The Demon's Gate.

Chapter 310 - I am the god of swords.

Yao Jun slowly exhaled and then quickly hopped back, Yun Yantian copying hos movements as the two fled the area. Lin Jue said that the array only covered the estate, and since Lin Gaozhi had met them right beyond the gates of the estate, it should only take them a single second to escape.

But the moment they reached the open gate of the estate they realized that their worst fears were correct, they crashed into an invisible wall that halted their advance. Yao Jun gathered as much might as he could and slashed at the invisible wall, but his attack only managed to produce a few half-meter long cracks that immediately healed. His expression sank further, his body suddenly spinning around and slashing down at an azure-golden lightning bolt that suddenly appeared right behind them and roared towards them.

His sword collided head-on with the lightning bolt, his arms trembling as his veins started bulging and some of them even ruptured. The lightning bolt was pushed aside, a few cracks actually appearing on Yao Jun's sword. But a small arc stretched off of the lightning bolt and crashed into Yao Jun's now exposed chest, sending him crashing into Yun Yantian once more, resulting in both of them crashing into the invisible wall of the array.

This time Yao Jun also couldn't prevent a bit of blood from leaking out of the corner of his mouth, Yun Yantian actually spitting out an entire mouthful of it due to the heavy collision. But Yao Jun didn't have the time to focus on his wounds or any pain that he might be feeling, another attack was already coming right at him, this time a pure azure bolt of lightning that was a bit weaker than the previous one.

Yao Jun quickly spat out a breath and some blood, his left hand shooting out, his index finger stretched out. The lightning bolt reached his finger and actually started to coil around it, flowing through a stream of water he had twisted around his hand. But he knew he couldn't do this for long, and it only worked now since it wasn't Lin Jue that that had launched the attack, his lightning would instantly tear through the water and reach Yao Jun.

Yao Jun quickly twisted his hand and pointed his finger at Lin Jue, the lightning flowing through the stream of water and reaching his finger again, shooting directly at Lin Jue and colliding with the attack he launched the moment Yao Jun blocked Lin Gaozhi's attack. The azure-golden lightning was stopped for a short moment, Yao Jun's gaze landing on the person currently in the process of preparing an attack, Lin Voyun.

Lin Shuyen and the other guards that led them here had all been sent away when Yao Jun met Lin Gaozhi so right now Yao Jun only had to focus on three opponents. Yao Jun took a step forward, his foot stomping down so hard that the earth beneath him caved in and formed a small crater. He channelled all the power up through his body and into his arm, slashing out with his sword, a horrible screeching sound tearing at the ears of everyone present as a fist-thick black line was drawn through the surrounding area.

This was the attack that Yao Jun had used to kill Lucia Eluard's helper, Split the World. But compared to back then he had improved on it further by fusing in the law of dissolving that he got from Jun Tuan, resulting in the power of the attack becoming even greater. But with the array surrounding them and slowly sealing away their energy, his attack failed to show its full force.

But even so, both of Lin Voyun's legs were severed and sucked into the black line, eaten up by the law of dissolving. He launched his attack, but the pain from losing his legs made it so that the attack missed Yao Jun and hit the invisible wall at his side. But Lin Jue's attack arrived at this point, having broken the azure lightning bolt that Yao Jun redirected at him. Lin Gaozhi also launched another attack at the same time, appearing slightly unwilling but still following through with it.

But the target of the attacks wasn't Yao Jun, they curved slightly and flew at Yun Yantian, they wanted to force Yao Jun to block. And block he did, he refused to lose another friend, especially after being the one responsible for putting said friend in such a horrible position.

He blocked in front of Yun Yantian and slashed down at the azure-golden bolt of lightning with his sword, coating it with as much Qi as he could, practically flooding it with the law of water and the two different laws coming from the Supreme Law fragments that he gave to Sirius. His sword blocked the lightning bolt, both hands forced to hold onto the handle to subdue the terrible tremors that ran through his blade.

The cracks on the sword were growing larger and larger, but since the second attack was also arriving so he couldn't bother with it. Both hands were busy blocking the strongest attack so he could only raise a defensive wall of a few fused elements to block the azure bolt of lightning.

The lightning crashed into the defensive wall and started to break through it, an expected result as Yao Jun knew that just relying on his own Qi to block someone at the Heavenly Deity realm wasn't quite enough. That was why he usually dodged in combat, or just took the attack with his own body to open a chance for a counter-attack. The defensive wall shattered and the lightning bolt roared forward, coming straight for Yao Jun's abdomen since it was pushed down slightly thanks to the defence.

But just as Yao Jun prepared to take the attack with his own body to redirect it, Yun Yantian gave him a slight push and stabbed at the lightning with the rapier he used once right after they arrived in this universe. The lightning and the weapon collided, both temporarily coming to a halt before the rapier shattered and the lightning reached Yun Yantian.

His arm was charred completely black, his veins roasted and his blood evaporated while the bones within his arm fractured and nearly disintegrated. The damage didn't stop at his arm, it spread up his shoulder and even affected the right half of his chest and most of his throat, he suddenly made for a very sorry sight. This was a fight on a completely different level, one he shouldn't get involved in, otherwise this was the only outcome.

