The Demonsong Epic By the Brandon Gould who wrote Chossen Heros of Tylingariea

102 What Xenoventar sees at the end of the Multiverse

Xenoventares took the young boy and using what remined of his powers teleported them to the end of the Multiverse. there Xenoventares saw the horrors that awaited the Multiverse, Lupines darkness covered every conner of the Multiverse the balance was in ruin.

" Is there any way to stop it?" Xenoventar said to Xenoventareos

he nodded " yes, first you must stay here and become the seed that will birth the first Quinn. then in Eighteen million Eons the El'taree will arive and a boy by the name od Ezra Miles will be imprisoned and a future version of my self to come to him and tell Ezra that a alternete future version of him will arrive and give him the power to become the Voidheart with will end up destorying Nevermore and in the process killing that Multiverse version of Lupine Riddle.

Ten thousand years later in a alternate future a Lupine RIddle from a seprate Multiverse where he was Voidheart and then killed by Ryi'june but then sealed away.

uses Morgone to destory the Dark Power Crystal that is on the Spire in that Multiverse with is powering a shield around the Nowhere where Lupine from the alternate timeline is being held and then is released causing chaos in that Timeline. the only way to stop it is for me to go back in time and kill myself then i will no longer exist and doing so will erase all of my actions from existice."

Xenoventar replied "wait, if you kill yourself then that would mean that everything that has happened since the beginging of time would cease to exist, wouldn't that cause a intermultiversal time paradox."

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Xenoventaros was unable to respond because at that very monment Lupine thurst his hand though Xenoventaros chest curshing his heart. " Yes, it would."

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