Emerald people are not only simple in folk customs, but also skillful in their hearts.

The leaders who were constantly gathering had a clear division of labor.

Start picking the breadfruit of the bread tree.

Moreover, obedience is the key.

The gang regarded Lancelot as a god, the only faith.

They treat the fruit of the bread tree really gently like a husband to his wife.

Lancelot was relieved to be the treasurer.

He had more important things to do, such as the Sands Hunters Camp.

This mission reward should be quite high, right?

After all, they risked their lives to raid the Sand Lizard Clan camp.

Wiped out the Sand Lizard tribe entrenched in the tile oasis.

This is already a small-scale battle, with countless casualties, and the reward should be quite high-grade.

“System, Resettlement Sands Hunter Camp.”

“Successful placement of the Sands Hunter Camp.”

Lancelot clearly saw that this was a rock fortress rising from the ground.

The entrance is a separate small courtyard, small in size, with protective fences, stables.

Carrying horses, armed with knives, with bows on their backs, and cloth scarves and masked sand hunters appeared in front of the buildings.

Lancelot was slightly stunned, and this look was full of oppression.

“Sands hunter?”

According to the description of the system.

Sands hunters are natural hunters.

They come from the desert kingdom of the Systematic God Kingdom and are the darlings of the desert.

Even the ferocious desert bandits, horse thieves, fear them.

Sands hunters are adept at using bows and arrows and machetes.

They often hunt bandits and hunt monsters in the desert in exchange for bounties.

Lancelot swallowed.

The combat effectiveness of the Golden Sand Hunter is bursting, known as the cheetah of the desert and the tiger of the yellow sand.

Quite strong, no less powerful than the Knights of Rapere!

And they are familiar with the terrain of the desert, adapt to the desert environment, and can be called textbook desert walkers!

They are warriors across the desert.

So for the current Shava Oasis, this team of Sands hunters.

An absolutely invaluable reward.

Even more precious than the bread tree and the flour.

Because they can defeat the Sand Lizard Clan, they are the main force of the battle!

“Greetings to you, Your Honorable Lord, at your disposal.”

Lancelot smiled brightly: “Patrol, don’t miss any clues to prevent the sand lizard from invading.” ”

“As you wish, Your Lordship.”

Lancelot continued to tour the Shava Oasis.

He scanned the surrounding area.

The location of the “Emerald” government hall was chosen quite well.

He planned to divide the eastern and western cities with the Emerald Ruling Hall as the center.

The East Market serves as a future handicraft cluster, while the West Market serves as a future trade area.

It has developed into the largest commercial center of Emerald Emerald.

Lancelot sighed.

Here is the endless sea of sand.

So far, all his crops have been twenty bread trees.

Without soil, without seed crops, sooner or later he would suffer a devastating blow.

Lancelot is like a carp in the throat.

Soil, where do I go to get the soil, go to the Sands Empire to purchase?

This stupid way is too stupid.

It’s ridiculously stupid.

Not to mention that it will take three or four months to go back and forth.

Without enough vegetation, wind and sand cover the soil sooner or later, which is unrealistic.

“System, I…”

“Your Lordship.”

Emerald Emerald gathered and interrupted Lancelot’s train of thought.

They saluted Lancelot one after another.

“Stay alert and the rest of the people go and help pick the bread tree fruit.”

“Obey the order, Your Lordship.”

Lancelot returned to the Sands Hunters camp.

The location he chose was the edge of the oasis near the Emerald Ruling Hall.

The Sands Hunters camp covers an area of about 200 square meters.

The golden sand war horse snorted with a rhythmic snort.

The Sands Hunters, all assembled, all came to Lancelot.

“Greetings to the Sands Hunters, Your Lordship.”

This is a team of ten hunters, each one strong and strong.

Moreover, in the eyes, all of them revealed perseverance and decisiveness.

These are undoubtedly the most powerful desert warriors, the real hunters!

“Yes, I am pleased with your spirit.”

Lancelot’s smile grew brighter.

With these ten Sands Hunters, he had his own cavalry team.

They are well-equipped, far from attacking and close to defending.

Riding on war horses, they can traverse the desert.

“It’s a wonderful feeling, Emerald is indispensable for you to run wild on horseback.”

Lancelot smiled, “Hello, my mighty hunters, are you the only ones in the camp at the moment?” ”

“Yes, Your Lordship, at your service.”

The leading Sands Hunter stroked his chest with one hand and explained, “Lord, if you are willing to pay 30 gold coins, I am willing to recruit a powerful Sands Hunter for you on a regular basis.” ”

Lancelot was stunned: “Thirty golden rubbles?” ”

The recruitment fee of 30 gold is not low.

Although Lancelot had a little money in his hand.

However, he still felt poor urine and blood.

He did not dare to spend money for the time being, because in the system menu, the building had maintenance costs.

And as long as the golden crap.

This represents the continuous growth of his buildings.

His consumption of gold would be an incomparably large amount.

Moreover, even if the war losses are not calculated, there is currently no food supply.

But the role of the Sands Hunter is too great.

An infantry advances from the leader and also needs thirty gold plates before and after.

But the Golden Sand Hunter can do it in one fell swoop.

The combat effectiveness is far more than that of the infantry, and this money is worth the money!

Lancelot gritted his teeth, “Can you start recruiting now?” ”

The leading Sands Hunter nodded, “Yes Lord Lord, you can recruit.” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Then recruit.” ”

The system’s prompt then appeared in Lancelot’s ear: “Host, are you sure you are recruiting Shajin Hunters?” ”


[Completed recruitment: 1 Sands Hunter].

[Costs 30 gold].

(Balance: 5070 gold).

The gate of the Sands Hunters’ Camp was once again pushed open, and the Sands Hunters with their horses pushed the door open.

He looked at Lancelot with a look of compliment on his face.

Stroke your chest and greet Ann.

Looking around, the look in his eyes was full of decisiveness and determination.

Lancelot looked at them with great satisfaction.

With eleven Sands Hunters, his armed forces were once again enhanced.

In the short term, he could not be afraid of the attack of the Sand Lizard Clan.

Lancelot checked out Sands Hunter Camp.

[Sands Hunter Camp: Junior Desert Class Camp].

[Can be recruited: Sands Hunter, limited to 30 people per month].

[Recruitment amount: 30 gold bumps].

[Upgradable: Desert Child Camp].

[Congratulations to the host for successfully rooting in the endless sand sea, the system gives special recognition (only once)].

[Commendation: Random class recruitment ticket, the number of random recruitment currently the highest class].

Lancelot was just about to use the recruitment, when an Emerald citizen ran over: “Lord Lancelot, the ruling hall has been cleaned, and we have found some supplies that can last for a while.” ”

Lancelot suddenly laughed, “Isn’t that nice?” ”

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