Yao Jun's attention wavered for a split second when he saw how grievous Yun Yantian's wounds were, the lapse in attention serving as an opening for Lin Jue. He immediately launched another attack that joined up with his first one, the force within the attack becoming so great that the skin between his fingers tore open in a manner that made it seem like his hands would completely split open.

But before his hands had a chance to split open, his sword became unable to bear the force and shattered. Now, for the first time since he received this weapon that Sword Empyrean Heng Jiang forged for him, he had encountered an attack that the sword was unable to bear and it shattered, scattering obsidian like fragments through the air like tiny pixies.

And with his weapon shattering, Yao Jun could only use his hands to block the attack, quickly crossing his arms in front of his chest. The lightning hit him and pierced directly through his arms, stabbing into his chest before it became unable to move further, scorching a large portion of Yao Jun's chest and arms. He was also launched back and crashed into Yun Yantian, the two sent flying away for a short distance before they crashed into the ground and rolled around for a bit.

Yao Jun spat out a mouthful of boiling blood that burned his throat, quickly turning to look at Yun Yantian, who was smiling bitterly from the immense pain. He cut into Yao Jun with a slight glare before Yao Jun could say anything, shaking his head fiercely.

"Don't even fucking try it, you asshat. You think I want to just stand here and look at you get hurt to protect me? Fuck off with that! I am weaker than you, yes, but I will not allow my friend to die just to protect me! Well... Looking at this scene we might just both die here, which honestly just pisses me off."

Now it was Yao Jun's turn to smile bitterly, what was he supposed to say in the face of Yun Yantian's fierce scolding. He had been wracking his brain as best he could, but unless Yun Yantian could somehow buy him a few minutes of time he honestly wasn't confident that he could shatter the array around them.

Yun Yantian knew what Yao Jun was thinking, their situation was incredibly grim. Both were wounded badly and the array was only growing more and more invasive, Yun Yantian guessed that they probably had at best a minute or two before their wounds overwhelmed them. And that was Yao Jun, he himself would probably not even last a minute.

And faced with a situation this grim, Yun Yantian suddenly started to smile softly as he stood up with a bit of struggle, leaning his back against the already standing Yao Jun. Yun Yantian looked at the sky, which was shimmering slightly due to the invisible wall created by the array.

"You know, never once have I saved you, I've always been the one to put you in harm's way. You helped me with the bandits and then I was the reason you got kidnapped and tortured. Next, you saved me and Lin Ren from the forces of the Guo clan, and then I put you in harm's way again when I had us go to save Yuhuan. Always hurting, never saving, what a disgrace of a friend I am. So just this once, allow me to save you."

Yao Jun felt a terrible premonition when he heard Yun Yantian speak, quickly turning his head. But by the time he turned his head, it was already too late. Yun Yantian had stabbed his own hand into his chest and pulled out a small silver sword covered in black and white chains, his own Sword God's Gate. His legs trembled fiercely after he pulled out the sword, he was barely able to sustain his body, but he still spoke strongly.

"The Sword God's Gate, the core of the Supreme Law of Attack. You may be the ruler of all demons, but I rule the world of attacks, I am the strongest attacker, that is the right that should be given to me by this piece. Well, I failed that right quite a bit since I was so weak, but using this entire thing should produce quite the strength, no?"

Yun Yantian smiled in a cocky manner, his sorry state completely ruining any calm and comfort that he might possibly impart to others. He didn't give Yao Jun the time to do or say anything, the small silver sword exploding forth with an incandescent light that caused a screeching sound to cut through everything else, only Yun Yantian's laughter audible to Yao Jun.

"HAHAHA, I am Yun Yantian and although weak, I am the god of swords and attacks! Right here, right now, let me show you my final and greatest move, Worldsplitter!"

The silver light unleashed by the small sword turned into a large sword that hovered in front of Yun Yantian, a horrifying amount of energy radiating from it. The Sword God's Gate was a piece belonging to the Origin Heart of their own universe, it was basically a chunk of pure energy filled with the law of attack. And right now Yun Yantian was detonating all the energy within his body as well as the energy within the fragment, and the end result was a sword containing a small piece of a universe's entire might.

He grasped the sword and slashed out with it, a nearly four-meter wide gash appearing in space and decimating everything in front of it. The gash collided with the invisible wall of the array and cut right through it, continuing on for nearly 200 meters before Yun Yantian managed to stop it, only a few scant meters from the rest of the city.

The silver sword vanished after Yun Yantian unleashed the attack, his right arm disintegrating along with it. The force he unleashed was simply too much, his body couldn't bear it and was now breaking down, disintegrating at a visible pace. But he knew that he wasn't done just yet, he quickly reached out with his remaining arm and grabbed onto the neck of the ashen Yao Jun, using his last remaining physical energy to throw him through the gash in the array, a smile on his face as he mouthed his few last words.

"Please tell Yang Yuhuan that I'm sorry, I never really did do her right. Now go, this is not a place for you to die, you still have to ascend to the throne of godhood. I might not be there to see it, but at the very least, let me be your sword."

Yao Jun flew through the air, his entire body drenched in despair as something stabbed into his chest, a tiny silver sword that had lost most of its luster. But Yao Jun barely even noticed the sword, his gaze was fully focused on the man standing calmly at the other side of the array, the man who fully disintegrated while Yao Jun looked at him, filling him with abyss-like sorrow.

Once again he had lost. He got stronger to protect those dear to him, but the stronger he got, the more he lost.

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