The Knifeman Guard launched a general attack from the flanks.

The archers are in the southeast, the mages are in the northwest, the northeast is the Knifeman’s Guard, and to the southwest are the knights and desert scouts.

In the center of the battlefield is their greatest lord, Lancelot!

The eighth-order death sandworm guards the mage, and the seventh-order death sandworm stands by in place to guard the archers.

After the rain of arrows was covered, it was the fireball technique that covered the sky and covered the ground.

Lancelot grinned.

Don’t let me use the totem, don’t let me use the eighth-order death sandworm, didn’t say don’t let me put it there to look good, right?

The Sand Lizard Clan warriors were all panicked, crazy, stupid.

They tried to run, but were overturned by the invisible knights.

The asylum of sand covered the footprints of the knights.

The sight of the knights within the protected area of the sands was not restricted.

Iron horses charge, swords have no eyes, and everywhere they pass, there are countless deaths and injuries.

All the way, all blocked.

These guys who were not very good at brains, seeing that the messengers of death blocked their way, became even more frightened one by one.

They are completely confused, what the hell is going on?

Only to see a large piece of the battlefield’s black pressure, a large piece!

However, with the cover of the fireball technique, the cover of the arrow rain, the falling of the pieces, the pieces of red.

Gaddafi smirked, “For Lord Lancelot, Knife Guard, Knife Attack!” ”

The sand lizard swordsmen brushed their swords together, and when the knives fell from their hands, one after another sword qi rushed forward, and where they passed, they were broken limbs and broken arms.

In an instant, the entire Sand Lizard Clan was already a blood-flowing pestle.

One of the sand lizard Empire warriors, who was more than three meters tall, was already mad, and he constantly commanded the battle and unified the team.

However, these damn low-level sand lizard clans, the training days are too short.

They were already in complete chaos, panicked, out of control, and in an instant they were no longer able to collapse.

In the face of the unknown state of the enemy and us, they lost their combat effectiveness, scattered and fled, and then caused an even greater tragedy.

They trampled on their own people…

“Damn, calm me, calm down, Imperial archers, Imperial Mage, give me a counterattack, fight back, hold steady!”

He scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, even brushing his own mane.

“Stand still for me and fight back, you lowly beasts!”

This grumpy sand lizard Empire general, before he could finish speaking, was pushed by a group of low-level sand lizard clans, stepped on his feet, and could not die again.

And Claude, it is simply a massacre, he aims at all without exception, all are generals, all are leaders!

Sylvana is even stronger, she and Yang Yuki stand together, there is no end at all.

After stopping the rain of arrows covered, lead the crossbow team and perform wild sniping one by one.

And the two of them are one arrow at a time, one arrow at a time.

Sylvana’s archery is super magical, one by one is too boring.

When she bent her bow and arrow again, the great siege archery skills were one, and the range of hundreds of meters was not grass, and no one could stand.

“I’m going… Don’t hurt your own people. ”

Sylvana skimmed her lips, “Rest assured, my eyesight is unmatched.” ”

Yang Yuji sighed, raised Zhuge Shen’s crossbow, pulled the trigger, and a full-body armored general more than three meters tall went straight to the center of his eyebrows.

Lancelot kills the excitement, war, men’s romance, machinery, men’s romance, machinery is not yet, then there is war!

He waved his staff, and rows of fireballs appeared out of thin air, a round of twenty fireballs, directly pressing the line, and pressing forward on the past.

Today, he still has dozens of single magic, 35 intermediate magic, and 20 advanced magic.

There was also an ultimate, as for the forbidden spell, Wawuana refused to teach him, and Beyonita’s bloodline was not awakened enough.

He doesn’t have a forbidden spell now!

But magic, this is so strong, a wave in the waves!

Lancelot raised the corner of his mouth and raised his staff, “Advanced Wood Magic, Elven Manor, Flower Thousand Trees, Five Lotus !!!” ”

The moment the staff fell, five towering trees rose from the ground.

Like a huge umbrella cover, countless sand lizards were dropped on trees and tied to them.

The East Wind blooms flowers and a thousand trees at night, which is the name given by Lancelot.

The umbrella-like tree binds thousands of sand lizard warriors, but some of them are low-level sand lizard tribes.

Lancelot glanced at it, with less than four minutes left.


Five wooden stakes were inserted into the ground out of thin air, and a dozen blood-soaked lizard heads hung on them.

They are all the leaders of this great tribe, the generals from the Sand Lizard Empire.

Shalapuzan unhurriedly moved a table near Lancelot, and pulled out the loudspeaker pinned to his waist.

Shouting at the battlefield, he shouted: “The generals of the Sand Lizard Empire who control you are all ambushed, do not want to die, put down their weapons, hold their heads with both hands, and kneel on the ground, otherwise, shoot and kill.” ”

He spoke the standard Sand Lizard language, which reverberated throughout the battlefield.

With a roar, less than half of the sand lizard clan remained, falling to their knees piece by piece.

Those who still have weapons in their hands and do not know where to shoot arrows from have headshots will die with their weapons!

There are tigers before and wolves in the back, strong enemies in the east, west, south, and north, and the messengers of death in the desert…

Suddenly, the whole battlefield slowly became quiet.

The remaining Sand Lizard Clan warriors actually followed one by one, and all of them dropped their weapons.

Then raise your hand, hold your head, and kneel.

“Damn, you shameless human beings, don’t die!”

“You beasts, really spineless, stand up and beat me…”

“Hit your uncle!”

Sharapizan picked up the slave scepter and slammed it directly into his face, shattering his teeth.

Then he turned and moved the small bench to the table: “Lord Lancelot, please sit down.” ”

The Sand Lizard Clan warriors were all frightened, especially those low-level Sand Lizard Clan, who were completely frightened.

This team is too good.

A bloodthirsty sand lizard Empire general stared at Shalapuzan viciously: “, you are the wizard of the Empire, you dare to betray the Empire.” ”

Sharapuzan snorted coldly, “Empire? You just scolded us for being beasts, and now you’re an Imperialist again? ”

The general was stunned: “You, are you one of those lowly beasts?” ”

Sharapuzan’s eyes were almost bloodshot: “Lord Lancelot, can I kill him?” ”

“Keep calm, Sharaphuzan, do you want to go back to Ru Mao to drink blood and be a beast in their mouths?”

Shalapuzan clenched his fists and nodded slightly, “I don’t see like a beast!” ”

“Sit on the stool, do you know what to do?”

Sharapuzan nodded, “Then you’re welcome. ”

He sat down on a stool with a big thorn in his ass, and the slave scepter knocked on the table: “Children, praise the kindness of Lord Lancelot, now, crawl on your knees and pass the test of the scepter, show your piety and gratitude, you are under the protection of Lord Lancelot, otherwise, the death penalty!” ”

What the slave scepter can control, that is, the available soldiers of Emerald, what cannot be controlled, it is also a scourge to keep!

A bold sand lizard clan took the lead, and he crawled over, looking at Shala Puzan with some trepidation.

And Sharapuzan pressed the slave scepter directly on him: “Go to the left, stand in line, next.” ”

【Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge】

[System Rewards: 10,000 Prestige Points, 50,000 Faith Strength, 10,000 Golden Hammers, 200,000 Military Seal Experience, 1 Divine Honor]

【This campaign system is rated as epic, with additional rating + 1 Divine Honor Points】

Lancelot was a little displeased: “I didn’t die alone, and I finished it ahead of schedule!” ”

The system is silent for a moment.

[That next time, you are forbidden to use the Great Magic Ejaculate]

Lancelot rolled his eyes, “No, I can’t admit it.” ”

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