
Lancelot flew past two large glaciers out of thin air, and Alsaris showed a handsome sword skill.

The frozen glacial cold current was like two huge wings, sealing the few dead sandworms inside.

It fell vertically and smashed into the sand.

“Poisonous thorns!”

Lancelot is addicted, this is the great magic legacy, this is the secret method three!

Out of thin air, a green flower bloomed.

Soaring into the sky, drilling into the cold ice, penetrating the cold ice, directly wrapped around the few death sandworms.

The dead wrapped the cold tide, and the flowers of thorns bloomed, and the smell was fragrant.

As soon as Alsaris landed, a sudden change occurred.

The big dead sandworm that had been hit by the meteorite holy gun actually catapulted out of the magma.

Dead-set bites towards the positions of Alsaris and Lancelot.


Alsaris glared angrily, grabbed his sword in both hands, and slammed it hard.

The sword and the huge death sandworm collided together, setting off a storm of sand.

Lancelot was shocked and inexplicable, and the battles allowed Lancelot to gradually discover the horrors of these epic heroes.

These guys, what a genius!

How could Alsaris rely on a sword to directly block a dead sandworm?

But after three moves, Alsaris still flew without accident…

In the sand, I rolled several times in a row before I could gain a foothold.

Wiping the corners of his mouth, Arsaris spit out, “It’s really thick skin.” ”

He bounced up and landed on the head of the badly injured dead sandworm: “Icebreaker Sword.” ”

Lancelot White was worried.

This trick is cool and friendless, and the moment Alsaris calls out the name of the skill, he is almost one with heaven and man, and man and sword are one.

A huge cold ice sword dissolved out of thin air, and the next moment, it was fiercely inserted into the seven inches of the Death Sandworm.

He lost the battle completely.

“Be careful!”

Lancelot also fell, and the rock armor was once again put on him.

The impact just now completely destroyed the rock armor on Alzaris’s body.

“Thank you Lord Lancelot?”

“Not injured?”

“No, but it’s a little difficult, you can’t just kill it, it’s not fun to kill it.”

Lancelot pinched his chin, it was indeed a little difficult, just now that is not dead.

“Claude, why don’t you shoot it?”

“Do as you are told.”

“Griffin Knight, assemble.”

Claude flew low and the other Griffin Knights followed.

The single output is a bit unable to keep up, do not kill, then subdue.

The five Griffin Knights simultaneously aimed at the Death Sandworm in the middle: “Holy Lance Laser!!!” ”

Five blue pillars of light broke through the cold ice and thorny flowers, and the cluster attacked.

Lancelot was amazed, this is the advantage of a strong class.

Everyone has a sense of autonomy.

Have the ability to think independently, know that the single output is not good, then bundle ah.

Screams of pain echoed above the desert.

The body twisted in the cold ice, and it directly shattered the cold ice.

The Death Sandworm twisted its body, roaring wildly, apparently the laser failed and only hurt it.

The Death Sandworm has completely fallen into a state of madness.

Crazy struggle, the other two also twisted up, trying to break free.

Lancelot shredded a Medusa gaze scroll directly.

A shadow of Medusa appeared in the void, and petrified rays shot out of her eyes.

Wherever the light sweeps, it can be petrified.

However, to Lancelot’s surprise, the death sandworm that broke free first actually avoided it…

Only one exposed part of the skin was petrified.

They continue to struggle.

The death sandworm that had escaped the disaster stared at Lancelot with malice, the dark breath spreading around him, and purple venom began to flow from his mouth.

“If he had eyes, I must have been scared to pee…”

Lancelot’s cold jokes made Alzaris and Claude shudder.

Claude laughed and said, “Lord Lancelot, you are so humorous. ”

Alsaris added: “However, their skin is the eyes, even more useful than the eyes.” ”

“He’s going to use poison.”

Claude’s accurate fighting intuition, which played a decisive role in an instant, merely deceived his body.

The poisonous pillar of light rubbed against the griffin’s feathers, just a millimeter away!

Probably less.

The coat of the griffin beast was partially blackened.

A purple poisonous mist instantly covered the entire battlefield.

Alsaris looked over with a sword, and the griffin’s feathers stopped blackening.

“Thank you, Lord Alzaris.”

“A family doesn’t speak two languages.”

Lancelot had a lingering palpitation: “So poisonous? ”

But Alzaris learned this witty word quite quickly.

He took a wind spell and blew away the poisonous mist, but everyone was stunned.

That dead sandworm was eating his companion!

The one that had just been cut down by Alsaris had already been eaten by him.

Turn your head and go eat the other one you just broke free.

As it continued to devour, his skin gradually became transparent and then transformed into the color of sand.

Helkai was startled, “Stop it, it’s going to evolve into an eighth-order demon beast!” ”

Alsaris and Lancelot were shocked at the same time, not good.

If it is the eighth order, they are afraid to explain this trip.

“Knights of the Griffins, Meteorite Holy Gun!”

Almost at the same time, five Griffin Knights simultaneously unleashed the Meteorite Holy Lance.

The guy’s bombed whole body was full of cracks, which was a blur of blood and flesh, but it was as if it were unknown.

Still frantically devouring his companions.

Lancelot narrowed his eyes, and he pulled out some golden rods, with a golden rod in his left hand and an arcane staff in his right hand.

“If you want to play, play with you!”

As soon as Lancelot landed, the Secret Staff burst into a brilliant light.

Great Magic Legacy, the talent attribute of the arcane suit, the king of the magic path, master all the mysteries of magic!

One law and ten thousand laws!

“Five-fold big glacier mimicry, styling magic!”

Lancelot let out a loud roar, and countless ice spikes sprang out of the sea of sand.

Directly penetrated the death sandworm and lifted it into the air.

With a wave of the golden rod, the yellow sand was refined, and a huge sword of sand solidification flew into the sky.


The Death Sandworm screamed as it was smashed, and its body sank.

But he was still chewing.

A layer of skin slowly fell off, and the golden body was born, sunken and broken, and recovered in an instant.

“Lord Lancelot, I’m afraid we need to retreat, it has evolved, and the eighth order we can’t capture anymore!”

Lancelot felt that he was playing free, he wanted to catch it, he couldn’t beat it?

“Not necessarily!”

Lancelot stepped forward: “Alzaris, do you think I should go?” ”

“No, Lord Lancelot, that is your disgrace.”

He put his sword across his chest: “I believe in you, my lord. ”

“That’s right.”

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