Vexens light hazel eyes were fixed on his opponent, his sparing partner Xenoventaress . There Kyi Master Ezra Dra'ghoul, a tall slender figure with jet black hair was watching Xenoventaress clashing with Vexen there swords coming together caused a flurry of sparks.

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Ezra raised up his hand and the two boys stopped " Good job Vexen." Ezra said then turning to Xenoventaress. He sensed malice in the boy a unchecked darkness.

Xenoventaress left and went inside as Xenoventaress was walking towards his room. The Headmaster Xentovar came by and placed a hand on the boys shoulder. Xentovar had a long slender body and snow white hair.

Xenoventaress turned around surprised to see him at a late hour. " Master Xentovar what do you need?"

Xenoventaress asked Master Xentovar replied " I need you to come with me."

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