The Demon's Gate.

Chapter 281 - Demon of three gates.

The roars of the dying planet deafened even the screams of the dying soldiers, who were already giving up on stopping Yao Jun and rushing to flee. But sadly for them, the Heavenly Deities of the World Tree clan were doing their best to prevent as many people as possible from escaping. Yao Jun ignored the spectacle, he had given them all a warning ahead of time, he couldn't be bothered to do more for people he didn't know. Yao Jun raised up the still-twitching body of Qiao Xian Yi, holding it by the throat as he gave her cheeks a few slaps.

"Rise and shine, it's time to die."

Yao Jun extracted his mental energy from her mind, the last vestiges of light left in her gaze flaring up slightly as her vision regained some clarity. But she simply went from one hell to another, her vision landing on Yao Jun's faint smile with a dying planet as his backdrop. She didn't even get the chance to open her trembling lips before Yao Jun moved his left arm and grabbed onto her right wrist, crushing it and completely tearing off her hand.

Qiao Xian Yi's eyes opened wide and trembled slightly, but she had experienced so much pain in the illusions that she didn't even scream after losing her hand. Yao Jun didn't bother with her lack of reaction, his gaze remained on the stump of her hand, calmly watching as it didn't grow back. Yao Jun had already broken Qiao Xian Yi, she was beaten so badly that she couldn't even muster up any will to resist. Facing Yao Jun, her body realized that it was facing an unbeatable existence and had thus given up on life, awaiting the inevitable.

This was the exact response Yao Jun had been looking for, now he didn't have to bother with using a different method of killing Qiao Xian Yi to circumvent her regeneration, just killing her normally was enough. Yao Jun hopped down from the frozen ship's bulwark and grabbed onto Yuan Shen's throat, raising both him and Qiao Xian Yi high.

"Little Gray, Xuhuan, it's feeding time."

The sound of flapping wings and roaring flames arrived on the ship a mere second after Yao Jun spoke up, the massive Little Gray and the six-tailed Xuhuan appearing on the ship and shrinking to more manageable sizes. Yao Jun tossed Qiao Xian Yi to Little Gray and Yuan Shen to Xuhuan, gesturing towards them with his hands.

"Little Gray, her God Gate will go perfectly with the fragment we got earlier, you can eat her now and absorb the other fragment after the battle. Xuhuan, you're the one who's best suited to handling several elements, so what do you say, do you want it?"

Not only did Xuhuan have the element of fire and mental energy, but Nine-Tailed Foxes were one of the Divin Beast races most well known for their ability to use multiple elements. Xuhuan could be considered somewhat strange in that she only had two elements, but absorbing the Element God's Gate would quickly fix that. Xuhuan's gaze landed on the twitching body of Yuan Shen, who was in too much pain to even express his fear, her head quickly lowering in gratitude.

"I want it, please give it to me."

Xuhuan knew that she was the newest addition to Yao Jun's Demonic beasts, so she knew that if it wasn't for his rage at losing Little Thunder, she likely wouldn't have received this chance already, it was more likely that he would keep the gate safe for the future. Xuhuan was already thoroughly subdued by Yao Jun's strength so she didn't have any thoughts of betraying him, but this event certainly made her all the more sure that her previous choice of following Yao Jun was the correct decision.

Yao Jun nodded his head and leaned against the bulwark, Little Gray and Xuhuan quickly getting to work. Little Gray picked up Qiao Xian Yi with his beak and tossed her into the air, raising his head and opening his mouth so that she fell right into it. He closed his mouth just as her head was at the edge of his beak, utterly crushing it before the rest of her body slid down his throat and into his stomach. Xuhuan did it just as simply, picking up Yuan Shen with her mouth and chewing on him twice to make sure that he was dead before she swallowed him.

After the two beasts swallowed the God Gate holders, the scene that Yao Jun already expected to happen unfolded. Since there was already someone right there to absorb the God Gates immediately, they didn't explode out of the corpses to fly away, they simply quietly fused into Xuhuan and Little Gray. One scene Yao Jun didn't expect to happen, however, was that both of them would suddenly shrink heavily once the God Gates fused into them.

Little Gray shrank down to the size of a canary while Xuhuan shrank down to the size of a normal fox and lost five of her tails. Her fur was still a dim orange, with a wavy crimson line running down her back and ending in a single burning tail, but the flames on the tail were much weaker than they used to be. In a single short second, both had gone from the Earthly Deity stage to the very lowest cultivation stage, dropping to the 1st Mortal Earth. From the looks of it, even Demonic beasts would have to start from the very bottom after absorbing a God Gate or a Supreme Law fragment. Yao Jun's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he lowered his head, apologizing to the two.

"Sorry, I didn't expect it to decrease your strength by that much, I promise to get you back to your normal strength as quickly as possible."

Both Little Gray and Xuhuan had been on the edge of breaking into the middle stage of the Earthly Deity realm after eating so many cultivators on this planet, to suddenly drop so far would definitely be rough for them. Luckily, both of them seemed to not mind it, Little Gray landing on Yao Jun's shoulder and Xuhuan climbing up his leg and back before resting on his head.

"Don't worry about it, there is always a price to pay for power."

"Please don't lower your head, My Lord, we have full trust in you."

Now that they had dropped to the 1st Mortal Earth, they had lost the ability to speak normally and to take human form, but Yao Jun could still understand their chirping and barking thanks to his God Gate. Yao Jun raised his head and pat the two on the head, his gaze sweeping over the planet that was on the verge of shattering.

"Let's get out of here, this isn't the best place to meet my daughter."

Yao Jun's other Demonic beasts were called back into the God Gate, space around Yao Jun and the others rippling for a short second before he teleported everyone away through the hole he had opened in the array. As he left, the massive cracks covering the planet caused it to fragment and split apart, the flames growing more violent as the planet reached the last few seconds of its life. The universe would know Yao Jun as the man who killed God Piercer planet, but none would know about the birth of a demon carrying more than one God Gate, the first non-God Gate being to ever do so.

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