The Demon's Gate.

Chapter 266 - Final task on the list.

Thanks to the fact that Yao Jun had the law of space under his command, there wasn't really anyone in the competition, besides maybe Baam Noctris, that could truly outrun him. Mascheny Materius was most likely quite a bit faster than him thanks to her fused law, but even she would not be able to escape his teleportation. As such, once Yao Jun started hunting for blood tokens again, no one could escape him once he set his eyes on them.

Thanks to that, the number of blood tokens in his grasp slowly started to increase. He acquired his fourth after a month, his fifth and sixth after a further three months, and his seventh only two weeks after sixth. Yao Jun had already reached the apex of strength in this competition so he taking the tokens from the others was rather easy. But he encountered a problem when it came to the two final tokens. Standing at the edge of a cliff that led into the emptiness of space, looking at the few spread planets he could see in the distance, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

"Tch, she must have fled this planet, or even the entire competition."

Yao Jun knew who held the last two blood tokens, he had met her once before during the grand auction where the tower that could accelerate time was being sold. She had bought the blood token that was up for auction and then quickly fled the city. Due to the fact that Yao Jun at least knew how she looked, he had decided to save her for last to make his hunting go a bit smoother.

But over the last few months of searching, he had ended up searching every inch of this planet, he had met up with every single person still taking part in the competition. But even so, the only trace he had found of her and her blood tokens was that she had last been seen heading in this direction, where the only thing of note was this cliff that led into the void of space.

This last spotting had taken place about half a year ago, not long after Yao Jun killed Peyton, so there was a chance that she had seen his rising ranking and recognized his name from when Peyton shouted it during the competition. From this point, it wouldn't be too hard to dig up some more information on him, information which was spread wide after Xiao Yan told the universe about him. Fleeing when faced with an enemy you knew you couldn't beat was the optimal choice so he wouldn't be surprised if that was what she had chosen to do.

Only having the incomplete Blood Ocean's Hunger technique wasn't great, but it was certainly better than dying and losing everything. Yao Jun's eyes narrowed slightly as he scoured the horizon, stretching out his senses as far as he could, eventually closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh.

"Damnit, now I'll have to wait."

Searching each individual planet for her would take far too long, especially now that there was no telling when the competition would enter its final stages. If Yao Jun was absent when the final stage began, he would be automatically disqualified and tossed out of the competition, which wasn't exactly what he wanted, especially if he ended up with nothing for it.

He could ask Avaritia if anyone had left this half-finished universe through the exit she guarded, but he really didn't want to risk annoying a Godking with such a small question. As such, he could only choose the most annoying option, waiting. The woman with the two remaining tokens would end up being thrown out of this half-finished universe once the competition ended, at that point Yao Jun could hire the Heaven's Secrets Company to look for her, it should be possible for them. Yao Jun opened his eyes again and turned around, his gaze wandering towards the distant south.

"Alright then, guess we'll push you to the top of the list then."

The last two blood tokens had escaped his grasp and he didn't encounter any Demonic beasts that aroused his interest, of those he was a match for at least, so that left only one thing on his list, killing Luosho Li. She was currently ranked 3rd in the competition, only behind Mascheny and Yao Jun, meaning that her location was constantly being broadcast to everyone, finding her was easy.

Yao Jun vanished from the area before he even finished turning around, a barely visible ripple running through the surrounding space. Luosho Li was quite a distance away from him, he would have to teleport quite a few times just to get close to her. But she hadn't moved for the last two months so he wasn't expecting her to suddenly start moving again, mainly due to the location where she stopped moving, it was quite familiar to him.

Only three weeks later, Yao Jun once again stepped onto the frozen wasteland where Xuhuan once lived, arriving in front of the forest she had created alongside her now-dead mate. He could see Luosho Li's position projected like a massive purple beam of light, the beam ending at the top of the volcano that once served as the centerpiece of Xuhuan's home.

Yao Jun swept his gaze around the surroundings for a short moment before making his way up the volcano, quickly reaching the peak. The top of the volcano had been flattened down completely, the crater filled with a thick mixture of ice and earth to create a solid surface one could stand on. Sitting with crossed legs in the middle of the peak, was the blue-eyed and golden-haired Luosho Li, her back facing Yao Jun. Luosho Li had clearly noticed Yao Jun's arrival, speaking up the moment he stepped onto the peak of the mountain.

"Look at them, they all came running the moment they noticed that you were heading here, I'd be willing to bet that there are hundreds or so others also rushing here as we speak. What do they expect, that one of us will be so weak after the battle that they can easily kill us and take all our items? Idiots, the whole lot of them. If it was that easy to kill us, we wouldn't have reached our current positions."

Luosho Li was talking about what Yao Jun had noticed as he arrived in the area, the tens of people hiding in the surrounding area and observing the two of them. Two people within the top five were approaching each other, likely to battle each other, how could something like this not cause a commotion? Luosho Li stood up after she finished talking, turning around and facing Yao Jun, examining him from head to toe.

"You know, I'm actually somewhat older than the others of my rank in this competition, I was already 500 or so years old when I first picked up my first Supreme Law fragment, and then it took me a further 300 years to reach this position again, I'm almost twice as old as Baam and Mascheny. But never once in these 800 years have I experienced being hunted like this, I have always been the hunter. I most certainly have never been hunted by someone who can be considered little more than a little baby like you, thinking about it just makes me realize that life can be really funny, and unfair, at times. 800 years, it took me 800 years to reach this position, this grand seat of power. And there you stand, not even 30 but already strong enough to dethrone me, it really makes me want to question just what I spent at least 700 of those years on."

Yao Jun remained impassive in the face of Luosho Li's words, he had never really cared about the admiration or praise of others, the people whose praise he desired could be counted on one hand. Luosho Li didn't seem to mind his silence too much, that or she just liked to hear her own voice, because she continued to talk.

"Ren Shuren has stopped contacting me, even ignoring me when I try to contact him, I take it that was your doing? I wonder, just what sort of card did you pull to make a freak like that listen to you?"

Luosho Li knew how strong Ren Shuren was, she had personally fought him once before. If she were to describe him in one word then it would have to be terrifying, he was a man who inspired fear in those he fought, that were her honest feelings after having faced him. Yao Jun still remained silent, gazing at Luosho Li with the same indifferent eyes he gave most of his enemies. Luosho Li chuckled lightly, her eyes growing serious as she spread her arms.

"Quiet treatment, huh? You're not a fun person to be around, are you? You don't have a lot of friends, do you? Well, not that it really matters. Come, Yao Jun, let's see who of us will end up leaving this place alive today."

Yao Jun appeared behind Luosho Li the moment she spread out her arms, choosing this as the moment where her guard would be at its lowest and using it to launch his attack. His fist caused a booming sound and a thick shockwave as it cut through the air, crashing into Luosho Li's spine and unleashing an explosive burst of fire and lightning to ravage her back.

He didn't expect an attack like this to end the battle, much less wound her badly, it could probably at best be considered a probing attack to people of their strength. But just as his fist unleashed all its gathered strength, a pain assaulted his arm and caused his brows to furrow. He felt the bones in his right arm shatter and crack, the bones from his wrist and up to his elbow snapping so hard that they ended up piercing through his own skin. And while his own right arm broke, Luosho Li remained unharmed, the corners of her lips turning up slightly.

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