That’s right, that’s making money!

Lancelot watched the urban novels written by people in their previous lives, often tens of billions, hundreds of billions, countless beautiful women thrown into their arms.

I’m only a million gold, not too much, right?

Originally, the Samoyed Chamber of Commerce boasted that Haikou wanted 5,000 bicycles.

But it was later changed to 500, not because Samoyed had no money, but because Emerald could not supply it.

The population is insufficient, there are not so many craftsmen.

Moreover, Lancelot left this time and took some golden rods with him.

The assembly became a problem, and the iron could not be supplied, so Beyonita suggested changing it to 500, and Samoyed agreed.

【Glass window order: 10,000 faces, 200 gold bumps / noodles, accumulation: 2 million gold bumps, to be signed】

[Waiting for the wearing mirror: 3000 faces, 1000 gold bumps / face, accumulation: 3 million gold bumps, to be signed]

【Hot Air Balloons: 500, 1500 Golden Hammers/Piece, Accumulate: 750,000 Golden Balloons, To be Signed】

[Manga Order: 20,000 copies, 30 gold coppers/book, accumulation: 600,000 gold copies, to be signed]

[Novel order: 20,000 copies, 20 gold copies/book, accumulation: 400,000 gold copies, to be signed]

[Toy order: 20,000 sets, 10 gold bumps / sets, accumulation: 200,000 gold scraps, to be signed]

【Instant noodle order: 5,000 bags, 15 gold bumps/bags, cumulative: 75,000 gold noodles, to be signed】

Lancelot rectified the contract several times, carefully reviewing it again and again.

Finally, the copyright problem, the trademark problem, all solved.

All Samoyed Chamber of Commerce agent goods must be named the magic trademark of Emerald Emerald, and once spied on by magic, it will be destroyed by itself.

The authorship of the novel and comic is entirely in the hands of Emerald, and pirated printing is prohibited.

Samoyed chambers of commerce bear the responsibility of combating piracy and prosecuting counterfeiting.

Samoyed had been in business for so long, and for the first time he had been cornered, and there was no room to drill.

I really underestimated Lancelot.

Samoyed once again regretted it, friendship, how to owe Samoyed to the meeting, hey!

It’s too late to regret it, but the business has to go on.

Before the final signing of the agreement, Lancelot added another clause, Samoyed said that he could not take out the full deposit, but could only pay half of it.

Lancelot made a big swing [deposit not less than 50%, the remaining 50% Samoyed promised to pay within 30]

【The amount exceeding 30 days will be subject to a late fee of 5% of the daily overdue fee】

“Can’t you trust me?”

“Of course I can trust you, I can’t trust the Samoyed Chamber of Commerce!”

Samoyed regretted once again, damn chamber of commerce, poor friendship, I owe this mouth…

Both parties sign and seal, and the contract is signed.

Lancelot signed the order revenue: 8.025 million!

Then before Lancelot could laugh, the golden crap fell down.

Finally stayed at the balance: 6.42 million gold cranes.

The whole deduction: 1,605,000 gold, 20% tax rate!

Lancelot’s chest hurt so badly, Lao Tzu earned money with his ability, unscrupulous system, why did he deduct taxes so high!!!

However, the system does not care about him, and it does not care about him at all.


Samoyed was startled: “Huh? ”

Lancelot was uncomfortable and wanted to die: “Fresh fruit, drinks, bread, dried fruit, so many delicious fruits, don’t you hurry to place an order and keep it for the New Year, is the purchasing power of the Kingdom of God so low?” ”

Samoyed was confused and full of question marks.

“Order, hurry, order a few million more orders, and give me enough ten million gold coins!”

Samoyed’s black line full of doors: “Lancelot…”

This guy can’t get into the eye of money, right?

A bunch of generals laughed one by one and almost held out their internal injuries, not to mention drilling money eyes, afraid that they were going to be magic obstacles.

He is addicted to spending money today, what kind of chopping hands.

Samoyed squeezed out a smile: “On this point, my friend, I’m afraid it will be the next time, first to solve the storage problem, then the transportation problem, and then the storage problem, and the next time you can start ordering.” ”

Lancelot skimmed his lips, with some regret.

The feeling of more money is really good.

Beyonta smiled and held out her tender little hand, “Lord Lancelot, this time it can’t be up to you.” ”

【Hello host, Emerald Archon Gaia Beyoneta asked for an allocation of 3 million national treasury gold]

【Do you agree to the appropriation?】 】

Lancelot was stunned, want so much?

However, he thought about it and agreed.

Emerald needs a lot of things that Beunita handles, and she can’t do everything herself.

