The warriors look at the excitement, the female beauty is mighty and domineering!

Beyonta cut out: “Dead is dead, don’t sleep honestly, howl whatever.” ”

However, those undead who were full of resentment and refused to rest did not leave, but hung one by one on the display case.

Straight at Lancelot and Beyonita.

Beunita was a little annoyed: “Don’t roll yet!” ”

Under the stirring of the Holy Light, the undead trembled, but still did not leave.

Beunita sneered, “If you don’t know what to lift, then die…”

However, Lancelot suddenly raised his hand and scraped her nose: “You are a lady, don’t fight and kill everything, they are not leaving, but they can’t go, let me come.” ”

Lancelot looked up at the undead, “Say, what a request.” ”

Just now the system told Lancelot that these spirits who could not rest in peace had something to ask for and issued a mission.

[Detection of a huge curse, a request from the undead who could not rest]

【Special Mission Trigger: Request from the Undead】

【Reward: Will be paid by the undead】

【Accepted?】 】

[System tip: The undead Lich is a taboo existence on the main road, and it is not welcomed, if it is a relationship]

[May cause unpredictable cause and effect, or even cause fire to burn yourself, please choose the host as appropriate]

Lancelot did not rush to accept, but asked the needs of the undead.

Countless evil ghosts suddenly murmured in the space, and the chaos seemed to fill the ears with magic sounds.

Beunita was immediately annoyed: “Shut up, elect a representative, we only accept one request, and if you dare to talk about it, I will destroy you, damn the undead!” ”

The undead were stunned and silent.

For a long time, the cursed power of countless undead spirits continued to condense and become a huge skull.

“Dear human nobles, fellow Terrans, please return us to our freedom and unshackle us.”

Lancelot nodded, “How to unravel it.” ”

The skeleton looked extremely angry: “Those damn demons, they are not human, they slaughtered all of us, sucking our flesh and blood and resentment in order to keep themselves alive, those damn demons are deep underground, destroying the magic array that links the showcase, and we can be free.” ”

Lancelot snorted, “But I don’t have the obligation to help you, so I can’t help in vain, can I?” ”

The huge skull thought for a moment and communicated with the undead.

After a moment, the skull spat out something from its mouth.

It fell into Lancelot’s hands, and Lancelot looked down.

The system displays the attributes of the item.

[Echoes of the Dead: Relics of the Grievances of the Dead]

【Status: Seal】

[Ability: Unleash the grumbling of millions of undead, plunging the battlefield within a 1,000-yard range into a state of fear and chaos]


【Limit the number of uses: 2 times / day】

“Dear compatriots, please release us and give me freedom.”

After saying this, the skull dissipated and the space returned to silence.

This is really a treasure, it seems that completing the mission will unlock this powerful undead relic.

“System brother, accept the task.”

【OK?】 】

Lancelot sneered, “I know your concern, isn’t it that the Haagen-Dazs continent regards the undead as an evil thing, if I take this undead relic, it will cause public anger, and if in the future, on the battlefield, against the forces of human society, they will attack me, saying that I have degenerated into a demon lackey or something?” ”

【Oh? Know what else you dare to want? 】

Lancelot laughed even more coldly: “So what, do you think, if I don’t take it, they won’t fight with me, they won’t bully me?” ”

The system fell silent.

After a moment, the system muttered: “Follow your will, host Lancelot]

“Keep going!”

Lancelot had a heavy heart for them.

Looking at the tragic death of so many compatriots, they know that this place is an evil place, and it is not the sanctity of bullshit.

The spiral staircase seems to have no end.

It had been two hours since they had gone.

Finally I saw a broken door.

Here is the complete underground palace.

But it was a mess.

Under the rust, there was a foul smell everywhere.

The mages had to use a simple wind spell to dispel the disgusting smell.

When the lighting spell entered the gate, everyone held their breath.

Another a… Burial pits?

Inside this gate, there are traces of fierce fighting.

Countless corpses and bones can be described as a sea of corpses and blood.

There have been fierce battles here.

And inside the gate, at least millions of corpses and bones piled up.

And inside these battlefields, there is a huge circle of legal arrays.

In the shape of a six-pointed star.

And what makes up this six-pointed star is countless human corpses.

They were all on their knees, holding out their hands, as if they were going to struggle, as if they were going to catch something.

They died in agony, someone scratched their own throats, someone plunged a sharp dagger into the heart.

Everyone was on their knees, their faces filled with despair and pleading.


Beunita took a sharp bite, “Damn, human blood is sacrificed here!” ”

Sylvana also narrowed her eyes, “The sacrifice field of death, moreover, the six-pointed star that links the demon world, is the magic array of the demons.” ”

Lancelot was very uncomfortable.

I didn’t expect that within my territory, there was such a huge underground world.

And, is it related to the demons of Rausch?

“Prepare for battle!”

Alsaris suddenly drew his sword.

Among these countless corpses, one by one, insects and underground demon beasts appeared.

“Ignite, don’t waste magic times!”

The mages collectively cast fireball spells, and as long as they don’t fire, they don’t count the loss of magic, which is a loophole.

Can be thought of as a vulnerability.

Those bugs and demon beasts, one by one, were too frightened to come closer.

They hate light.

“Snipe them.”

The rangers raised their crossbows, mages lit fires, and they fired.

Cooperate with the orderly procession, and quickly suppress the eager bugs.

Lancelot felt like he was walking in hell.

The long ancient road of death, full of tragic deaths of human beings, is used as sacrifices.

Sylvana sighed, “They died so tragically and painfully, they were reluctant, they should have been hit by spiritual magic and controlled.” ”

The center of the sacrificial field, that is, the center of the six-pointed star array.

Is it a bunch of priests?

It was old, and after opening the tomb, their clothes were weathered, but they could still be seen.

They wore priestly robes.

“Coffin, Lord Lancelot.”

Dolnigun tensed up.

Above the altar, there are indeed several coffins.

Lancelot nodded, “I saw that. ”

The magic seal runes of Xuan Ao extend all the way to the Fa Formation, and then to the coffin, and are linked to the coffin.

The Dharma Array of the Death Showcase is linked here.

The entire six-pointed star sacrifice field runs through.

Bonarotti spat out a mouthful of disgust: “Damn something, are they absorbing the life and flesh of these people?” ”

Beunita added: “There is also resentment, they want to create gods, they want to live forever.” ”

Sylvana sighed, “That’s stupid. ”

Alzaris made a few gestures, and suddenly the large army dispersed.

He walked ahead, blocking Lancelot and shielding his lord: “It’s too evil here, Lord Lancelot, be careful. ”

There are two coffins here.

Lancelot looked over, one of which was well preserved, but the other, had already been opened.

Or rather, it hasn’t been closed.

Because in front of the coffin stood a knight, holding a sword, aimed at the coffin.

But the hand that came out of the coffin penetrated her chest.

That withered arm exuded an evil aura that was disgusting.

And this knight’s body is so well preserved!

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