“Oh, hello.”

“And you’re very carefree indeed.”

Kimaris smiled and sat down on the armrest of the sofa, which she had fallen asleep on before.

“Did you know that you are the first to survive the night in the Master’s nest safely? So, don’t be afraid. Everyone will be absolutely shocked to hear of this.”


“My name is Kimaris. I have been ordered to keep an eye on you until the time I turn you into a perfect key. We’ll be spending a lot of time together, so just call me comfortably.”

Julia nodded her head and lowered her gaze carefully.

The current him appeared to be very close to the appeal of common sense amongst all of the demons in the Demon Realm. However, that kind of figure was entirely fabricated. Hidden deep within him was a terrible madness that had been no less than the other demons.

Whether the fact that she knew of his bounds or not, Kimaris slowly continued.

“It must have been your first time to be in the Demon World. So, do you have any questions? Feel free to ask anything at all.”

“Then, I…”

Would she be able to return to earth ever again? Provided that she might still be alive after completing her role as the key.

There had only been one question up her very throat. Nevertheless, it must have been a trap after all—to determine whether or not he should be taking his mask off in front of her in the future.

‘I don’t like scary things. Even that smiley face is just another kind of appearance anyway.’

As she swept the sweat off her palms, she then asked her next question.

“What can I do next?”

“Do? Work?”

Kimaris’s eyes widened as if he was in doubt. Just like he had heard something that he shouldn’t have, Julia continued her words once again.

“I’m not exactly a guest and I can’t just eat away… If you were to order me on anything, I’ll do my very best.”

“It’s quite surprising since that was an unexpectedly bizarre idea, but is there anything that you can actually do?”

“Cooking or something.”

“Our kitchen—you’ll definitely faint once you see it.”

Julia blankly blinked her eyes. In the game, the demons seldom had any meals, but it seemed that they would not be eating such ordinary things like how humans did.

She nodded and began changing her words coldly.


“Like this?”

As he swung his hand around, the room that had been in a mess last night since it wasn’t able to get cleaned up yet was then restored to its original state at that instant.

“The Demon King’s Castle is a fortress as well as a nest that was built by the Master himself with his own magical power. So, just with a little modification like this, it will eventually return to its original form. Can you do it then?”

When he posed a question to the person who was without magic, she had nothing to answer with. Julia clenched her lips and shook her head slowly.

No matter how much she scoured in her head, there was nothing else that she could  actually do. Everything she had learned in the modern world was utterly useless here. She had then fallen into the game and right after she became a princess, she was already left in an abandoned Palace where she wasn’t able to learn the most basic common sense which she should have been learning about.

‘I don’t want to be deemed as useless, but……’

She knew that it could have been a nuisance for her to cling in this situation where there was absolutely nothing that she could even do.

As her shoulders began to sag helplessly, Kimaris suddenly opened his mouth as if he had thought of something.

“Still, if it’s Revenna, she might have an inkling of what to do.”

“No, I…”

“Maybe she can talk rather well with you. Revenna adores pretty things—like dolls.”

As he praised himself thinking that it was a rather good idea, he instantly stood by the door while nudging his chin. It was a gesture that meant for her to get moving.

Kimaris had been the one who suggested this, but she just couldn’t refuse anyway. In the end, Julia carefully rose to her feet before following behind him.

* * *

Julia looked up at the beautiful, doll-like woman who was right in front of her.

Demons basically had such attention-grabbing appearances, but it seemed like she was unable to express any words towards the splendid beauty of the person who was now in front of her eyes.

The dazzlingly saturated blonde locks fluttered down like a wave while her large eyes sparkled like jewels. The sheer amount of frills and laces were adorning her dress that an average person could not have even borne that kind of weight. The size of that dangling jewel was exactly the same as well.

If she had not moved, Julia could actually believe that she wasn’t a demon but just another porcelain doll. However, seeing how Julia had withdrawn herself, she raised her voice as if she was utterly delighted.

“Are you that Estelle? You’re just as small and cute as I heard though?”

“Looks like the rumors have already spread over here as well.”

“Kimaris too—right after the Master’s emergence, he no longer had anything to do. But still, he was someone who had once led the 26 legions before?”

“To be honest—Lerazier was the actual culprit.”

“You caught it though.”

Seeing that she had openly conceded, her personality seemed rather good as well. Although she wasn’t seen precisely in the game, she was still likable enough at first sight.

Her voice was bright and charismatic, but when put together with her unique way of speaking that seemed to raise the end of her words—like posing a question instead—had felt even more noble and elegant than it was just cute.

“I’ll pick you up just before the sun goes down. Then, I look forward to your cooperation, Revenna.”

“Don’t worry, Kimaris.”

For some reason, Kimaris’s voice felt a little bit weak as he turned around. Revenna then took Julia’s hand before leading her right into the room.

Although she tended to not judge something by appearance, Revenna’s room was just as splendid and beautiful to thoroughly match the dazzling appearance of its own owner. It seemed to have reminded her of Estelle’s luxurious bedroom back then, which Julia had somehow envied once.

Aside from all that, Revenna’s lovely atmosphere was such a great help in alleviating Julia’s tension. For the first time ever since she arrived in the Demon Realm, where even a single passing demon was absolutely fear-inducing, it felt like she had finally been given some permission to be at peace.

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