The Demon's Gate.

Chapter 79 - I will take care of everything.

To be able to see the entire body of the Demonic beast required Yao Jun to channel all his Qi into his eyes. Normally this would not be a problem, as he would just have to rest for a short period to be back to normal.

But when the massive Demonic beast spoke to him, it's voice reverberated through his entire body, even his Demon God's Gate trembled under the pressure of this voice. The trembling even caused a small fracture to appear on his Demon God's Gate.

The fracture was minuscule, but it was still there. This prompted the Demon God's Gate to draw upon Yao Jun's Qi to repair itself. Since Yao Jun was out of Qi, it could only draw upon a different source of power to restore itself. This source of power ended up being his soul.

A living being was made out of three different parts, the body, the mind, and the soul. The body contained the mind and soul and acted as the container for both, allowing a person to interact with its surroundings. It also held a person's Qi. Without a body, a person would be nothing but a floating soul.

The mind contained a person's thoughts and controlled the body, it also held a person's Mental Energy. Without a mind, a person was little more than a puppet, this was why one could control a person if they managed to control their mind. Without a mind, a person would be nothing but a mindless puppet.

The soul was the core of everything, containing a person's memories and personality. The soul also contained the life force of a person. Once a person reached a high enough cultivation level, they could even send their soul out of their body and into a new one, taking it over and using it as their new body.

This was often done if the body they were using had reached the end of its lifespan, or had gotten too old. But this changing could not happen forever, because each soul only contained a certain amount of life force.

The amount of life force that a soul contained could only be raised through cultivation, the higher the cultivation level, the larger the amount of life force. This was why cultivators who had reached a high level had such long lives and youthful bodies.

Since there was no Qi left in Yao Jun's body, his Demon God's Gate started draining life force and energy from his soul to repair itself. It recognized that this act would be unbearable for its host should he still be conscious, so it made him fall unconscious before it started.

"Jun'er? Jun'er?!"

Seeing Yao Jun's body collapse forward, his face as pale as a sheet of paper, Guo Luo completely panicked. She grabbed onto Yao Jun's shoulders and started shaking him slightly, her voice trembling as she called out. Of course, there was no way that Yao Jun would be able to answer.

"Little Gray, put us down over there!"

Guo Luo hurriedly swept the surroundings with her eyes, her heart and mind racing as she was trying to think of what to do. As she was sweeping the surroundings, she managed to spot a small town in the distance. The small town consisted of only a few hundred houses, and since it was located a distance away from where the massive Demonic beast had awakened, it had not been transported away alongside the Demonic beast.

She quickly pointed at a spot a short distance away from the town and told Little Gray to land there. Little Gray let out a loud screech to let Guo Luo know that he understood and sped towards the spot. With Little Gray's max speed, he could cross around 100 kilometers in around 10 minutes, so reaching the spot Guo Luo had pointed out was done in almost no time. Of course, with people on it's back, it could not reach it's max speed.

"You have to find a place to hide Little Gray, you can't let anyone in the town see you! Once Jun'er wakes up, he will be able to locate you so that we can meet up again."

Once Little Gray landed, Guo Luo hopped down and carefully lifted Yao Jun down from Little Gray's back. She sat him down on the ground, leaning against a tree before she turned to Little Gray. She gave him a few gentle strokes on the head as she spoke.

Yao Jun was the only one who could return his Demonic beasts into the Demon God's Gate, with him unconscious, there was no way for Little Gray to return to the gate. If Little Gray was seen by the people in the town, there was a chance that they would send people to hunt him. Guo Luo did not want Yao Jun to wake up and find out that Little Gray was dead.

Little Gray gave a few quick nods of his head before he spread his wings and shot into the sky, his body swiftly disappearing into the distance. Seeing Little Gray vanish, Guo Luo heaved a quick sigh before walking over to Yao Jun.

"Let's go Jun'er, there is a small town over there where we can rest."

Guo Luo bent forward and picked up Yao Jun's body, hefting him onto her back and carrying him piggyback. She spoke partly to fill the silence and partly to ease her own worries. After she made sure that Yao Jun would not fall from her back, she started walking towards the town in the distance.

To make sure that no one would see Little Gray, Guo Luo had made him stop a good distance away from the town. This forced her to carry Yao Jun through a dense forest for over an hour before she managed to reach the town. By the time she reached the town, her legs were shaking and her entire body was covered in dirt and tiny cuts that she had gotten from low hanging branches.

But despite how tired she was, she did not put down Yao Jun even once, nor did she allow him to sustain any injuries, shielding his body from even the tiniest branch that she deemed could hurt him.

The town was filled with people by the time Guo Luo arrived there. They had heard about the appearance of the massive Demonic beast and came to check out the area, seeing if there was anything special about it.

Guo Luo pushed her way through the crowd until she managed to find an inn. With her body covered in dirt and small cuts, with her colorful hair, and carrying an unconscious person on her back, she attracted many gazes as she walked. Some were filled with pity, some with suspicion, and others with a slight sense of lust.

She even felt one gaze that was filled with a strong sense of hostility. But the hostility wasn't targeted at her, but rather at Yao Jun. Guo Luo could do nothing but ignore the gazes for now as she entered the inn, a small wooden building consisting of only two floors.

The inside was lit up by small lanterns, giving the entire inn a warm and cozy feeling. Guo Luo did not waste any time, walking straight up to the counter and renting out a secluded room on the second floor. The man at the counter gave her a strange look when she said that she wanted a secluded room, but she simply ignored it.

After she got the key to the room, she carried Yao Jun straight up to the room and laid him down on the bed. The room was very simple, containing only one large bed, a table, and four chairs, a nightstand next to the bed, as well as a simple bathroom.

Guo Luo entered the bathroom and filled up a small bucket with water. She brought the bucket to the side of the bed and tore off a small piece of cloth from her robe. She dipped the cloth in the bucket of water, making sure that it was soaked and clean, before using it to gently wipe Yao Jun's face.

"Don't worry Jun'er, I will take care of everything. I will not let anything happen to you, so you just focus on recovering."

Guo Luo was speaking to Yao Jun with a smile as she wiped his face, making sure that there was no sweat or dirt on his face. Once the cloth started getting a bit dirty, she would dip it in the bucket of water and repeat the process.

"Just please, don't leave me."

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