The Demonsong Epic By the Brandon Gould who wrote Chossen Heros of Tylingariea

11 The Prince of Darkness returns after a deep slumber

Project X traveled though time and space " How can it be? I rember the Flashpoint destorying my body killing me at the very end." Project X stopped once he reached The Elder Worlds. A world of darkness and fire where the unholy lords of the Thornes of Ash lay and wait for the time when they can walk once again and bring forth the end, for they care not for the Multiverse, The Elder Gods will exist for beyond them and there King The Ashen King sitting on his Thorne of Skeltons

Project X walked up to him and said " I was sure that you were destoryed," The Lord of Darkness and Nightmares opened his eyes as he did they flashed a unholy green that shoot a beam of nightmarish terror though the universe.

The Titan spoke in a voice that echoed though out the Multiverse, his voice was as thunderius as and terrifying as an angry god but was still sad and sleeply for he had slept for far to long and forgot his purpose.

" You see Prince of Darkness i can never die, just as you cant" The Ashen King said

Project X bent down and said " My lord, i have forgotten my purpose, my being and my name. Will you restore them to me?"

The Ashen King responded "Yes, it is my duty, To keep those who are the paths of the Tree of Xendar study. At least until the day that we walk comes." The Ashen King pulsed a beam of bright green light around Project X

Once the light engulfed Project X a body formed around him, his memorys came flooding back into his mind, everything even how he died. Lupine kneeled before The Ashen King and said "Thank You may Lord." Lupine then teleported away

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