【Point Platform: Swire Creation】

[Once a month, you can cast a point to awaken the warrior’s bloodline and evolve into a hero]

【Class 4 and above are eligible to receive points that will awaken】

[Awaken the bloodline of the class or sealed hero, can continue to accept points, improve quality, the highest epic level]

[But the awakening has a chance to fail, and improving the quality of the hero also has a chance to fail]

【Awakening and quality improvement will earn special talents and skills】

Lancelot felt his head buzz, too ancient!

This is simply an artifact!

How can you create heroes out of thin air, and even improve your quality?

This is the goldfinger posture that everyone should have, right?

With this thing, can’t you create gods?

[Subordinate Ruling Hall: Can be used in subordinate towns, vassal towns, and can appoint consuls]

[If a vassal town is granted, a number of vassal races special buildings and classes will be opened]

[Subordinate government offices can be upgraded to higher ranks, allocate finances, and the consuls have the right to control finances]

Lancelot grinned widely, as it were.

The new Ruling Hall would be best for the Sand Lizard Clan vassals.

In this way, he can give up his powers, reduce a lot of burdens, and do not have to do everything himself.

[Fuso God Branch: Can be used to repair the vertical flute of the Evolved Jurchen God]

[Imperial Flag: Ancient Kingdom Flag Material, customizable patterns and colors]

[Can increase the speed of obtaining the power of faith, and launch a national asylum]

[Asylum of the Kingdom: Within the boundaries of the Kingdom, all creatures, buildings, and no harm in three minutes]

【Use every seven days】

[Host, is the imperial banner conceived?] 】

Lancelot touched his chin and thought, “Well… Red, gold five-star flag! ”

【Do you confirm the idea?】 】


Lancelot took the Imperial Banner directly from the system space.

The red five-star flag is his pride, but also his memory, and I don’t know if I can go back in this life.

The asylum of this country is too great, three minutes, enough to determine the victory or defeat of a war.

But on the side, the system is also warning him that in the future, I am afraid that there will be a war of annihilation and the danger of slaughtering the city.

Lancelot laughed, here it comes, whoever commits on me, I will kill him!

[Black and White Bear: The mount of the warrior god Xuanyu, a war pet, greedy for food and sleep, divine power, timid and easy to be frightened]

[Talent: thick skin, is anti-beating]

[Talent: easy to be frightened, after fertilization, the combat strength is explosive, rampage, it is best not to ride]

[Talent: Eats everything, can absorb magic, so it is generally not hurt]

Are you kidding me…

Lancelot looked at the black and white bear inside the system.

Isn’t that a national treasure ball, but the one given by the system looks fierce and fierce.

Limbs and head, abdomen, with metal protectors.

Lancelot rolled his eyes, not knowing why he just wanted to laugh.

Lancelot couldn’t help but release the black and white bear, and the fire elf Xiao Zhurong flew out at once.

“Ah, Lancelot, what is this, what a fierce look.”

As a result, the black and white bear went over with one paw, directly grabbed the fire elf, and directly stuffed it into its mouth.

Both Lancelot and the Fire Elf were startled, this guy, good agile speed!

The fire elf was really frightened, and she didn’t react at all just now.

“Don’t say goodbye, ancestor, keep people under your mouth!”

Lancelot’s eyes were fast, and he suddenly opened his mouth and shoved an apple straight in.

The elf was so frightened that he hid directly behind Lancelot: “Bastard, you dare to eat me!” ”

As a result, the black and white dough smashed the bar and smashed the mouth, and the apple was directly eaten into it, and the claws were stretched out to grab Xiao Zhurong.

Frightened, she flew straight out to find Bonarotti, which was too dangerous.

Lancelot felt so much fun.

He touched the black and white doughnut: “Call it a doughnut in the future, we both came over there, fortunately.” ”

The dough arched Lancelot, warm, itchy.

“If you want to eat, go to the kitchen, don’t eat small Zhu Rong, it is not enough to plug your teeth.”

Tuanzi understood the same and rubbed Lancelot.

Lancelot simply sat on the ground and leaned against the doughnut, too comfortable.

【Special Class Recruitment Ticket: Randomly recruit known special classes, the number of classes is random】

Lancelot’s eyes were fiery, if only he could recruit a Griffin Knight.

He didn’t think much of that stuff came, but the random two words looked annoying.

This last reward Lancelot cared about the most.

Because this world-class treasure chest gives something too powerful.

It made him feel a little surprised, what kind of danger can send so many good things?

【Three Great Magic Heritage Secret Sets of Magic: Heart of the Secret Law, Arcane Armor, and Arcane Wand (two missing)】

【Arcane ring, arcane boots can be obtained from world-class treasure chests】

[Set Attributes: Magic Path Inheritance, Understanding the Magic of Some Users]

[Set Attributes: Demon Will: See the nobility of the magic path, maintain the ultimate spell casting state, and be immune to spiritual magic]

[The King of the Magic Path: The king who masters magic, knows all the mysteries of magic, and quickly understands the magic he has seen]

[Available Magic: After seeing it, you can use it]

【Magic Restrictions】

【Beginner: 100 times a day】

【Intermediate: 50 times a day】

【Premium: 20 times a day】


【Forbidden spells: once a day on the 15th】

【After the set is assembled, the ultimate attribute of the awakening suit will be awakened to reproduce the myth of the magic path】

[Restricted Users: Host, Mythical Hero]

Lancelot’s breathing became short.

This stuff… Whoever wears it will become a god, right?

“To Beyonita?”

[Host, it is recommended to wear it yourself!] 】


Lancelot was startled, it was the first time he had heard the system so serious and nervous.

[Because you are too weak chicken, meet the local senior hero, you will stop cooking!] 】

Lancelot felt his old face turn red.

It seems to make a lot of sense, he is fighting now, it all depends on brute force.

“Okay, okay…”

Beyonta herself is the daughter of destiny, and it is indeed more appropriate to wear it for herself.

“System, dress.”

【Finished Attire】

Lancelot looked at himself in the mirror.

A long blonde hair, a silver leather armor, much more handsome than when wearing armor.

Moreover, this staff is simply handsome to the point of falling slag.

Sapphire, Mythril Staff, Secret Pattern.

From now on, Lancelot was Emerald’s strongest mage?

Seeing magic can be learned… This is really speechless.

The corners of Lancelot’s mouth went up, really looking forward to the changes that affect the nerves of the world, what it would be like!


Beyonta and Bonarotti were used to not knocking on his door and often came to him to chat and laugh.

When the second daughter saw Lancelot’s body, her eyes were like water.

“Lord Lancelot, are you, you’re still a mage?”

Lancelot suddenly smiled, “Little Bey, Xiao Ti, I am just ready to find you.” ”

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