After the discussion, they completely vetoed one thing, that is…

Cavalry can’t!

Through battle after battle, Lancelot also discovered a huge problem.

Although the cavalry is powerful, but in the desert battle, the power of the cavalry can not be fully exerted.

The Desert Scout and the Emerald Knight are both good horseback riders, but short distances and small ranges are negotiable.

If it’s an expedition…

That’s a big problem.

As we continue to go deeper into the endless sea of sand, the disadvantages of the horse’s little hooves will be fully revealed.

Horseshoes are prone to getting stuck in the sand, and the short distance is fine.

Once in a long fight, the horse is in an awkward position – unable to walk.

Once the hooves are stuck in the sand, the horse’s movement becomes more and more difficult.

In the end, it is not as good as a slow camel.

It is almost impossible to shorten the journey, and the worst case comes.

At present, the number of Emerald camels is limited, is this a stalemate?

Let the Griffin Rider pull the desert sled?

This is even less realistic.

The Griffin Knight’s mobility is very strong and its combat ability is also superb.

But let them pull the car, basically unlikely.

Griffin beasts fly at altitudes of hundreds of kilometers, almost close to the ground, they do not like.

Even very resistant, and not enough of them.

Even if they could pull a desert sled, it would be difficult to bring enough troops and supplies.

This expedition, their team will be an unprecedented one for Emerald Emerald.

It is expected that the scale of more than 1,000 people will be reached.

A large-scale march requires sufficient loading.

The crowd was stuck in a state of stalemate for a while, and could not come up with any good way.

Lancelot knocked on the table and laughed: “Don’t worry, we can go very comfortably on this expedition!” ”

“Very comfortable?”

For a moment, everyone was stunned, and all looked at Lancelot with ecstasy.

They believed Lancelot’s words unconditionally.


Lancelot smiled brightly, “Don’t worry, Claude, you said those dead sandworms are huge and incredibly fast?” ”

“Yes Lord Lancelot.”

Claude’s face flashed with a hint of heat, and everyone showed a look of surprise.

“Lord, you mean to hunt the Great Sandworm of Death?”

Lancelot nodded, “That’s right, hunt the death sandworm, let’s be a coachman.” ”

The taming base had 35 days to complete, but Lancelot couldn’t wait.

He directly consumed 3500 prestige points and directly completed the construction of the taming base.

And Emerald so far, the highest recruitment cost of the class has also appeared.

Only two beast masters can be recruited per month, and the recruitment price is as high as 1500 gold.

Lancelot was shocked and felt excusable.

Even the Desert Marching Ants can control the beast master, it is indeed worth the money.

He directly recruited two beast masters.

【Emerald: Beast Master, Special Class】

【Recruitment amount: 1500, limited number of recruits 2/month】

[Talent: Proficient in beast language, through celestial induction, link the spirit of Warcraft, understand Warcraft language]

【Spirit Link: Link Warcraft Spirit to communicate】

[Skill: Secret Law Seal, once successful, will be condensed into the Secret Law Seal Bead, master the soul of the Warcraft, control the Warcraft]

[System tip: Beast Trainer is a high-risk profession, high-level Warcraft has a proud personality, it is difficult to yield]

[Crazy bloodthirsty but mentally retarded magic beasts are also difficult to control, and may even be anti-devouring beast masters, please use with caution]

【Fifth Order Demon Beast Seal Soul Success Rate is High】

Is it hard to give in?

Lancelot burst out laughing.

It’s hard to be hard, that’s how easy it is for him.

If it was before, he wouldn’t dare brag about it, but now, huh.

Lancelot has three magic legacy secret sets on him!

Lancelot sent his men to throw all the sand lizard mage staff captured in the warehouse into the Magic Workshop.

The Magic Workshop absorbed more than 100 staffs.

The effect is obvious, now the Magic Workshop can produce two kinds of staffs: the Fire-Spraying Staff and the Falling Thunder Staff.

【Fire-Spitting Staff: Can use fire rays 3 times a day, and the fire-breathing distance is 5 meters】

【Suitable occupation: Law rank, host, hero】

【Cost:100 gold bumps】

【Production time: 1 day】

[Lightning Drop Staff: Can use three lightning strikes per day, single attack, release distance of 10 meters]

【Cost:150 gold】

【Production time: 1 day】

【Limit of 1 staff per production of the same type】

Lancelot was a little unconvinced.

He took out the magic scroll that his teacher had given him.

【Singing in the thunder: 1】

[Rock Armor x3: The blessing of the living earth spirit within a radius of 500 meters, resisting five attacks]

[Medusa Gaze x3: Petrified Light scans the enemy, and will be petrified when hit]

[Great Glacier x2: Shock enemies within 500 meters, effects, physical impact, freezing]

Lancelot took a deep breath, these things that he had been useful for, and now he was a powerful mage himself.

And learned a lot of spells from Beyonita and Valukana.

It’s time to give Emerald some more confidence.

Lancelot threw a thundering scroll, a Medusa gaze scroll, a rock armor, and a large glacier scroll directly inside the Magic Workshop.

Unsurprisingly, the Magic Workshop had a corresponding production option.

【Thunder Sky Singing Magic Scroll】

【Cost:5000 gold bumps】

【Production time: 3 days】

【Medusa Gaze Scroll】

【Cost:5000 gold bumps】

【Production time: 3 days】

【Rock Armor Magic Scroll】

【Cost:5000 gold bumps】

【Production time: 3 days】

【Great Glacier Magic Scroll】

【Cost:5000 gold bumps】

【Production time: 3 days】

【Production limit: one reel of the same type at a time】

Lancelot understood, it was a waste!

The captured Sand Lizard Clan Staff were all wasted.

The same thing can only be fed to the Magic Workshop once at a time.

Just eat it once, and he can produce the same equipment.

However, the Sand Lizard Empire was also too cold, so many times, there were only two low-level magic staffs?

Lancelot was a little disappointed that the Magic Workshop was so perverted that it was a bug-like existence.

So, this cost is also a little too high.

The Intermediate Magic Scrolls all cost 5,000 yuan…

And there is a limit to the number of one-time productions.

Forget it, now the production is a bit more than worth the loss, and it can’t catch up with this expedition.

Take the ready-made one.

Big Glacier x1, Rock Armor x2, Medusa Gaze x2, these deal with the Death Sandworm, enough is enough!

Five days later, Emerald’s insectiver team arrived at its destination.

The Griffin Rider is simply a modern airplane-like existence.

Each griffin beast can carry three people.

And this time the people who came, Lancelot, Yang Yuki, Alsaris, Sylvana, Sharapzin.

Two orchards Helkay, Mercaron, and three Emerald Sorcerers.

As well, 5 Griffin Knights.

Lancelot pulled out his telescope and looked at it from a distance, four huge bodies coiled in the sand like giant pythons.

There were some broken bones scattered around.

The sand had been dyed blood red.

Each of these big guys was more than three meters tall, twenty or thirty meters long, and their skin was like steel.

Under the sun’s rays, the sturdy armor radiated a blood-like luster.

No matter how you look at it, it gives people a creepy feeling.

“Rest in place, replenish fresh water and dry food, and get ready for hunting!”

“Obey the order, Lord Lancelot.”

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