what about it's later stages, what if it could grow to cover an area of several hundred meters?

After everyone introduced themselves, they did not split up and continue doing their own things, instead choosing to continue chatting. They covered all sorts of topics, talking about things they had experienced in their lives, habits and hobbies that they had, as well as things they liked and disliked.

While they were talking, Yao Jun and Wan Yi's Demonic beasts, with Little Gray being an exception, were huddling up against the ancient tree, greedily absorbing it's aura as well as the abundant Qi inside the gate.

Yao Jun did not know exactly why Wan Yi's Demonic beasts could absorb the aura from the ancient tree, but he could easily guess that it was because they were Demonic beasts. It did not matter if the Demonic beasts were someone else's Soul Beast, they were still Demonic beasts, meaning that he was their god.

Little Thunder was absorbing an especially large amount of the ancient tree's aura. It did this for a very simple reason, Yao Jun had broken through to the 2nd Mortal Earth, but it had not.

Ba-Shei was at the peak of the 1st Mortal Earth, with Sirius being at the same level. Little Gray was at the late stage of the 1st Mortal Earth, but Little Thunder was only at the middle stage of the 1st Mortal Earth, making it the weakest out of all of Yao Jun's Demonic beasts.

Just Yao Jun breaking through to a new level was not enough to make his Demonic beasts to break through, they would have to train on their own as well as get supplemented with energy by Yao Jun to break through. Little Thunder did not want Yao Jun to abandon it, so it spent most of it's time absorbing the aura from the tree, as well as absorbing the abundant Qi inside the gate, trying to raise it's power as fast as possible.

Just like this, one and a half month quickly passed, with the group spending the days chatting and sparring with each other, while they spent the nights cultivating in silence. It was dull and repetitive, but no one complained, they knew that only by repeatedly doing this could they grow in strength.

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