The Demon's Gate.

Chapter 66 - Everyone has their own agenda.

"Ash Barrens City? I'm afraid I have never heard about that city."

After Wan Yi's voice rang out, Yao Jun stopped, turned around, and went through his memories. He did not remember a city by the name of Ash Barrens, but since she mentioned that he had killed someone there, he could guess that it was probably the name of the city he arrived at after leaving the Guo clan. The city where he decided to set down on this path.

"It's a rather unremarkable city located a short distance from the Soaring Cloud City. Normally, no one would even pay any attention to it. But around two weeks ago, some of the inhabitants fled the city, escaping to the other towns and cities in the surroundings."

Wan Yi looked at Yao Jun with the same faint smile she had held since she arrived. They had gotten reports about this incident the day after it happened. Since whoever killed the people could summon Demonic beasts, people obviously put the blame on the Demon Race.

"They also brought with them reports that two people, a young man, and a young girl, had entered the city and then almost immediately started killing the people that belonged to the ruler of that city. Even the ruler of that city was killed by the young man."

The Demon Race did not mind people putting the blame on them, as it was a rather insignificant event in their eyes. But they still wanted to know who had really done it, so they sent out some of their own people to investigate.

"Reportedly, when the young man started walking towards the home of the ruler of the city, a massive tiger and an unremarkable wolf appeared next to him. After the youth killed the city lord and several of his men, the man summoned a large eagle and flew away from the city."

Of course, Wan Yi had no real evidence that it was Yao Jun that had done it, it was mostly just her instincts. But she also did not know of anyone other than the holder of the Demon God's Gate who could summon three different Demonic beasts.

"It seems that news really do travel fast, I only did it around two weeks ago, but it has already reached all the way here. Even my identity was found out."

Yao Jun's mouth curled into a smile as he spoke. He could imagine that Wan Yi did not actually have any evidence that it was him who did it, but he did not intend to deny the things he had done. It was fine to not do something because you were scared of the consequences, but one should never deny something that one had already done. If you have the guts to do it, at least have the guts to take responsibility for it.

"The Demon Race was the one who took the blame for it, after all, we should at least find out exactly who besmirched our good name."

Wan Yi let out a small laugh as she spoke. At first, she had only had a faint suspicion that it was him, but it seemed like she had been spot on. At the same time, she was truly wondering why he had done it.

"So why did you do it? When I first met you, you didn't seem like someone that would just go around and kill people."

This was her main question. She had met him once on that desolate plain right after he arrived on this continent. At that time, he gave off a very laid back air. He still gave off that laid-back air now, but there was an additional sharpness and tyranny hidden deep within it, just waiting to burst out.

"Those things weren't people. They were a blight. Blights like them are contaminating this world, as long as things like them live, the ones I care for can never truly live in peace."

Yao Jun sneered as he spoke. Just thinking about the things he had seen in that city was enough to cause his blood to boil.

"Blights you say? Truly a good way of saying it. Can it take that last sentence as you saying that you intend to kill everyone you consider a blight?"

Wan Yi's smile grew slightly larger when she heard how he talked about the people of that town. She had gotten reports on the circumstances of the city and what some of the people there had done. Such people were truly a type of poison to the world.

"I want a world where those I care about can live in peace. If that requires me to kill all the blights of this world, then I will wash this world with their blood."

Yao Jun did not shy from it. He wanted to create a world where those he cared about could live in peace and safety. To make that happen, he would kill any number of people. Even if he had to slaughter half the population of the world, he would still do it.

Of course, he still had his bottom line. He would not slaughter innocents just to create a safe world for those he cared about, if he did that, he would be no better than the rest of the blights.

"Such grandiose words, but I am afraid that you are a bit too naive, you are but a single person."

Wan Yi still smiled, but she also couldn't help but shake her head. What Yao Jun was talking about was cleansing an entire world of evil. How hard would it be to do that when you were only a single person?

"A single spark is all it takes to start an inferno. Hell, even the world's greatest desert was once but a single grain of sand. And you are wrong, I am not alone."

