“Ugh! Huuk…”

Thump, thudump. In the end, Julia had fallen off the horse’s back before rolling helplessly on the dry ground.

She had first plunged on the bush as she bounced back to the floor, so she didn’t break her neck right away. Nevertheless, that never changed the fact that she had already been abandoned bare amongst those ravenous demons.

Her clothes were torn all the way from her right shoulder and warm blood was gushing out from her broken knees to the stone floor. Julia couldn’t even crouch her body at the shock of being thrown as she could only breath in pants right now.

However, her body wasn’t even allowed to have a moment to relax at all.

“It smells like blood.”

“Soft and immature…”

“If I lick it, will it taste as sweet?”

Those demons whose half of their body portion were in beast form while the other half in a state of imperfect men, started looking at Julia with thick, slimy saliva dripping down sloppily.

She eventually staggered backwards from the gazes that were staring straight at her. However, the speed at which the demons had gathered was much faster than ever. Their eyes that had tinged with madness were already glistening with lust, as if they would rush at her at any moment before tearing her apart in an instant.

The lower the level of any existing demon, the more limited in terms of the ways they could actually gain powers. Julia, who had fallen right in front of them, was currently no different from an oasis in the midst of an extremely dry desert.

‘Someone, someone please help……’

Her earnest wish did not bear a sound at all. It was due to the sudden realization that came abruptly.

‘No one here can truly save me.’

Tears began welling up in her large eyes—and it wasn’t just out of sheer terror.

She had always been like that ever since a long time ago, from her own childhood which she couldn’t even remember when she was exactly born.

She was abandoned right in front of the country nursery in the middle of winter when the cold and snowy days were falling away. As she grew up, she tried helping out at the orphanage, which was always in need as she diligently worked at night before falling asleep at school due to immense exhaustion.

From the moment her memories unfolded, she had always been raised with many contemptuous eyes thrown from those around her. Since it had been a village on the very outskirts, where even the buses did not run properly, people mostly knew of each other’s circumstances. Therefore, the fact that she was an orphan without any parents had been added to all sorts of provocative rumors before they propagated like crazy.

As she watched her friends who promised to still be close with her during the beginning of the school year had turned into sullen eyes just after a few days, she was compelled to experience such things over and over again. In the end, she had no other choice but to finally realize that there was absolutely no one in the world who would willingly reach out to her.

But, but……

‘Then, why was I even brought here?’

Just to become a substitute for Estelle? To die while being played around like a mere toy among those dull and bored demons?

If that was the reason, wouldn’t it be so miserable then? She had already died once, thus why did she even have to do this twice? It would have been much better to not have been born again since only such terrible memories could be left behind at most.

“Sob, sob.”

Julia gently wiped away the tears from her own cheeks.

Nevertheless, she truly wanted to live. Even if she had to roll in the mud while being crushed by those wretched memories, even if she were to be thrown away eventually just like a mere rug—she still wanted to live.

I want to live.

A sobbing scream erupted abruptly out from her very mouth.

“Anyone… Please save me! I want to live!!”

At the same time, a large dark shadow had loomed over Julia’s head. The pitch-black darkness eventually enveloped her whole being as if it was blocking her view. Then, a huge wave of magical power started striking the earth terrifyingly with a loud bang—thump, thump.

Even though her vision had been blocked, she could still feel it clearly. The black and disgusting blood that dripped down onto the floor, the desperate howls of those slaughtered beasts together with the fishy and unpleasant stench of death that kept on haunting the lungs.

Julia was utterly stunned that she couldn’t even make a single blink with her eyes. The overbearing murderous energy that was exuded by a single person had ultimately forced and bound her whole body just  like a noose.


For a rather long time, only such terrible sounds of breaking and bursting could be heard, but a sudden silence came to the surroundings at once. It felt creepy once again as her heart began pounding like mad. She could feel it instinctively that someone’s clear gaze was directed towards her hidden self.

She thought that it would have been better if time could just stop like this. She was hoping that someone would forcefully tell her how things were actually going. Even if she were to stretch her hand out a little, she could still tell with all kinds of terrible thoughts running wild in her head, which eventually made her stiffened up.

If it wasn’t for that someone who truly came to help her out……

‘I still want to live and I have already decided to live even if I were to be miserably abandoned anyway.’

Blood started oozing out of her lips, but she soon regained her composure back. Julia took a deep breath and lifted the pitch-black cloth that had covered her slowly.


The scene of an appalling massacre was right in front of her. Everything in sight was seen to be only in red—it was literally hell.

And amongst them had stood a demon. Even after such a horrific slaughter had been committed until it would be engraved in her mind as it would never be forgotten at all, she still possessed a terribly indolent face.

Bael slowly turned his head just as if he had noticed her gaze on him. That pair of blood-red eyes were staring piercingly at her.

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