Beyonta applied for him every time she spent money, which was too much trouble and it was time to give him some money.

“Well, junior, I’ll give you 3 million yuan, at your disposal, and spend these golden pieces on the blade, and then hand over fifty percent of Emerald’s income to me, and the rest you can keep and use it.”

Beunita was breathing heavily, how did he know he wanted 3 million?

Don’t…… Is it the legendary heart with a rhinoceros?

“Alzaris, let the sons and daughters get ready, help Xiao Sa’s classmates prepare the goods, and load the car?”

“Do as you are told.”

“Xiao Bei, Xiao Ti, how is the site selection?”

Beunita and Bonarotti nodded, and Bonarotti held out two fingers: “Two options, one is to extend directly down the main street and be completed in the contours of the city, but after we have discussed it, we prefer the second.” ”

Bonarotti unfolded the drawing and pointed out to Lancelot: “The rise of Emerald has become inevitable, the future expansion of the city will be carried out again and again, the current Emerald plan is perfect, and we propose to reopen a sub-city in the lower city.” ”

She pointed to the map: “The Great Magic Heritage Factory is the largest building in the history of Emerald Emerald, extending towards the northeast, showing a circular urban structure, more beautiful, the location is chosen here!” ”

Lancelot looked at the map carefully, and the plan was perfect.

“Yes, let’s start now.”

“System, ready to build.”

[Host, this building will consume 1 million gold rubble, without wall protection, the guardian beast will not be counted within the guardian range]

【Have you decided to build?】 】


【Please select the site, the site selection is completed, and the construction begins】

A huge factory with an instant foundation.

【Great Magic Heritage Factory】

【Land area:50,000 square meters】

【Cost: 1 million gold stas】

【Duration: 180 days】

【Function: Unlock production magic guide】

【Magic guide production has special needs, not only the need for gold and gold, but also the need for magic crystal ore]

“Spend 18,000 Prestige, increase your speed, and complete your build!”

The divine breath spreads, exuding ancient and mysterious buildings, standing between heaven and earth.

Give people solemnity, sacredness, and make people almost fall to their knees to worship.

A few of the great magicians who had come to play on Emerald Vacation, one by one, came out in shock: “Oh my God, Adolf, what is that?” ”

“Deng Weishao, I read it correctly, such a powerful magic aura.”

“What the hell is going on with this lord, what is he going to do, is it that he can make this kind of thing?”

A few old mages were just about to pass, but they were stopped by Claude and the others: “I’m sorry, that’s not a sightseeing area!” ”

Claude pointed to a sign in the planning area that read: “Do not visit, or deport.” ”

“System, according to Bonarotti’s design drawings to surround the circular walls, calculate the amount.”

【Start calculating statistics, calculate completed】

[The host, according to the system analysis, the siege of the three-level city wall, will consume 200,000 gold rubble, will the construction begin?] 】

“Let’s get started!”

【Emerald three-level city wall】

【Cost: calculated according to the land occupied by the city】

【Emerald Emerald Scale: 20 Golden Ruins Siege】

【Construction time:60 days】

“Consume 6,000 prestige points to complete the siege.”

[Accept the consumption and complete the siege.] 】

At this moment, Lancelot once again received the harvest of the power of faith.

Current power of faith: 1.9 million.

Everyone showed a solemn color, and this great magic heritage workshop was simply admired.

When the crowd entered, they were completely shocked. It’s full of weird runes, mysterious symbols.

There are also unreadable texts.

Lancelot laughed, all Chinese characters, Chinese characters.

Moreover, throughout the center of the building, a huge magic array, the energy body emitting destructive energy is constantly flowing.

There are forging tables everywhere, more like a production workshop.

[Host completed the Great Magic Heritage Factory, Use Restriction: Host Lancelot]

【How to use: After selecting the design drawing, put the fixed materials on the stove】

[The host needs to wear the arcane suit to enter the energy ball and perform the assembly of the magic guide]

Lancelot was a little shocked and could only bind him alone to use?

[Hello host, the system detected a high magic environment, the analysis completed “Magic Guide and Technology”, detected similar magic elements]

【Main Quest: Magic Source Open】

[Task Rating: S-Level, please explore carefully to complete the task, this task may cause unpredictable consequences]

【The system will guide the host to explore the whole process】

【Mission Rewards: Rewards based on system evaluation】

Lancelot’s breathing froze for a moment, S-class mission?

This was the first time since he had come into this world that the system had been so serious.

The last time the Emerald Destruction System didn’t use the S-class term.

But now it is the main line, and it is still a task that may have unpredictable consequences?

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