Yao Jun shook his head in response. He really wasn't alone right now, he had Guo Luo following by his side. He was also confident that there would be others following him in the future, others that wanted to create a safe world for their loved ones.

After finishing his words, Yao Jun did not continue to linger, turning around and heading towards the exit. He had gotten the information he needed for the moment, so it was time to go and increase his strength.

"The whole world will try to kill you, to stand in your way, do you truly have the guts to face the entire world?"

Wan Yi's voice rang out again from behind him. If Yao Jun wanted to accomplish what he had said, he would have to become strong enough to suppress everyone else in the world. Which powerful organization or person would allow someone else to ride over their heads and control them?

"I will do whatever it takes. Nothing's gonna kill me, nothing's gonna stand in my way."

Yao Jun did not stop walking as he answered, he did not even turn his head. The entire world as his enemy? So what! He had already accepted that he would be hunted when he first decided to kill those people in Ash Barrens City. He would not allow himself to die, nor would he allow anything to stand in his way.

After Yao Jun left the room, Wan Yi looked at the door he exited for a short while before she suddenly let out a long and drawn out sigh, her entire face suddenly looking incredibly tired.

"Hah, Yao Jun, you have no idea how much you have managed to ease my worries."

She couldn't help but mutter to herself as she sat there. Yao Jun was the holder of the Demon God's Gate, to the Demon Race, his importance and standing was even greater than their own ruler. If their own ruler could be called a Demon King, then the holder of that gate would truly be their Demon God.

When she first met him, she had only faintly sensed that he had a slight connection with the Demon God's Gate. She thought that he might have had some contact with the holder of the Demon God's Gate, coupled with the fact that he seemed to be a person with a good personality, she extended her hand and offered him help should he need it.

After she got the reports about the events that happened in Ash Barrens City, she had her people look into who really perpetrated the event. The reports that her people gave her included a description of the two people that did it.

Seeing the description of the young man who killed the people, she felt that it sounded familiar. After thinking about it for a while, she remembered the meeting she had with Yao Jun when she entered her peoples holy land. The description of the killer matched the youth she met back then almost completely.

He could summon three Demonic beasts and looked almost exactly like the youth she had met back then. When she mixed these facts with the fact that she had felt that he shared a connection with the Demon God's Gate, she was almost completely convinced that he held the Demon God's Gate.

After meeting him in person once more, the first thing she did was to check if he truly held the Demon God's Gate. And indeed, the moment she met him, she could feel it. He didn't just have a connection with the Demon God's Gate, he was it's holder. And it had even fully awakened. This fact caused her to be completely overjoyed.

"You want to clean this world of blights? Then I truly hope that you can attain that level of power soon."

Wan Yi stood up from the seat and walked over to a window as she muttered to herself. From this window, she could look down and see a large portion of Xieren City. Wan Yi was not just anyone in the Demon Race, she was someone who had a chance to become the next ruler of the Demon Race. Because of that, she knew more secrets than most other Demon Race people.

She knew just how divided the upper echelon of the Demon Race had truly become, just how depraved some of their elders had gotten over the years. While the elders and the leader used to fight to create a better world for their race, they now only fought for their own profit, willing to even sacrifice large numbers of their own race to become richer.

Wan Yi could not stand looking at this. She was born and raised in the Demon Race, after all, she wanted it to grow strong and prosper, to live in peace in perpetuity. She even wanted them to stop their fake fights with the Human Race, to let the whole world know that they were not enemies like the commoners thought.

These fights were indeed good for training the younger generation, but how many of their people had already died in these fights, how many more would die? Yao Jun held the Demon God's Gate, his standing within the Demon Race would become indisputable the moment it was revealed, he could command even their king to follow his bidding.

But there was also a chance that some of the elders that treasured their power would kill him once they learned of his status. Because of this, Wan Yi had not told anyone about Yao Jun and his Demon God's Gate. After all, the number of people in the Demon Race that could sense who the holder of the Demon God's Gate was, were very few.

Yao Jun wanted to cleanse the world of people he considered blights? Good! Come to my Demon Race and clean away the blights that have been eating away at my people for centuries. Kill them all and allow me to steer us towards a path of prosperity.

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