The Demon's Gate.

Chapter 289 - The fang's sharpness.

The elderly Egong Pangli led Yao Jun and Guo Luo through the door that led to his own room, taking them through a short hallway that was only decorated with a few scenery paintings that were clearly painted by someone less talented in the art. Seeing Yao Jun's gaze gliding over the paintings, Egong Pangli rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, quickly ushering them towards a simple stone door at the end of the hallway.

"Please don't mind them, there are times that I see unknown places connected to me through destiny or karma, but as I cannot head there I have taken to drawing them as I see them."

Yao Jun gave a slight nod of his head, allowing his gaze to drift over the paintings once more. They were clearly painted by someone less skilled, but each painting still contained a soft charm that made it hard to take your eyes off of them. Yao Jun didn't plan on asking anything more about them, but the same couldn't be said for Yao Xuelian, who had to bend down slightly due to the small hallway and was thus practically lying on top of Yao Jun's head.

"Why can't you go there? Papa can go wherever he wants, if you ask him real nice and turn up your eyes then he'll take you there in a jiffy."

Yao Jun nearly tripped over his own feet when he heard his daughter's boastful words, just when did he become a transportation service? Egong Pangli let out a soft chuckle and smiled warmly at Yao Xuelian, shaking his head.

"Why thank you, Little Lady, I'll make sure to keep that in mind when it's my time to go. But I can't go right now, it's my destiny that I will die within 100 days after leaving this city. I've offended too many factions in my rowdy youth, they'll start coming for me the moment I leave the safety of this city."

Egong Pangli spoke casually and without trepidation, the greatest curse of those who cultivated the law of destiny was that they would often become privy to the destiny of their own deaths ahead of time. Of course, destiny wasn't set in stone and could be changed, but Egong Pangli had yet to find anything that could change the destiny that was his death.

Yao Jun and Guo Luo didn't say anything in response to Egong Pangli's words, destiny was exceedingly strange and hard to work with. Leylan had treated Yao Jun so well because his law of destiny told him that Yao Jun could change the destiny of the World Tree clan, something Yao Jun thought he evaded when he left the World Tree clan and headed out on his own. But in the end, Leylan and his law of destiny were proven correct when Yao Jun destroyed God Piercer planet and decimated the forces of the sects and clans opposing the World Tree clan.

There were people stronger than him in the various clans and sects, but none of that mattered in that situation, none of them were able to stop him. That was just what destiny was at times, the right man in the right place, or the wrong man in the right place.

The group of four stepped through the simple stone door and entered the personal room of Egong Pangli, a somewhat large square room containing only a bed, several blank canvases, a closed wooden cupboard, and a strangely ornate crystal locker that seemed to contain several different attires.

Egong Pangli waved his hand, a circular jade table and three chairs appearing out from his interspatial ring. He placed the table in front of him and gestured for Yao Jun and Guo Luo to take a seat. The woman who had been sent for tea chose this moment to enter the room, pouring up four cups of lightly pink tea before placing the porcelain kettle on the table and quietly leaving the room. The three people took a seat, Yao Xuelian remaining on Yao Jun's shoulders and happily swaying her feet. Egong Pangli took a sip of the tea, his expression growing somewhat serious as he looked at Yao Jun.

"Senior Jun, it should indeed be possible for me to find the things you're looking for. But I feel that it is only right that I give you a warning, my home is one of the closest watched places in this city, I fear that information about your visit will quickly spread, people might even quickly learn where you are heading..."

Yao Jun had kept himself locked up in his Demon's Gate sect for an entire two years, and before that, he had managed to keep himself hidden for so long, it was easy for Egong Pangli to guess that Yao Jun wanted to remain low-key. But contrary to what he expected, Yao Jun simply smiled faintly, handing one of the teacups to Yao Xuelian and taking one for himself, lightly sipping it while responding.

"I know, the news will quickly spread and quite a few people will follow me. The Primordial Sea clan have a branch on the neighboring planet so they'll be the first to arrive, they're actually already on their way. They've all been spying so hard on my Demon's Gate for the last two years, doing their best to pry out any information about my fangs. So think it's about time I show them what they want to know, they'll see just how sharp my fangs are."

Yao Jun's tone was so calm and casual that it sent a chill down Egong Pangli's spine, just what stage had he reached for him to have this level of confidence? But casting a glance at Guo Luo and Yao Xuelian, he couldn't help but warn once again.

"I understand, but please allow me to warn you to not lose your heart just to show off your fangs."

Yao Jun's eyes flashed with light for a short second after Egong Pangli spoke, but the flash quickly receded and Yao Jun's expression returned to normal. He understood Egong Pangli's good intentions so he put on a serious expression, his gaze practically piercing through Egong Pangli to show him his seriousness.

"I thank you for the warning, but let me assure you of this, the one thing I will never gamble with is the lives of my family."

Egong Pangli slowly nodded his head after understanding Yao Jun's seriousness. From the looks of it, this King of Demonic Deities was truly prepared for what was to come, would he shock the universe again with another rain of blood? But just after Egong Pangli nodded his head, Yao Xuelian waved her small fists around and spoke in a grandiose manner.

"There's nothing to worry about, Oldy! If Papa can't beat them then that just means that Mama will have to go and kick their asses! Hehe, you might not know, but not even Papa can beat Mama!"

The somewhat serious atmosphere that had started to spread instantly shattered after Yao Xuelian spoke, Guo Luo spurting out some tea when she was unable to hold down her giggle. Yao Jun could only let out a sigh and raise one of his arms, pinching Yao Xuelian's nose and giving it a soft tug.

"How can you throw your own Papa under the bus like that, can't you give me at least a little face when we're in public?"

This was indeed one of the things that had been troubling Yao Jun recently, he simply wasn't suited to sparring with Guo Luo or the others. Every technique he had was designed to kill, his instincts were geared towards reacting with a counter that was meant to kill his opponent right away. As such, any sparring he took part in would mostly consist of him trying to figure out ways to attack without killing, leaving him at more than just a little of a loss. Yao Jun continued to tug at Yao Xuelian's nose, his gaze landing on Egong Pangli.

"Now then, Mister Pangli, could you please show me to the things I'm looking for?"

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