If this were to continue, Legion, who was hiding under the bed, would be discovered soon enough. Since he had touched the property of Estelle, who was the only star in the whole Empire, he would then have to face the death penalty no matter what kind of value the jewel actually possessed.

‘If Legion were to die now, what would happen to the human world then?’

He played a blinding role during the human-demon war in the near future, which he would then press on the battle situation where the demon side drove a certain victory to a stalemate once again. This eventually became a clue for the demons to demand negotiations in order to end the war for an exchange of the ‘key’.

If the human beings got pushed back helplessly, the demons would have had no more qualms about breaking through the defense of Abeldisihm and started plundering against Estelle.

If demons had won through that manner, humans would have eventually fallen into becoming slaves for the demons themselves.

‘No, absolutely not.’

Her body moved even before she could think. Julia slowly opened her palms and the object which had been in her grasp dropped onto the floor.

Even at that tiny sound, the knights quickly turned their heads and found several little jewels rolling around Julia’s feet. Even though no one had opened their mouths at first, their demanding gaze for an explanation was clearly fixed on her.

“…I was the one who stole it.”

As she felt the gaze towards her had turned to contempt and disgust, she slowly drew in a breath. It didn’t hurt at all as she was already used to it all. Really, not even a little.

* * *

Julia stood in front of the bed where Bael was currently seated. The crimson moonlight reflected from the huge window was bleakly illuminating her feet.

As she was flown to the castle, the side effects of the imprint had begun to reach their climax. It was fortunate that she didn’t show an ugly appearance in front of others, but she still couldn’t feel relieved even at this moment. The insides of her underwear were already slippery. She was afraid that if she were to even move ever so slightly, she would then make an embarrassing sound.

But that wasn’t the real reason why she was staring out of the window with tears trickling down.

‘Since Legion is a Sword Master, he should be able to hold out for a while though. Nevertheless, it still won’t be for long.’

He was one of the three top men when it came to strength. However, even though it was Legion himself, it was ultimately difficult for him to escape safely when several top-tier demons rushed towards him directly. In any case, she had to help him out.

‘But, how?’

She was stumped. Her overflowing despair caused her tears to drop even further. And the more they did, the more Bael’s gaze towards her became even fiercer.


He lazily rubbed the nape of his neck with his wings still drooping. As the robe slipped off, the wide shoulders and those deeply curved muscles shifted menacingly. On top of that, the tightly toned bottoms had exposed Bael’s strong hip muscles and thighs as well.

The light in his eyes was glaring straight at Julia as if he wanted to devour her right away.

She was aware of the fact that she couldn’t just keep on crying. Was there not a man who was already in front of her whom even Agares, the one that had command over the military, couldn’t do anything about? That man, just like herself, might also be feeling the embarrassing side effects of their imprinting.

“Demon King…”

Hesitantly, Julia began to walk as slowly as possible in order to not make any embarrassing sounds between her legs before she eventually placed her hand against Bael’s chest. Even though it was a very small and light force, she still could feel that his gaze was solely focused on her.

She had to open her mouth, but she just didn’t know how to do it.

Julia opened and closed her mouth before she inhaled and let it out as she repeatedly bit her lips while beating over herself for how foolish she had been. In the meantime, time was passing ever so relentlessly. Without ever being aware that Bael’s patience was gradually reaching its utmost limit.


He began stroking Julia’s pale pink hair with an amiable glance. As he followed the flow of her long hair, his hand eventually passed behind her back and suddenly hugged her slender waist before pulling it in closer.

The more he looked at his key, the more his thirst grew as if the craving kept on appearing again and again. For unknown reasons, he had disguised his bubbling inside with a poor shell and eventually pointed out Julia’s foolish appearance in a fearfully cool voice.

“Were you so tempted to actually stand there just like an idiot?”

A low, damp yet high-pitched voice touched upon Julia’s eardrums. That alone had made her back twitch. She unknowingly held her gasping breath and bit her lip, but with no words out from her, Bael tugged on her back.

“No one can lay a hand on what’s mine.”


He sat on the bed and held onto her thin negligee, which was already shaking in front of his eyes. His cold hands slowly moved up to her flat stomach and across her soft breasts before they gently brushed against Julia’s reddened lower lip.

A tingling heat started spreading everywhere to where he touched. Julia froze as she never knew what to do with the man’s hand that was already trampling all over her body. As she wriggled her waist, she tried to pull her body away, but Bael’s other hand had restrained her from moving.

The pure white skirt was pulled up near her lips as it fluttered softly. He then tapped on Julia’s lower lip.

“Bite it.”

The order was simple yet absolutely menacing. Bael shoved her skirt deep in between her hesitantly parted red lips.

When he lowered his gaze, the naked slender body was revealed in front of his eyes without a single line of thread. Her body, soft and white like ivory, was all tinged red like an unripe fruit. Although there was not a single flower around at all, Bael’s vision darkened at the permeating fragrant scent of flesh.

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